|_- The Perfect Victim -_|

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Requested by: Nobody
I got bored and I decided to make another story featuring Gnarpy :)

Gnarpy rolled around in bed, grumbling and muttering randomness to ximself. Xe was suddenly jolted awake by the sound of xis alarm clock blaring to which xe immediately slammed xis fist on it, crushing it. Xe sat up, legs dangling off the side of the bed. "Lookz like I need a new clock.." Gnarpy mumbled irritatedly. Xe got up and began walking towards xis wardrobe. Gnarpy's room was dark and decorated with glow in the dark lights all over to help brighten the place. Medals and trophies hung across the walls of xis room to remind xim of xis victories.

Gnarpy opened the wardrobe and put on a bright red set of boots, gloves, and other armor and accessories. Xe walked over to a stand holding xis zapper and laser gun, grabbing the two and mounting the zapper on xis back and the laser gun on xis waist. Gnarpy walked out the door and began down a hallway.

Before xe could make it to the kitchen for some breakfast, a soldier gnarpian ran down the hallway towards xim. "Gnarpy! The leader wantz to zee you!" Zey said, panting and leaning against the wall. Gnarpy walked past and began towards the leader's office. As xe arrived, xe opened the door and was meeted with a large purple gnarpian towering over xim.

"Gnarpy.." The leader gnarpian spoke in a harsh tone.
Gnarpy sat down across from zem.
"Yez zir." Gnarpy said, trying to keep xis anxiety hidden.
"Your.. Experiment.." Zey began "Where is it?.."
Gnarpy hesitated for a moment, trying to think of a good excuse.
"Uhm.." Xe cleared xis throat "I zet a guard to watch them while I went to lead an invazion.. But uh.. Xey failed." Xe tried xis best to come up with a good enough lie.
"Oh, really now? I think the only one who failed waz YOU." The leader hissed "Nobody told me about a guard watching our experimentz."
Gnarpy stammered "Z-zir, I can azzure you-"
"ZHUT UP AND FIND ME A NEW VICTIM!" The leader yowled.

Gnarpy stood up and left the room immediately, now going towards the spaceship dock. "Ztupid leglezz moronz gonna make me loze my job.." Xe hissed under xis breath. Xe irritatedly swung the door open and walked over to xis UFO. A neatly built spacecraft with all the advanced controls xe'd ever need, it had a personal color tint as well to signify xis importance as a war general. Gnarpy got into the UFO and powered it on, then starting for the Regretevator.


Split sat by the fire, slowly turning a marshmallow on a stick over the fire. Bive sat next to her, nervously fidgeting. Spud sat across the campfire from them, zoning out. "Bivey, want one?" Split said, holding out a marshmallow to her. "N-no! It might be poisoned!" Bive stated panickedly. "Oh well, your loss." Split replied, eating the marshmallow. Spud sighed heavily, turning his gaze to the stars. Split joined him in staring at the sky and chimed in "Wow, it's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

Spud nodded slightly, keeping his eyes on the sky. Bive glanced up, watching the sky very closely in case the government was probably watching her. After a few moments of staring aimlessly at the sky, Bive screamed out. "What?! What is it?!" Split asked. "I -I SAW SOMETHING FLYING!" Bive shakily responded. "F-flying?.. Spud?" Spud said, concerned. "It's okay Bivey." Split reassured her "It's probably just a shooting star." Speaking of which, Split now focused more, trying to catch sight of one.

Bive exhaled, still on edge. Spud now seemed a little more uneasy, sneaking moments to mumbled 'Spud' under his breath. "Oh! I think I see a shooting star!" Split called out, pointing to the sky "Why's it... Green?"

In an instant, the fire and torches around the camp were blown out by a strong force of wind, and Spud was nowhere to be seen. Bive clung to Split, eyes darting around. "THEIR HERE FOR ME. I KNOW IT." Bive said, half whispering half yelling. "It's okay Bivey, nobody's.." Split trailed off as a green UFO grew closer. "RUN!" Bive yelled, darting off. Split was quick to follow, trying to avoid tripping on loose rocks and tree branches. It was hard stumbling through the darkness like this, especially when you were in potential danger.

Suddenly, a bright flash of green struck in front of them. Bive screamed as she ran into a tree. The green UFO landed and Gnarpy quickly exited. Bive grabbed Split's hand, hiding behind her. "Now.. To decide which one of you zleeps I'm gonna take with me." Gnarpy said with a grim smile. "Gnarpy." Split said "What do you want?"

"I want a new experiment, thatz what I want!" Gnarpy replied "Now, lizten to your co-leader!"
Split and Bive passed confused glances to eachother.
"Hehe, I think you got the wrong people. We're not Gnarpians." Split said.
"You think thiz iz zome joke?!" Gnarpy said angrily.
"You're not really that threatening..." Split honestly replied.
"Your gonna regret thoze wordz when I put you through torture worze than that dumb Zpud's!" Gnarpy shouted.

Gnarpy began charging towards the two before something flashed past and hit xim directly in the head.
Split quickly turned around to see Bive had just thrown a rock at Gnarpy, knocking xim out completely. Xe lied on the ground, xis forehead bleeding.

"Great job Bivey!" Split laughed.
Bive smiled, feeling a little better about the situation.
"Now, let's get out of here..." Split suggested, grabbing Bive's hand and quickly heading towards the elevator.

The leaders gonna be mad.

(956 words!)

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