Sweet Scent

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                        Catalina's POV
I inhaled deeply as the scent seemed to fill the stall I was in, I didn't know where it was coming from but it was intoxicating. I was now sitting on the floor in a daze as the scent surrounded me, driving my wolf crazy. I panted slightly as my hand covered my racing heart. Something felt familiar about this feeling, something felt right. I could heard people talking in the distance, they spoke quickly and respectfully. As if the clerk was talking to someone with high standings, I remained where I was unable to think straight. I even held my breath for a moment, I couldn't really make out what they were saying but I was pulled from my daze when someone knocked on the door.
               "Is everything alright in there?" Another clerk asked softly, her voice sounded younger than the woman at the front desk. I stood slowly as I dusted off my clothes, my heart thumping wildly in my chest.
               "Y-eah everything is fine." I said as I grabbed the clothes and opened the door, I looked at the ground as my hair fell on parts of my face. I checked my phone before telling the clerk I was ready to check out. She smiled kindly at me as she nodded her head, she couldn't to have been more a few years older then me.
She lead me over to the counter where a man in blue jeans and a plaid button up shirt stood talking to the owner of the store, he had dark brown hair where the light hit it made it look lighter, like chestnuts. I smiled handing the clothes to the clerk as she rang me up, the scent was stronger here. I glance over at the man, he had icy blue eyes and a strong aura around him. My wolf howled something but I blocked her out as I paid for my clothes. The clerk bagged my items and handed them to me, I thanked her as I took my bag before heading outside to wait for Mandy.

                 Alpha Shane POV
Kyle had taken the meeting with Mandy and her niece, when the emergency meeting had popped up. I really wanted to be the one to talk with them to judge her intentions, but from what Kyle had said she seemed to have no ill intentions or hateful aura. When he came to my office there was a sweet scent that clung to his clothes, it smelled of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon buns. My wolf growled lowly, I asked him why he smelled like that.
               "I don't know what you mean man I don't smell anything like that." Kyle sniffed himself before shrugging and headed back out of the office. I watched him disappear out the door, the scent had definitely been lingering on his clothes.
That scent lingered in my office, my wolf relaxed more as we breathed. The sweet scent was intoxicating it made me want more. I sighed relaxing until the phone rang, I picked it up the owner of Lori's the clothes stop said there were a couple of things that needed to be talked over, and signed before the festival in a couple of days. I told her I'd be over in ten minutes to finish discussing the plans. I walked out of my office and down the halls to the garage, I hopped into my navy blue 1969 Dodge charger. For some reason the closer I got to town, to Lori's, the more nervous I got. I pulled into the parking lot parking my car, the parking lot only had a couple cars in it due to it being a school day. I slide out of my car before heading into the store, as soon as I stepped inside that sweet scent filled my nose again stronger this time.

I walked over to the counter after inhaling a few times. Laura smiled as she welcomed me respectfully, she showed me the papers that I needed to go over. We talked for a few moments before Liza, Laura's daughter who worked with her, knocked on one of the dressing room doors. She asked if everything was okay then after a moment a soft, sweet voice answered. Slowly the door opened as a girl... No she wasn't a girl... A woman with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, she stood about 5'6, 5'7. Her frame was small but also built, the yellow sundress she wore complimented her skin. I looked at the papers scanning the information as the woman came to the counter. Her scent hit my nose I closed my eyes for a moment, as I signed the paper. Before I had the chance to get another look at her she was gone.
                "Did you bring anything sweet into the store today?" I asked as I looked at her, I asked even though both my wolf and senses were telling me that whatever that scent was it wasn't coming from some cookies.
              "No alpha I didn't... Why?" She looked at me, it had to be the girl from before then. The scent lingered here too, drifting from the places she had been.
              "Nothing, is that all I needed to sign?" I asked looking at her, she nodded her head as she smiled. I set the pen down next to the paperwork I'd came here to deal with before I nodded.  "Then I'll get going I have a lot still to do before the festival."
I wished them farewell before I headed outside hoping to catch her before she left, I hadn't see her around before so that meant she had to be Mandy's niece. When I stepped out of Lori's a car was just pulling away, I sighed as I walked to my car feeling more than a little disappointed. I'd see her again and when I did she won't get away so easily...

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