Under Pressure!!

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                       Shane's POV
I felt my control on Ryder slipping as she talked about thinking I was someone else, I was unable to tell if she was joking or not. It still drove me crazy! I pinned her against the wall harder, jealousy raged in my heart and soul. I looked at her as she shivered as I growled.
           "YOU ARE MINE!!!" Ryder growled as I slammed my lips against hers in a possessive manner. My body pressed against hers, my hands captured hers pinning them above her head. My body tingled as I gripped her wrists tightly, her legs wrapped around my waist. Her body reacted to me in such a cute way, it made me want her even more. It made me want to kiss her more, kiss her in different places too. I slowly pulled away from her, her face was red and she was panting slightly. She shook her head slightly, before she seemed to clear her mind.
          "P-put me down.." she pushed against my chest slightly, she wouldn't look me in the eyes. Maybe we pushed to hard, maybe we hurt her by accident.
I gently set her down on her feet, she fidgeted around slightly as she took a couple steps away from me. I looked at her for a long moment before smiling, she was like the moon to my stars. The clouds to my sky, the air to my lungs. I was truly blessed to have found her, to have a mate such as she is.
            "What's wrong Baby?" I grabbed her hand gently before bringing her hand up to my mouth and kissing it. Her face was so precious, all of her reactions were so cute. I just couldn't get enough of her.
             "This it moving to fast...." She blushed darker as she looked away for a moment, I tightened my hold on her hand. She seemed ready to run at any moment, what had happened why was she acting like this now?
I looked up at her again and noticed her lips were a bit swollen, I brought my hand up and brushed my fingers against her lips. I frowned slightly as she said our relationship was moving to fast.
           "But hunny that's how mates work, it's supposed to move faster than other relationships." I said as I pulled her towards me, I wanted to hold her to tell her it was okay. I wanted everything and more with her.
              "I know that! You just don't understand! You don't know anything!" She pushed me away slightly as she moved around me heading back around the side of the house. I was left standing there looking confused. There was an ache deep within my chest, just moments ago I had her in my arms. Had my lips pressed against hers, my hands on her skin and now...
By now most of the people that had came to the party had already gone home. By the time I made it around the side of the house she was already by her family, her cousin's looked towards me and I realized she was crying. I moved to comfort her but her friend was already leading her to the car and her cousin's followed making what looked like a wall blocking anyone to see or follow her. I watched her go not knowing what I did or why she retreated, just as quickly as she opened up...
                       Bella POV
I seen Catalina come bounding around the side of the house, I moved to meet her halfway. I smiled until I seen her bloody knuckles, swollen lips, and tear filled eyes. I rushed the rest of the distance to her, I didn't know exactly what happened but right now I could tell she didn't want to be here anymore. I nodded at Raymond as I lead her to the car and everyone else followed. I could sense someone looking our way, I didn't need to look back to know it was Alpha Shane. He was staying back for the moment, but knowing how the mating bond is stronger for alpha's it won't be long before he comes looking for her. But right now Catalina needed space, as we slide into the backseat of the car she laid her head on my shoulder.
            "He doesn't understand I need time... My heart and head can't take all this at once!" She said as I wiped the blood off her hands, her hands were shaking. "It feels good to have him by my side, it's nice to know he cares for me but with every that's happened... I...I don't know!"
            "Shhhh Cat it's ok, I know remember I'm your best friend forever! I understand everyone has their own speed they want to take when it comes to relationships. He hasn't had to go through what you have, he's just been waiting for his mate. And now your here and that's all he cares about. Just give it some time." Her soft sobs echoed in my ears, her pain was almost like it was my own. I've known her all our lives, I knew her better than anyone else and vice-versa.
The drive home was a long silent one, no one dared to even mention Shane. Catalina somehow fell asleep as she leaned against me, I smiled as I shook my head. She always could fall asleep wherever, I didn't blame her she's been through a lot just tonight. When we pulled into the driveway and stopped, Raymond smiled as he seen his cousin. He shook his head as he leaned in the car picked up Catalina and carried her into the house. He took her up to her  room and laid her on the bed, before he came back to me and kissed my forehead. He went into his room and showered to get ready for bed...
                   Shane's POV.
I layed on my bed looking up at the ceiling, I couldn't wrap my mind around how everything went from amazing to Catalina practically running from me... And she was crying!! I didn't understand I growled in frustration as I rolled over to my side, this was driving me mad! I had her in my arms only hours ago and now she's at the White's house in her bed not mine! I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep but every time I did I seen Catalina. How beautiful she looked in her dress, how great she felt in my arms, how soft her lips felt against mine. I groaned as I rolled back over, I will never get any sleep this way, I sat up and looked around the room, it seemed empty in comparison to how she made me feel....
                Catalina's POV
I pretended to be asleep, I couldn't handle being asked anymore questions, I didn't know how to feel right now... Everything was moving way faster than I would have liked, I came here to get away from the drama and the pain... But now here I am with a second chance and he's so sweet and nice to me, it feels right to be with him and I know our relationship isn't like human relationships... I also know that I'll have to tell him everything, maybe that's why I've been feeling like this because I didn't tell him the whole truth. My heart wanted to leap head first into this, to fall hard and deep into his love but my head was telling me to be careful. To walk the tight rope and pray that I don't fall. I yelled at him because he didn't under what I was going through, but how could he understand when I had told him everything. How could he understand when he hadn't been put through what I had, he just wants to be able to hold me, love me, be with me forever. I'm so selfish I want him to be mine and mine alone but than I go and push him away... I need to tell him everything that's happened, but will he look at me differently afterwards?

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