Home is Where You Are

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Luka's voice was small and quiet, like if he spoke up this reality would come crashing down around us. He was looking at us wide eyed, it nearly broke my heart. Seeing him look at me like that, tears streamed down his face now for a different reason than the one he had before. I wanted to take him into my arms, to tell him that he had no reason to cry that I would always be there for him but I knew that wouldn't help him now. Shane's arms loosened before slipping from around me, there was a lump in my throat and I couldn't find the words. My mom moved around the table, I hadn't realized I had rose to my feet. Her arms wrapped around me pulling me tightly against her, her warmth did little to slow the flow of tears. I didn't want to go!! I just found everything I had been missing, I finally felt whole again...

                  "Come with us." Shane spoke up as he stood behind me, my heart skipped a beat for a moment before my mom pulled him into our little hug. Shane's head rested on top of my head as his arms wrapped around us, I heard a sob as tiny arms wrapped around my waist. We were jostled slight as Bella collided with us, before I knew it we were trapped in a very large group hug. "Your all welcome to come be a part of our pack, we really shouldn't split a family apart..."

There was a long silence after we split apart, after eating I was more tired then I had been before. Even though I had been sleeping the last couple days I felt like I wasn't rested, Shane urged me to go back to my room to get more rest. I wanted to argue with him, to tell him I wasn't tired and that I needed to be there for the conversation they were bound to have. Even though I felt that way I couldn't find the strength to do so, I ended up back in my room but I wasn't alone. Luka had followed me up into my room and was now curled against me, his arms wrapped around me. I don't know how long it was but we ended up drifting off to sleep, though my dreams were anything but peaceful.

When I awoke I was covered in sweat and my heart was pounding in my chest, but I couldn't remember what I had dreamt about. I tried to sit up but a weight draped over my chest stopped me, I pulled the blankets down slowly only to reveal Luka. He's arms were still tightly wrapped around my waist, but he wasn't the cause of the issue. A large arm was draped over me pulling me back against a solid chest, just how long had we been asleep? I wish I could check but with my current situation I couldn't move much, if anything it seemed that I was being used like an object for tug-of-war... I was twisted in an awkward position, one of my legs were trapped under Luka's body while the other was tucked between Shane's. My upper body was twisted in a way that it was starting to hurt my back, and not to mention I was starting to lose feeling in my arms that were trapped at my side.

I groaned slightly as I tried to move, this wasnt going to work! If I had to stay like this another minute I might just freeze up like this... I twisted myself out of the pretzel position I had found myself in, Shane tried to pull me closer but I slipped out of his embrace despite he's sleepy protests. Luka whimpered slightly as he turned over, it had seemed we all were exhausted and were in need of much needed sleep. They both settled back down after a few moments, I stretched out slightly before standing. My shoulders cracked as I stretched my arms over my head, looking at my phone I realized just how early it was and how long I had slept.

It was only about six in the morning and even the sun had just barely began to peak over the horizon, that meant I had slept thirteen hours... How could I waste that much time sleeping, there were more important things that needed to be done. I sighed softly as I grabbed a change of clothes before heading into my bathroom, a hot bath was calling my name. I adjusted the water temperature until it was just right, I grabbed a towel from the cabinet across from the tub and hung it on the hook next to the tub. What was a bath without a bath bomb and bubbles, I added lotus scented bath bubbles before dropping in a cloud nine? Bath bomb into the tub... I really didn't know anything about this brand of bath bombs because Bella was the one who 'gifted' them to me. I waited for the water to the rise halfway before I stepped in, the bubbles began to over take the tub. I shut the water off before fully sinking into the hot water, my skin was already turning the slightest shade of pink from how hot the water temperature was.

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