Hell or High-water

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                      Shane's POV
                "Well it's about the rogue problem... We received a call from a neighboring pack that they've had a lot of rogue attacks recently and that no matter what they do or how strong they are all they seem to be doing is pushing them back not stopping them. The beta called and asked for help on the alphas behalf, they want us to help train them." Kyle looked as Charlie for a moment before he looked back at me.

                  "What pack is asking for our help? Also what are the terms of our contract with them?" I asked as I looked at them before they even had a chance to speak.

                     "The Red Dawn pack," Catalina said, I turned and looked at her with surprise, "my father called earlier and left a voicemail on my phone explaining the problem they were having... It's so bad there that he fears war will break out and the pack will fall."

My body shook slightly as I gritted my teeth, "no... No way. Anyone that can turn a blind eye to the mistreatment of a pack member and even mistreatment them themselves don't deserve the help..."

                  "Shane...," Catalina said softly, "this isn't something you should be bias on. If the red dawn pack falls what prevents the rogues from hitting other packs until they reach ours. This is something we need to do, I'm not saying take all of the warriors and leave our pack unguarded or even saying we have to stay there long. Just long enough to train them better then they are..."

I felt my heart swell this was the first time since Cat's accepted our bond that she's referred to my pack as hers as well. I couldn't help but smile softly, I seen her point as I turned back to her uncle and my beta.

                  "Ok, so send word we'll help train them and asked for permission to cross borders in three days time. Also gather ten of our best warriors tell they to met in my office within the hour. And Kyle find your cousin and have him there two. I need to have a few words with Cat..."

                  "I'm going with you guys." Catalina cut in, I turned to look at her just as she sat up and moved her feet off the edge of the bed. "But before we go I would like to be accepted into the pack..."

                   "W-what do you mean your going? There's no way..." My argument stopped as I registered what she had said. My feet carried me to her, I smiled ear to ear. "Really! Honestly, you want to!"

                     "I told you your the most important thing to me, besides my family, I can't live through this life without you. And to be with you truly I need to be a part of the pack, to be the best Luna I can I also need to be by your side during this. And besides I'm not weak and defenseless, after the rogue incident I've had a few people training me, and before you say anything I didn't tell you cause you would turn into jealous, possessive alpha mate." Catalina smiled as she looked up at me, I was speechless all I could do was smile at her and nod. I had forgotten about Kyle and Charlie until they cleared their throats.

I turned to them for a second, "alright go prepare for the trip I'll mind link the rest of the pack. In two days we'll hold the ceremony to welcome Catalina into the pack, not only as a member but as my mate and Luna. Your dismissed." They bowed slightly before hurrying down the hall after closing the door. I smiled softly as I looked back at Cat before I mind linked the pack.

~Attention everyone I have an important announcement to make, in two days time we'll be holding a pack induction ceremony. I will need everyone's help in organizing and planning. I know it's short notice but it's the up most importance that everything is taken care of. That is all.~

I smiled brighter as I felt Cats hand on mine as she helped herself up, I wrapped my arm around her carefully supporting her. "Are you sure it's the wisest to go in the condition your in right now?"

                "Shane I'm sure, I need to do this not just for you but for me too." She smiled as she leaned up and kissed my cheek, "and besides why would I want to stay in a empty house that smells like you when your gone."

I looked at her confused for a long moment, we planned for her to move in when she graduated but there was still two weeks of school. I tilted my head slightly my face must have told her my thoughts.

                 "I already have all my needed credits and I spoke to the administration and graduated early. I wanted to surprise you before but we had that fight..." She moved her hair out of her face before she moved her injured arm slightly.

                  "What?!?!" I smiled as I lifted her off the ground kissing all over her face until I remembered her wounds. I gently set her back down, "really? Seriously?"

She smiled as she leaned against me slightly, "yes seriously, we made a promise to each other and besides all my stuff is already at your place anyway. I already spoke with my aunt about this earlier before I called you so everything is all set, and besides I would rather be home with you than anywhere else."

I smiled down at her about to say something else but the door slid open again. The doctor smiled softly as she entered and made her way to us.

               "Seems your feeling a bit better than before?" Hailey said before she looked down at the paperwork she held, "so as I told you before nothing that can worsen your wounds for at least three or four days, just so they can start to heal. Your arm should be healed near fully by the end of the week but I still recommend taking it easy for the two weeks at the least. With all that said all I'll need is your signature on the discharge papers and for you to go down stairs for you prescription."

I took the paperwork before Catalina had the chance too, I was her mate so I could sign her discharge papers. I smiled and thanked hailey before she nodded and left, with the help of my mind link. I carefully lifted Catalina into my arms, as soon as her feet left the ground she began to protest. I hushed her before heading out of the room and down the hall, not really caring Catalina was still in the hospital gown until we made it to the pharmacy and there were multiple males for the werewolf and human species. Holding her closer as I glared at them before heading up grabbing the prescription and heading out to my truck...

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