{.<.- A Gift For Split -.>.}

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Requested by: Umioftheocean
Here's some Spilvby fluff :)
(I'm not too good at making poly ship stories, but I did my best! Also sorry if I got Pilby's pronouns wrong repeatedly)

The two lovebirds, Bive and Split, stood in the elevator together, laughing and talking. "Ya know, Bivey, you might just be funnier than me!" Split complimented. "WHAT?! ME? OF ALL PEOPLE??" Bive said, shocked. Bive knew, nobody could ever be funnier than Split. Split smiles at her. The two remained eye contact for a short moment with Split wondering what she was thinking about and Bive just zoning out. Their moment was suddenly interrupted by Pilby running into the elevator.

They stopped in the corner of the elevator and sat down, sobbing. "Pilby? Are you okay?" Split said, walking over to them. Bive sighed, rolling her eyes. Bive wasn't too much a big fan of Pilby. Even though she knew Split would never leave her, Bive didn't like Pilby stealing her attention half the time. "T-The players won't stop spraying me!" Pilby said, covering their face. Just then the players all came back to the elevator from the floor they had been on, spray bottles in hand. Apparently the players thought spraying NPCs and throwing snowballs at them was funny or something.

As a couple players tried to approach Pilby, Split shooed them away. "Go bother the other players instead!" She said, irritatedly. The players ran off to the other side of the elevator, starting a whole spraying fight with each other. Pilby sighed. "Thanks."
"Of course." Split said with a smile.
After a short 10 seconds of waiting around,


They came to the Shop Space floor where Enphoso greets them with their disturbing giggle. "Looks like this is my stop." Bive said. "Mine too." Pilby replied. The two got off together, both waving to Split as the elevator door closed. As Bive was about to walk away to go browse the shelves, she heard Pilby behind her. "Wait! Bive! Can you help me?" Pilby asked. Bive turned around, letting out a small sigh. "What is it?" Bive asked. "I wanted to get a gift for Split to say thank you for everything she'd done for me, but I don't know where to look..." Pilby said, drooping.

Bive was unsure at first, but she felt like she had no other choice. Besides, it was for Split. "Alright then." Bive replied "Come on." Bive began walking towards the door to the outside with Pilby following behind.

As they stepped outside, Pilby asked "What do you think she likes? Maybe a book? Orr..." Bive tried to ignore them while trying to concentrate on her thoughts. She knew Split liked a lot of things such as baking and (unintentionally) torturing people with her obstacle courses, but Bive knew the best thing they could find for her.
Definitely something of that yellow thing... What was it called? How could Bive forget?

"Think she like's bananas?" Pilby interrupted her thinking. "OH! BANANAS!" Bive shouted, just figuring it out. Pilby looked at Bive with confusion. "Uh, yeah!" Bive finished "Uhh... Does she eat them or just like them?"
"I think that'd be a bit cannibalistic, don't you think?" Pilby said.
"Oh, right."

The two walked to the store hoping to find something Split would like. It was a small store with light blue walls and multiple small sections full of random stuff. They had books, antique furniture, posters of different floors, and tons of other stuff. Pilby wandered around the place, browsing the shelves. Bive stood by the door, starting to drift away into her thoughts again.
What if Split loves Pilby more than her? That's impossible though, right?!

Bive was distressed by the thought, but fortunately stopped thinking about it when a group of players came walking into the store. The little bell by the door rung as it was opened. Bive watched them walk away and soon went back to zoning out.

Suddenly, Bive hears shouting coming from the other side of the store. Bive went to go check it out, it sounded a lot like Pilby. As Bive came around the corner, she saw the group of players picking on Pilby, throwing snowballs. "Ugh." Bive sighed.

She had some snowballs on her (she buys a lot of random things), she took a snowball out and chucked it at the back of a player's head. The player spun around and looked at her. "How does it feel to be hit with a snowball?!" Bive shouted. The players looked at each other. Bive just realized, she wasn't really that well prepared for a snowball fight, but thankfully, the players decided to leave anyhow. "Thank you Bive! Thank you!!" Pilby said, running up to her and hugging her. Bive smiled "No problem."

From then on, Pilby seemed to admire Bive (even though she was crazy) and the two started getting along better. Bive felt better having another person she could see eye to eye with, mostly on people terrorizing NPCs. They ended up getting a pretty bracelet for Split as well.

The two hopped onto the elevator together and were talking about random stuff such as Bive's conspiracy theories and Pilby's old career (They nearly cried so they just went onto the next topic).


The elevator arrived at Splitsville, where they intended to go. They watched players rush outside to compete in the obstacles. Bive and Pilby walked around, giggling while watching several players tumble into the water. "Wow, Bive, I can't remember the last time I laughed with someone..." Pilby said to her. "That's... Sad..." Bive replied. The two went quiet for a second until Split shouted to them "Hey guys!" Split waved to the two of them.

The two went over to Split and sat with her. "So what's been going on?" Split asked. "Well... I , or we, got you something." Pilby said, taking out the braclet from his pocket. Split stared at the braclet in awe. "Awww, thank you, Pilby!" Split said, hugging them. The jealous thoughts seemed to come back to Bive, but this time she wasn't as distressed. She felt happy. Split wore the braclet, smiling.

The floor had ended and all the players went back to the elevator. The rest of the spectators in the crowd around them started talking and wandering off to do other things. Split, Bive, and Pilby got up and decided to go elsewhere.

For the rest of the day, the three of them hung out together.
Split sat up against a wall with the two. "You're the greatest friend I've ever known." She said to Pilby. Split turned to Bive "And you're the greatest girlfriend I've ever known." She said, hugging Bive. Bive was flustered.

Bive couldn't help but smile. The three would relax there for the rest of the night, enjoying themselves.
"I love you, Split."

(1164 words!)
(Btw, I had to make a new chapter name because there was already a "Best Friends" chapter 😭)

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