|..>[ An Unexpected Visitor ]<..|

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Requested by: JenLateshaMonroe


Gregoriah walked around the play palace, tidying up the place and cleaning the mess the last flood left. After a short while, his work was complete. He leaned up against the wall exhaustedly.


The elevator had arrived? Gregoriah wasn't expecting any visitors at this time of day, but he didn't mind either way. Gregoriah got up and walked over to the elevator door. The elevator doors opened and he was suddenly tackled, all he could see was a black blur.

"GAH! HEY!" He shouted. Bive stood up, looking down at him. "Oh... Hey.. Bive was it?" Gregoriah said. Gregoriah remembered the last time she was there with her friends.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?" Bive demanded an answer.
"Uh... Cus I remembered it?"
Bive stared blankly at him.
"You know... We met a couple weeks ago?"
"Alright..." Bive said, cautiously.

Gregoriah got up from the floor. He looked around and to his surprise, there weren't any players, it was just Bive. "Ya know, I hear there's spies on the loose out there... They're hidden in the walls! Don't ask how I know..." Bive said. "I uh... I'll keep that in mind I guess." Gregoriah said awkwardly.
He glanced around, the place seemed awfully empty. People rarely came here, most likely because of it being a flood hazard. "Hey, ya know what, wanna go on a tour of the place?" Gregoriah asked her. "Oh, uh, sure!" Bive replied.

They climbed up the play palace. Bive was barely able to appreciate how beautiful his emporium was last time while running for her life. Gregoriah helped her around the dangerous edges and jumps since he knew the place so well. They finally made it to the top. Bive walked over to a large window overlooking the emporium. "Wow..." She said. Gregoriah sat down in one of the chairs. "Pretty amazing here isn't it?" He said. "Yes!!" Bive blurted "I'm surprised you don't stay here all the time!"

"Well, I do have a different job that takes up a lot of my time... But that's alright! As long as I'm making people happy, ya know?" Gregoriah said to her.

The two came down, making their way through the obstacles. "Hey, first one to the ballpit wins?" Bive asked, challenging him. "Your o-" Gregoriah's phone in his pocket started ringing. He took out his phone. "Ah, dang it, Emerson needs me. Sorry Bive." He said. "It's ok!" She replied.

Gregoriah quickly ran off to the exit and disappeared.

As Bive was getting ready to leave for the elevator, she noticed a red blinking light. A dark room with an opened door stood off to the side with multiple faintly glowing buttons.

Bive cautiously walked into the room out of curiosity and walked over to a random panel with a ton of buttons. Her intrest is directed towards a small button slowly blinking from green to red.

For whatever reason in her head, Bive decided to press it and see what would happen.

The lights in the room quickly flashed on and covered the room in a beam of bright white light. The lights began flashing from white to red repeatedly. "CRAP."

Bive rushed out of that room as quickly as possible and ran towards the elevator. The elevator doors were closed. Bive banged on the doors, on the verge of ripping them off. Finally the doors opened and Bive quickly hopped inside.

Bive watched the flood slowly rise as the elevator doors closed.

"Hehe... Sorry Gregoriah."

(592 words!)

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