[~+| Best Friends |+~]

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Requested by: Lolmmarleuus

Yeah sooo, even though it's confirmed Lampert isn't the son of Wallter and Mark, let's just say he's adopted and move on.
(Also a small bit of Wallmark angst 🥲)

It was a nice and relaxing day and Infected was on his computer, playing games and whatnot. He nearly jumped up when he heard knocking at his back door. Infected took off his headset and quickly went to go and see who is was. Opening the door, Infected saw Lampert outside. "0h, h3Y lAmp3Rt!" Infected said "I w@Sn'T 3Xp3CTinG t0 s3e y0u."

"Sorry for the late notice.." Lampert said "Wanna hang out?"
"0f c0uRse!"

The two walked towards the elevator. They'd always go on fun adventures through the floors, pranking others on the elevator, playing hide n seek in IKEA (which didn't always end up well), and whatever else they could find to do. Stepping onto the elevator, they saw a couple different people including players. Spud and Poob were chilling in the elevator, waiting to arrive wherever they needed to be. Infected and Lampert looked at each other mischievously. Infected took out two snowballs from his pockets and placed one in Lampert's hand. "Uhh... Where did you-" He was cut off "D0n'T qU3Sti0n..." Infected said with a chuckle.

They both looked towards Spud and Poob then looked back, nodding. Infected snuck up behind Poob while Lampert snuck up behind Spud. On que, they both quickly threw the snowball at the back of their heads. Poob screamed "COLD!!1!"
"SPUD!" Spud yelled.

Infected burst out with laughter and Lampert did the same. Poob looked back at Infected with a stern look. "Infected!!" He said angrily. Spud just stared at them with no emotion.


"uH! H@Ha! L0oKS l1Ke w3 g0TTa g0!" Infected quickly said, grabbing Lampert's wrist and pulling him out of the elevator. They both walked into the Cashier's floor, still quietly laughing together. "@nytH1ng y0u w@Nt?" Infected asked, stopping at one of the shelves. "Nope, I'm good." Lampert said, continuing to walk. Infected grabbed a bag of Doritos and walked to the counter to pay. He placed some coins on the counter to pay and waved to the cashier as he walked away. Lampert tapped him on the shoulder and pointed outside. "Hey look."

Infected peered out the window, seeing a shady looking insect leaning against the wall. Pest. "Let's prank him!" Lampert said with a giggle. Infected smiled and nodded. They both went outside quietly, although the beetle still glanced at them, entirely aware they were here. Infected and Lampert leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the door from Pest. Infected looked to Lampert and whispered to him. Lampert nodded, walking around the back of the store. Infected stood there, waiting.

Lampert appeared around the corner on Pest's side without him knowing. Lampert took out a snowball, glaring at Infected with a devious grin. He quickly sprung from around the corner. Pest swung around and hissed, aiming to punch him. Lampert just barely dodged, tumbling over onto the ground. He had already dropped the snowball. Pest walked over to him and grabbed him, looking Lampert in the eyes with hatred. Lampert fearfully stared back.

Infected glanced around, panicking. He grabbed a crumpled up piece of paper on the ground and threw it at Pest. It hit him in the shoulder, although it didn't do anything. Pest turned to face Infected. He dropped Lampert. Lampert sat against the wall, trembling. Pest walked over to Infected and glared at him.

"What are you two doing that makes you think you can get away with messing with me?" Pest hissed. Infected didn't respond, he just kept staring. "Very well..." He mumbled, turning away. As Pest stepped into the parking lot, he suddenly turned back. "You two are spared this time, DONT try that again."

The beetle disappeared in a blink of an eye. Lampert exhaled heavily, leaning against the wall. Infected walked over to him. "Y0u ALr1ghT?" Infected asked. Lampert nodded, standing up. Infected looked around at the empty parking lot. "L3tS g3T 0ut 0f H3Re..." Infected said nervously, tugging on Lampert's arm.

They finally got to IKEA and had meatballs together. While eating, Infected asked him "Aren't you supposed to be having dinner with your dads? Where are they?" Lampert sighed. "Mark's working late and Wallter is trying to forget him, I don't think we'll ever have a normal family dinner again..."

Infected then felt bad for asking in the first place.
"S0rRy I -"
"No no, it's alright. It's just that I miss when we could be a happy family again."

Lampert looked up from his plate and smiled at him.
"You, Infected, your like family to me. The best friend I've ever had."

(795 words!)

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