Announcement! Proclaimed Alpha!

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Shane POV

I stood there for a moment trying to figure out what had just happened, one moment I was worrying for my mate and the next she was looking at me with flames in her eyes. Did I really treat her like a child? Did I.... Wait did she say she's been through worse? I turned to say something to her and she was gone, I inhaled and rubbed my face. Kyle came back in and patted my back.

"You should get dressed and head back outside the guests are starting to wonder where you went." He said and looked at me with a smile.
I nodded as he smiled and left the room again, I walked up to my room I have when I stay at the pack house. I showered quickly before dressed and headed back outside, I looked for my mate.

Her scent was strong as I wandered around greetings people the best I could with my mind set on finding my mate, Catalina. I shivered slightly as I thought of her, my wolf was restless to see her. I smiled softly as I caught a glimpse of her, she wore a lime green dress and her hair cascading down her back, in big beautiful curls. She was smiling talking to someone, I smiled until I seen someone's arm around her shoulders. I nearly lost it as I made my way over to her, before I reached her Kyle took my arm and pulled me toward to deck.

"What are you doing? That's my mate over there with someone's hands all over her!" I growled at himas I tried to pull out of his grasp.

"Dude that's her cousin so you should chill out and not go super scary Alpha male okay? Anyway it's time for your announcement." He said to me as he pushed me slightly, I glanced back at my mate before heading towards the porch

Catalina's POV

I smiled as I stood talking to my cousin's, Tristan had his arm around my shoulders as he laughed. I had to explain why I disappeared and why it took so long getting back. Even though aunt Mandy had already spilled the beans. Bella nearly tackled me when I finally found them. I shook my head slightly as I listened to Tristan's story.

"She was so beautiful that I nearly fainted just by seeing her. But she wasn't my mate sadly." He balled his hand into a fist and looked really upset which made me laugh. He was only fifteen so there was no way he'd find his mate here not unless she was an older female or he got really lucky.

"Attention everyone our Alpha will be making an announcement." I turned and looked at where the voice was coming from up on the porch there was Shane and Kyle. I smiled softly as I watched as Shane walked forward, I shivered as he looked at me before he smiled.

"Hello everyone! I'd like to thank you all for attending our Lunar Moon festival, as we all know the rogue problem is getting out of hand. But thanks to our alliance with the Red wind, Black moon, and The Blood Moon pack, there hasn't been any big threat against us." His eyes glanced over at me," this festival was started by my great great grandfather to help those who haven't met their mate have an easier time finding them. It's also so we can get to know each other better, to help make our future a bright one. And during this festival I have a big announcement to make... I have finally found my mate, Catalina please come up here."

I was frozen in place I didn't expect him to tell everyone right here and now. Bella squealed as she pushed me forward, my heart pounding against my chest as moved through the crowd. The closer I got the the porch the more eyes I felt on me, I swallowed hard as I stepped up on the first step. I hadn't noticed the Shane had came over and met me there, his hand came into my view. I looked up at him before taking his hand allowing him to help me, I bit my lip as I looked at all the people looking at me. I gripped his hand hard as I tried to keep my head straight, I was never good under pressure.

"This is my beautiful mate Catalina, she's from the Red Dawn pack. Please treat her like you treat me she's your Luna now." He wrapped his arms around around my waist, I blushed softly as I looked at him.
My eyes widened as everyone began to clap and cheer like the had just seen the best concert ever. I blushed as he smiled at me...

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