My Love

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                  Shane's POV

One day, than two, three, fuck how many days have it been now since Catalina disappeared? I lost count after five, Ryder paced in the back of my mind like a caged animal ready to pounce on anyone or anything that hits that sensitive nerve. I have been ordered to rest now like my mate hadn't been taken by goddess knows who, like I may never see here again and the only clue I have was given by a strange voice that only I could hear. Anyone I told would think I was a mad man, this room was filled with her scent and that only made it worse knowing that this scent would fade because she wasn't here. I haven't slept in days because I've been searching the woods with others from my pack, I've also been avoiding Mason after seeing the look on his face I've had to do everything in my power to stop myself from beating him within an inch of his life. Laying back against the bed I curled pulling the blanket up to my nose, my eyes closed as I inhaled her sweet scent tears threatened to escape as I clung to the blankets balled in my hands like she'd magically appear and I'd never let her go again. A field of Lunar flowers, that's the only clue I've gotten. The voice said I'd meet her again if I found this field, but I've asked around about and no one seems to know what I'm talking about.

The day after Catalina disappeared I called my father, I explained the situation the best I could while holding back my pain and tears. He didn't hesitate to send me more people to help with the search, he even offered to come himself to aid me but I told him it's be best of he stayed in pack territory in case the rogues tried to attack while I was here. I could only imagine how mother would take the news, oh Hazel will be heartbroken... The hours in the days ticked by painstakingly slowly, everyday there was no change and no sigh of her. Her scent that had lingered in that clearing had long disappeared, and even if it remained it lead nowhere.

Kyle met me at the front door, his eyes showed how worried he was for me. Kyle was not only my beta but my best friend so he knew exactly what I was like and what I was capable of doing. He had a map in his hands though we really didn't need it, he used it to mark where we've looked and where we should look next to try and minimize the chances of looking over somewhere someone else had already looked. We looked over the map before deciding to head east through the forest, there were so many places to look. To many possible hiding places, it was dangerous not knowing just how many rogues were out here and not know if they were the ones that took Catalina. Kyle slapped his hand on my shoulder, he smiled at me before telling me that we'll find her. I nodded before we shifted into our wolves before running into the trees in the direction we talked about.

Two hours past with little to nothing to show for our efforts, I was about to call it a day when something caught my eye. A light blue glow coming from my right, I cautiously approached the trees thinned out and the grass became longer as I stepped in a clearing. It took a moment for my eyes to process what I was looking at, for as far as the eyes could see there were white flowers that glowed a light blue color. Something inside told me that this was the place the voice had spoken of, I took a moment to look around before shifting back into my human form and sliding on a pair of basket ball shorts and a t-shirt. The field of flowers covered nearly all of the area in the clearing, though there was a rather large pond towards the middle. The breeze that blew here felt different than when we had been searching the forest, it felt lighter... sweeter somehow. Almost like an embrace from a long distance friend or loved one, there was a rustle in the grass behind me. Turning I seen Kyle emerge from the treeline in his human form followed by more than a few pack members from both our pack and the Red Dawn pack, I looked at Kyle wondering why the others were all here when it was only a couple of us before.

            "Hey don't look at me like that, I'm as surprised as you are! All I know is that they said they felt drawn here for some reason." Kyle crossed his arms as he looked at me for a moment before he looked past me at all the flowers, "what is this place, something feels... different about it."

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