[_.|.. Followers ..|._]

547 7 6

Requested by: Smiweft_the_rat
(Platonic Gnarpy x Reader :D)

You're standing in an elevator full of other players. They're all talking, spraying each other, throwing snowballs, and whatever else they do on this elevator on a daily basis. It was slowly getting annoying as you were almost entirely soaked. Man you really wished you had a fan right about now.


You quickly turn your head to the sound of the elevator stopping. The doors open and everyone else with you included hop off the elevator to explore. You find yourself surrounded by dark woods and dimly lit torches that lead the way through the camp. You're too busy staring at the stars to realize everyone has disappeared into the thicket and spread out to wander. You couldn't really care any less. Just as you were starting to get comfortable, a large gust of wind swept the grass around you and shook the trees violently. Immediately after, the lights went out and the world around you went silent. Terrified, you pressed yourself up against a large fallen tree, trying to look around to spot the elevator.

You look up, spotting a pretty star in the sky. It stood out from the others with a bright green glow larger than the other stars in the sky. It got bigger until you realized, it wasn't a star...

A green UFO speeds past your feet, nearly reaching you. You scream, running for your life as other UFOs join together in the sky. You hid under a pile of rocks with room just big enough for you to fit under. You watch the sky flicker with colors of bright blue and green. Other players run around screaming, some getting lasered to pieces or lifted into the sky where they were never seen again. Your eyes lock onto the same green UFO. Something had hit it and now it was on fire, plummeting to the ground. You quickly leave your hiding spot, running over to the crash site to see who the pilot was.

You hide behind the bushes, peeking over the thick leaves to see a green cat-like alien with four dark purple eyes, four arms, and shining red armor. Xe angrily stares down at xis crashed ship, yelling in some odd alien language. You watch as xe runs off and you decide to follow xim. While following the alien, you notice the sky no longer full of menacing UFOs, just the terrifying stillness of the night. You had followed the alien all the way back to the elevator where xe quickly sneaked into it. Before you can move another inch, you're immediately teleported back to the elevator along with 1/4 of the players which you came with. They all crowded around the mysterious alien with curiosity and excitement. One player threw petals at xem to which xey responded "Yez, I know, I'm the greatezt."

Another player tried tugging on xis glowing antennas. "ZTOP! AWAY YOU ZEEBLOING!" Xe hissed, zapping the player with his zapper. The others took this as a hint and backed off, going back to their other activities in harassing each other, all except one other player. The player glared at the alien hatefully. They took out a handful of snowballs and started pelting them at the alien. "AGH!- HEY- ZTOP IT- GAH!" Xe hissed, trying to deflect the snowballs "-YOUR GONNA MEZZ MY FUR UP!"

You felt pitiful for this alien, seeing how xey were getting harassed with snowballs. Xey we're about to take out their zapper again until you jumped in front of the other player's snowballs. You catch one mid-air and throw it directly at the other player's face. They yell at your angrily before walking away, muttering something under their breath. You turn to look at the alien who stares at you with an odd expression. "Uh.. Thankz?" Xe said "..I never knew I had loyal followerz here."

"No I'm not a-" You try to correct but xe cuts you off.
"Of courze I have followerz here, I'm Gnarpy! Co-leader of planet Gar. Only a dumb pheazant wouldn't have followerz all over the galaxy."
Even though you were sure that there would be absolutely no followers of xim here, you chose not to argue since xe was at least not zapping you.

What an interesting feline.

(724 words!)

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