^[{<. Skateboarding .>}]^

636 13 17

Requested by: Endlessvoiq
Enjoy! :D

Lampert uncomfortably stood in the elevator, coiling his tail around his ankle. He stared at the timer impatiently. The elevator was very crowded and noisy today. A couple of other NPCs stood around chatting, probably containing a lot of germs. The worse part was, the players. A snowball was violently thrown at Lampert's lampshade. Lampert mumbled irritatedly, wiping the snow off his face with his sweater sleeve. He passed a death glare towards the player, very well knowing he wasn't actually gonna do anything violent.


"Ugh.. Finally." Lampert muttered, running past the others and sprinting out on the Subway. He took a deep breath of fresh air and sighed. He didn't even notice Pest sitting on the bench, eyeing him from afar. "Ahem." Pest cleared his throat, causing Lampert to jump. "Oh.. Hey Pest.." Lampert said anxiously.

Lampert stood there silently, waiting for the train. Pest had suddenly spoken up "You know, you can sit with me if you want."

"Oh! Uh.. Okay." Lampert responded, walking over to the bench and sitting down with Pest. The two remained quiet for a little longer until one of them had spoke up again.

"Where are you going?" Lampert asked.
"Infected's house." Pest replied quietly.
"Oh, me too." Lampert said with a bit of surprise.

The train swiftly arrived, stopping and opening its doors. Pest and Lampert stood up and entered the train, sitting down together. As Lampert started getting to know Pest over the past couple months, Lampert started feeling safer and more comfortable around Pest. The two began chatting as time went by.

"Huh." Pest said, staring at his watch "It's been over 5 hours.." He seemed a bit grumpy about this.
Lampert yawned sleepily.
Pest turned and stared at Lampert whose head was now resting against Pest's shoulder. Lampert was already quickly dozing off. Pest wanted to move him off his shoulder, but didn't want to wake him up. Pest stared up at the flickering subway lights before gently resting his head against Lampert's and drifting off to the sound of the lights and the moving train.


Lampert's eyes shot open, glancing around the room. What happened? Where was he?

Suddenly, the lights flickered on. "G0oD m0Rn1ng! 3nJ0y y0Ur b3@uTy sL3eP?" Infected's said with a slight chuckle. Pest sat on the arm of the couch, scrolling through texts on his phone. "Oh.. Hello Infected." Lampert greeted, still very tired. "Y@ kN0w.. Y0u lo0K cUT3 WH3n y0u SL3eP." Infected swiftly said, sneaking a small giggle. "Huh?!" Lampert perked up. "N0Th1nG! N0W, cM0n Y0u tW0! L3Ts h@vE s0M3 FUn!" Infected said, grabbing his skateboard and running towards the door.

Pest and Lampert followed behind, except the two of them seemed much less energetic than Infected.

They entered the alleyway. It was quite spacious compared to other alleyways around the city, but it smelled and looked as bad as any other. Graffiti lined the walls in a wide assortment of colors that was fairly eye-scorching to Pest. Infected was eyeing a long wooden plank that was loosely propped against a dumpster. "Infected I don't think you should do what I think you're gonna do." Lampert warned. Last time Infected tried doing a risky stunt, he fell over and landed head first, breaking his nose. "Aw, d0nT b3 a P@Rt3y Po0P3r!" Infected protested, boarding his skateboard "1'll b3 f1N3!" Pest propped himself against the wall "Well this should be good."

With a strong push of his foot, Infected began speeding down the alleyway on his skateboard. He sailed up the wood plank, using it as a ramp. The plank bent and quickly snapped in half from his weight and Infected came tumbling off his skateboard. "INFECTED!" Lampert shouted, hurriedly running over to him. Pest followed to make sure he was okay. Infected lifted his head with a groan, then looking back down at his bloody knees. He scraped his legs pretty bad.

"That's enough skateboarding for today." Pest said, picking Infected up gently. "AWwww.." Infected sighed.
"Don't worry, we can watch a movie together when we get back." Lampert chimed in.

When they got home, Pest tended to Infected's injuries and the three cuddled on the couch together, letting themselves slowly fall asleep.

(721 words!)

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