(..-{ Spud? }-..)

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Requested by: localMSIfan

Top 5 reasons to hate Gnarpy :)

Frank and Sarah walked through the woods together, admiring the scenery. Frank stopped to point out a robin's nest high up in the trees. "I wonder if there's eggs in it?" Sarah asked. "Only one way to find out!" Frank said, running up to the tree and climbing it. "Frank!!" Sarah shouted angrily from below. Frank got up to the branch the nest sat in and looked at it. "No eggs, but- AAAHHH"

Frank fell off, hitting the ground with a thud. "Oof.."
"Are you ok?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah, I'm good."

Sarah looked up at the sky. "It's getting dark, we should head back to camp."
Frank nodded, following after her.

Once they got back, they sat around the campfire with a couple of the campers who were planning to stay that night. "Hey uhh... I think the fire's dying down, mind getting more firewood?" Frank asked Sarah who was roasting a marshmallow. "Sure thing." Sarah walked away and into the dark forest. She came to a small clearing with a shack full of chopped firewood. Opening the door, Sarah grabbed a couple pieces of firewood and began her trip back to the campfire.

A bright blue flash flickered through the trees. Sarah spun around, almost dropping the firewood. She stared for a moment before seeing a UFO flying over the trees. Sarah dropped the firewood, turned, and ran. As she approached the camp she screamed "ALIENS!"

The others looked at her like she was crazy, but realized once more bright blue lights began approaching. Everyone got up and ran, screaming. As Sarah ran, Frank grabbed her arm and pulled her behind a wooden sign. "Frank, what do we do?!" Sarah said in a panic. Frank looked around and noticed a piece of scrap metal that must've fallen off from one of the UFOs. Frank smiled and ran. "FRANK! YOU IDIOT!" Sarah screamed. Frank didn't listen to her. He grabbed the piece of metal and turned, running towards a UFO. This one was glowing green unlike the other's which were blue. Frank chucked the piece of metal and it broke through the glass dome of the UFO. The UFO came crashing down with the sound of a faint blaring alarm. A cloud of hazy smoke filled the area. "HAHAHA!" Frank yelled triumphantly. Sarah stared at him, unamused, but then perked up.

A green cat-like alien walked out of the smoke from behind Frank who was too busy celebrating to notice. "I DID IT, I- GAH!" Frank screamed as the alien grabbed him and dragged him back into the smoke. "FRANK! NO!" Sarah said.

Just then, the UFOs seemed to disappear.

When the smoke cleared and everything seemed safe again, Sarah ran towards where Frank disappeared, looking around frantically. "Frank!" She yelled, echoing through the woods. "Frank!!" She yelled again, louder this time. Sarah found the crashed UFO, or what was left of it. A low fire scorched the area. Sarah stared for a second before starting to sob.

After two days of waiting, regretting, and all the depression, there was finally some sign of hope. Sarah walked out of her tent, staring up at the sky. She started walking to go chop more firewood until she heard some unusual noises from within the woods. Sarah stopped and looked into the tangled forest. She went to go investigate.

While walking, nearly ever little sound spooked her. The sound of a cardinal whizzing by and the sound of rushing water from the nearly river. She came to a clearing and looked around at the wonderful scenery. "If only Frank could see..." Sarah sighed.

Just as she was about to become sad again, the loud rustling of leaves startled her. The bushes shook violently. Sarah carefully walked over and before she could do anything, a strange figure jumped out at her.

She screamed, dropping to the ground. It was a weird creature almost like a human but with pale white skin, no legs, and long arms. Something was familiar though, the bucket on its head, it looked awfully similar to Frank's. The creature stood there, looking at her. "Spud?" They said. Sarah was confused. "Spud. Spud?.. Sarah?"

Sarah was frightened. "H-how do you know my name?" She asked. "Frank. Spud." They responded. Sarah was stuck on believing it or not, but her heart was tugging at her to believe it was him. "Frank?" She said, tearing up. "Yes." They nodded, smiling. Sarah ran over to him and hugged him. Sarah cried tears of happiness. "Frank... What did they do to you..." She asked.
"Spud.. Awful things."

(776 Words!)

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