Haven't Been Yours Since Before.

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I hadn't expected that to work out so well, no one laughed or tried to claim I didn't know what I was doing, they just followed my instructions. After their fifty laps they were paired off, and each warrior had a least five groups of twos if not more. Though their numbers were greater than ours at the moment I had faith that our warriors would get the job done, I didn't want to seem like someone who just barked orders so I had Bella spar with me a bit. She still couldn't believe I had called Jessica loose-legs, Ray and Kyle took this time to walk between groups to check on the progress and form of everyone. Ashton remained on the top of the hill, waiting and watching, it was kinda cute how how he followed me here just to make sure no one tried anything. Jessica had retreated back to the the packhouse to lick her wounds and probably going crying to her "mate". We sparred for about ten more minutes before I felt Bella grab my hand, pulling me towards her. In that instance I knew something was up but it wasn't until my nose caught a whiff of Shane's scent, my body almost went ridged as I turned slowly now feeling the presence of another... my eyes landed on Shane, who was smiling looking at me, my hair had been pulled into a loose bun. I smiled softly at him but my smile faded just slightly seeing the company he kept, standing there staring at me was Mason. I gritted my teeth as I seen them making their way towards me, before I realized it Ashton was by my side. Seeing both alphas together must have made him decide now was the time to step in, to avoid an all out war between two alphas. The closer they got Bella gripped the back of my shirt before leaning in, I turned my head as she whispered.

            "Is this going to be alright? Things will flip 360° if either of them acts on their possessiveness..." Bella had a point but there wasnt anything we could do about it now, if shit was going to hit the fan than that's what's going to happen.

                   "The thing is Bella you can't control an alpha and they'll always say what they want or do what they want. Especially when it comes to one's mate, take you know who... two seconds was all it took to decide I wasn't worth it, he discarded me and I became someone else's most treasured asset..." I said as I turned back towards them just as Bella smacked me, saying I was more than an asset.

They had all but reached us when I could feel Mason's stare, it was like he was trying to burn holes in my head. Shane stopped just in front of me, his eyes never leaving my face until Kyle came up to us. I was surprised that Kyle hadn't told Shane about what had happened through the mindlink, the only reason I knew he didn't was Shane didn't rush here right after it happened. Kyle and Ray had shifted back and changed after Jessica had retreated, I couldn't help but smile. I could understand why Kyle had stepped in seeing as I'm to be... I mean am the Luna of our pack and Ray stepped in because he's family.

                  "So you've returned Catalina, though it seems nothings changed. Why don't you go be a dear and fetch everyone's luggage. I've prepared the best rooms for you all..." Mason said smiling seems he didn't get the memo, he really hadn't changed but I guess it would take more than a couple months for a moron like that to change.

                 "It seems that your still as dense as ever, I'm not yours. I don't take orders from you or have you forgotten, I am no longer a part of your pack or did you miss when that connection snapped? And sorry to disappoint you but we've made our own reservations, we're not staying at the packhouse." I cut in before Shane could loose his shit at how Mason was disrespecting me, I smirked purposely saying I wasn't his. Seeing the pain flicker in his eyes before it disappeared again. I was still a beta whether he wanted to admit it or not, he had the power to order me around before but not now we held an equal footing though he did not know that.

                    "I don't see how that could have been done when you guys just got here? Besides that point why are you here training my people when you don't know how to defend yourself let alone anyone else." I stared at him my face unchanging, if he really wanted to have the shit beat out of him he should definitely continue down this path.

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