Final Showdown

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The funeral was was nice, Shane put a lot into make it the best for my family. The couldn't bear to look at my parents, they had outlived their child and I couldn't possibly know what that felt like. I wasn't able... Shane grabbed my hand softly just as I began to spin again, I've been this way since the day it happened. Three days since my beothers death and the rogues haven't returned, I knew that this wasn't over.. West must be buying his time for the perfect time to strike, I swallowed softly as I brushed the top of Brian's gravestone. He was buried under the shade of a willow tree, a tear rolled down my cheek. Shane had been very patient with me, by the time the barrier came down it was dark out. I still fully came to my senses and when they tried to moved Brian's body I growled at them, Shane had to remove me for the scene and even with his present I still fought back, I didn't want to leave him there alone. My brain was scrabble like early morning eggs, I didn't want him to be left there by himself in pain. The racial part of my brain was trying to tell me he wasn't in pain anymore, trying to let me be able to let him go.

I cried myself to sleep after I shifted back, for the first time in a while I slept by myself. I hadn't wanted to be around anyone, my voice had abandoned me due to the screaming I had done. My body was heavy, it felt like lead as I tried to move. I was told my parents tried to stop in to check if I was okay, but my heart couldn't bare to see them then. Ashton... Ashton didn't take the news well or so I heard, I haven't been able to sleep well because I'd wake up screaming or trying to scream.

I stood outside in the backyard, Dax stood behind me. We said nothing as we stared out into the yard, the wind blew through my hair as the mid-day sun warmed my face. Good days are hard to come by now a days, with the fights, lack of freedom, and funerals. My world is grayer now, it's lackluster compared to how it was before. Madison came outside with a tray of food, Madison's in her early thirty and does most of the cooking here in the packhouse. She smiled at is as she set the tray down in the table on the porch, Dax lead me to the table before handing me a plate. I hadn't had much of an appetite but decided it would be best to eat something or risk Dax telling Shane again. I picked at the food on my plate as I stared out at the burnt pat hee of grass, it was the only remaining evidence that the fight happened. That I lost my brother as quick as a match going out...

                    "Well it's good to see you've got your appetite back Luna, we were starting to worry about you." Dax smiled at me as I turned my gaze to him before looking at my plate, which to my surprise was empty minus the piece of bacon I currently held in my hand. I hadn't even realized that I was eating that much, well I guess that's what happens when you only eat a few bites here and there.

                   "Yeah, I must have been hungrier than I thought..." I finished the bacon in my hand before Dax cleared the table, he took the tray back inside quickly than returned to me. Since that day everyone's been walking on eggshells, to say the least I didn't take Brian's death well. Dax sat down watching me out of the corner of his eye, though I was still grieving I already knew just what I was going to do when that bastard West showed his ugly mug.

I slowly stood before turning my back on the yard and heading back inside, that day I learned something. I was indeed stronger than the others, my powers for exceed their's. I won't be losing anyone else, with that resolve all that was left was to wait...

Inside the house Dax didn't have to guard me but still insisted to keep me company, I haven't seen my parents or even Luka since the funeral. We all needed time to grieve, Fey walked up to us just as we entered the house. Her face was full of worry but it wasn't for me, she grabbed my arm gently as she looked into my eyes. A pit formed in my stomach sending a bubbly nauseating feeling up into my throat.

                "Sparks please you need to go talk to Ashton, he hasn't been himself and has been saying some strange things." Fey and Gamma have taken to calling me Sparks due to my constant use of electricity, at first Dax took that as a sign of disrespect but I explained to him that they meant nothing by it. If anything it was a sign of great respect between us of the chosen. "He hasn't left his room or eaten anything either, please Sparks I'm worried he'll do something stupid."

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