oh brother where art thou?

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                    Catalina's POV

I seen Shane tense up as my dad and brothers came into view, his hands tightened on the steering wheel. I leaned forward placing my hand on his shoulder, I didn't need to see his face to know that he was very angry. I had a very bad feeling about this, I know telling him about what this pack had done to me... what my brothers had done to me was the right thing to do but now that we were here and they were right outside the car... it makes me feel that my decision was the wrong one.

                  "Shane calm down, when we get out don't do anything stupid alright? That goes for you too Raymond God knows you both seem to have a terrible temper." I sighed leaning back as the car stopped in the driveway, guess this is as good a time as any.

Before Shane could even get out of the car to open my door I had already opened it and was halfway out of the car, my sneakers crunched against the gravel driveway. I shut the door softly as everyone else exited the car, my father stood on the steps of the house but it was my brothers who moved first. Taking two steps at a time and damn near leaping over the fence, I paused unsure of why they were coming towards me at such a speed. I heard Bella say something but I didn't make out what as they were closing the distance, their faces showed nothing like always. They were nearly to the car and hadn't slowed just as they were about to reach me Shane stepped between us, and what he did next shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone least of all me. Shane's fist connected with Brian's face causing blood to pour from his nose and had him fall hard like a sack of potatoes onto his ass, Ashton took a step forward nearly growling. Shane turned his attention to him but before either of them could make a move Kyle stepped between them and I grabbed Shane's arm. Though that didn't stop Brian from standing up and growling at Shane, my father had made his way to us telling the boys to calm down.

                  "Why is he shielding her from us! She our sister!!" Ashton bellowed as his wolf danced behind his eyes, if this situation didn't deescalate we would have some major problems on our hands and than shit hit the fan.

                  "SHE'S MY MATE!" Shane's alpha voice boomed nearly shaking the car beside us, my father who had been trying to keep my brothers at bay looked to me something shining behind his eyes.

                 "That's not possible she's alrea-" Brian got cut off by an elbow to the gut, Raymond clasped his arm on Brian's shoulder and for the first time since I could remember both my brothers looked scared.

                 "How about instead of causing a scene out here we all go inside and have a NICE and FRIENDLY talk?" I said as I rubbed my temples again, I had told Shane specifically to be careful and not cause any problems... we were here to fix things not cause more issues, plus I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. I also wanted to completely cut ties with Mason, alpha Mason, as he was now in charge of this pack. I sighed as I walked pulling Shane with me around my father and brothers, Bella followed close behind as well as the other members that came with us. Raymond pulled both of my brothers inside, once inside my father hugged me. "I'm sorry for leaving the way I did... I just couldn't handle anymore."

                 "Darling girl all you had to do was say something to me and I would have taken care of it for you... but I know that sometimes you have to take care of things yourself for them to truly be solved. You look happier now... so is it true is that boy your mate? The one you told me about?" My father looked over at Shane who was still glaring at my brothers, I pinched his arm to get his attention normally I didn't have much of an issue keeping his attention.

                  "Yes dad this is alpha Shane, it seems that even though I had a rough time with everything the moon goddess was looking out for me just like you always do." I smiled as I elbowed Shane before he finally got the message turning he stuck out his hand towards my father.

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