[.+.]^( I Miss You )^[.+.]

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Requested by: ArtypawsStudio
Angst warning 😔

Infected walked through the IKEA, following slowly behind Lampert. It was just another usual day hanging out with him, except... Infected felt different.

His body felt heavier, things seemed blurrier, and he was weaker. "L@MpErT.." Infected said, quieter than he wanted to. Lampert didn't hear him. "L@MP3RTT!1!qq1Q!" Infected suddenly yelled. Lampert turned around, spooked and wondering what was wrong. "I -Infected, are you okay?" Lampert said, running over to him, just noticing how odd he was. Infected couldn't even seem to shake his head no, he just continuously glitched.
Infected could hear Lampert scream as Infected entirely blacked out...


Lamper sat in a chair, resisting the urge to sob. He was so worried about his friend, it was painful. DrRETRO walked out of the nearby room and came over to him. DrRETRO had been practicing her English since that's what most of her patients spoke, and she was quite good at it too.
"I'm sorry, Lampert." She spoke to him "Infected might have to stay here for a couple days until he gets better."
"Can I at least see him..." Lampert replied sorrowfully.
DrRETRO nodded and guided Lampert into the other room.

Infected was awake, lying on a hospital bed.
"L.. LAmp3rT?..." Infected said weakly.
"Infected.. What happened..."
"I'm afraid his virus isn't getting any better." DrRETRO answered for him.
"H-he's not gonna die.. Is he?" Lampert said, tearing up.
"No no! He'll be okay.. Except the pain won't go away anytime soon." DrRETRO said.
"Can't you just heal him with your laser beams?" Lampert asked.
"I'm not magic unfortunately. My lasers can only do so much. There's no known cure for his virus."

Lampert hugged Infected, crying. Infected patted his shoulder "I pR0m1se 1'll b3 0K@y.."

That night, Lampert sat on the floor, covering his eyes. His hands were soaked in tears from him quietly sobbing. His parents were fighting again, as usual, but now things were worse. Lampert would've gladly burst out the door and run to Infected's Apartment, but Infected was stuck in the hospital and sick. Lampert had no other friends he could go to that he felt comfortable around. He covered his ears as Mark began shouting. Lampert groaned. It'd be a long night, a long night full of pain.

Infected lied in the hospital bed, coughing and sneezing uncontrollably. He tossed and turned, begging himself to sleep. Maybe sleeping would toss away the pain and longing to be with Lampert. He hated this virus, he hated it with every bone in his body. Infected hated how his stupid virus was now keeping him away from his best friend. His feelings were too strong. He soon began to cry. He'd always been there to comfort Lampert, now he wanted Lampert to be there to comfort him.

"1 m1SS y0U.." Infected managed to say, even though he wasn't talking to no one but himself.

"I miss you.." Lampert sighed, still sobbing. He wiped away tears from his face, climbing into bed. He hoped he'd feel slightly more comfortable.

Lampert lied there, the echoes of his parents arguing in his head and the regrets swallowing him whole.

(535 words!)

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