Take Your Obsession and Shove It

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"I think your both a bit confused because," Shane had made his way back before somehow untangling the two kids from me and lifting me up. "She's mine!"

My feet left the ground as he lifted me into his arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck quickly as I tilted back. I could heard a few little whines from both Luka and Hazel before they tracked back to their mothers, Shane smiled as he knew he had won. It wasn't long after that we began to hear cheers and whistles from those around us, everyone seemed glad to have us back. It wasn't long before I saw my mother, Fey, and Gamma standing in the crowd, though they seemed unsure of what to do.

                    "Kyle could you please instruct everyone that's able to meet us in the backyard here? We're going to have a meeting, we have a lot to discuss and I'd rather not wait." I looked over at Kyle as I spoke, Shane looked at me a bit surprised. There had been a lot that happened and they all deserved to know, deserved to know what was coming and why. "Fifteen minutes! I want everyone whose able to be there in Fifteen minutes no later!"

                   'Mom, Luka, Fey, Gamma, I want you all to be on the porch with me. I know things haven't been the easiest for any of us but you all had it a lot worse than me, but I promise nothing like that will ever happen to you again so long as I live.' I watched as they all nodded at me before being lead to the backyard, though Shane hadn't moved yet. He was just staring at me with this weird look on this face, I tilted my head for a moment before he smiled and leaned in. Pressing his lips to mine for a second before he set me down and grabbing my hand as we headed to the backyard.

I never expected everyone to move so quickly, by the time we made it through the house to the backyard it had seemed everyone had made it there first. Kyle waved us over to the edge of the porch, where the other chosen stood. With everyone's eyes on me I knew what I had to do...

                 "I'm sorry..." I leaned forward bowing to them slightly, I heard a few gasps throughout the crowd. Pack members began to whisper, wondering what was happening and why I was apologizing. I knew this probably look weird seeing as we just got back, before I could say anything else a few people began to shout. The shouted things like 'Why are you apologizing!', 'you don't need to bow Luna!', and 'you've done nothing wrong!'. Hearing them made me smile, I righted myself before I looked out at the crowd again. "I wanted to first apologize, we left to help sort out things with the Red Dawn pack. To help them with the rogue problem they were having, to train them so that they could fend for themselves. But that wasn't the only reason, I had a selfish reason for going back too. Most of you don't know but Shane is my second chance mate, blessed by the moon goddess herself I was granted a second chance when my first mate rejected me. I fled my pack heartbroken and struggling, I shifted on my way here before we left the Red Dawn pack territory. When I arrived here I was afraid, afraid this place would be just like there but I was wrong. You all have been nothing but kind, honest, and forthcoming. So I feel you all deserve the truth, I went back not only to help them but to accept the rejection I hadn't before. I went back to apologize to my father for up and leaving, by doing so I found forgiveness and in turn I forgave too. While we were gone a great many things happened, we learned a lot in our time away but we also found heartache."

I took a deep breath as I paused to look around at the face in the crowd, before I looked at the people standing next to me. I didn't see any sign of disappointment or anger, everyone was looking on in awe. I felt Shane's arm come around me, supporting me as he gave me his strength to continue.

                     "During our time there we... no I ran into trouble, rogues in great numbers tried to corner me. I was able to fight them off but in the end I was taken, I failed to protect anyone. I failed to protect myself, I failed to protect all of you. In my attempt to fight to protect everyone I realized that I couldn't, I was taken to an underground place. Where I found not only my mother and brother, but Fey and Gamma, like me they were taken for a specific reason. Like me their hair, their fur is white, my hair had been changing gradually after each shift and a man named West waited until my hair was completely white before taking me. It was my fault the rogues were here during the lunar festival, it was my fault that rogue tried to attack Hazel, it was my fault the rogues had attacked the Red Dawn pack. It's my fault because I am one of the Moon Goddesses chosen, like my mother before me, like my little brother, Fey, and Gamma. The goddess blesses us all the moment we were born, but in times of chaos or when the balance has been thrown out of balance she chooses a select few to help her right the wrong. Gifting us powers to contain the darkness so that we don't get swallowed up, I came into my gift during the attack. I used my gift to escape with everyone who had been taken, and I'll use my gift to protect all of you." Electricity zapped between my fingers as I raised my hand towards the sky, everyone watched me their eyes wide. There was only one last thing to say after all this, lightening flashed before crackling. "We are going to war and the enemy is coming here, I'm sorry to have to ask this of you but will you fight with me! Fight to protect those precious to you, to us! I refuse to lose anyone, I refuse to let him take anything from me, and I refuse to let him get away with what he has been doing!"

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