Reject Me Alpha I Dare You.

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Several months had past since the day we freed ourself for the evil that had plagued us, West. Though things have been more peaceful they haven't been any less chaotic, with the induction of my family, the restoration efforts for the damage done to homes during the attacks, and the wedding planning the last few months were packed full. Bella's belly had grown a lot since then too, they planned on waiting for the birth to know the baby's gender. I just couldn't wait to meet the little ball of energy, Bella's been complaining about the baby kicking her and the heartburn for the last couple weeks. It was funny how excited one can be until you start getting the morning sickness, heartburn, and tap dancing baby. There was a soft knock on the door, my mother walked inside just as I turned in my seat. Her hands came up to cover her mouth, she seemed to be in awe.

                     "You look absolutely gorgeous baby girl, absolutely glowing!" She made her way towards me, she gently brushed my hair back behind my ear as we looked into the mirror. My hair was styled into a loose bun with a few strains framing my face, there were small white beads fastened into my hair along with a white veil. Bella had demanded to do my hair and make-up seeing as we did have a bachelorette party, I begged her to go light with the makeup. Though there was a lot of whining and complaining she did as I had asked, I smiled as my mom helped me up so that she could get a good look at the dress. It was a pretty plain dress if you asked Bella but I thought it was perfect, it was a pearl white sleeveless dress. There was lace that covered my chest and wrapped around my neck, the bottom of the dress was straight not one of those poofy princess type dresses. I also didn't want a train, I honestly found it pointless. Why buy something just to have it drag on the ground behind you, my mom spun me around once. "Oh!! Your so beautiful my sweet little girl, are you ready? Can't keep your groom waiting, you know how he is if we wait too long he'll come get us. Your father's right outside the door, I'll go find my seat."

I watched her disappear out into the hall before I took on last glance a the mirror, my dad had indeed been waiting for me just outside. Tears streaked down his face which almost had me crying too, I blinked them away because I knew Bella would literally kill me if I messed up my makeup before even making it down the aisle. My dad looped his arm with mine before we started on our way to the doors, we stopped just outside them waiting.

                 "You look so beautiful my sweet girl, I can't believe your all grown up... Where did that little girl who always clung to me go?" His voice wavered as he looked at me, I rested my head against his shoulder. He had always been a strong man, and an even stronger father. No matter what came he was always rolling with the punches, with the absence of my mom he had to take on the role of both parents and that wasn't easy on him...

                  "I'll always be your little girl dad, I'm just starting a family of my own now." I smiled as the music began to play indicating that it was time to walk down, as the doors opened everyone turned staring at us but my eyes were already locked onto the man at the end. His hair was combed back and he was wearing a dark black suit, Kyle stood beside him his hand gently placed on Shane's back almost like he was keeping him up right.

Giggles drew my attention away from them, just a few feet in front of us showering everyone in flowers petals was Hazel. She spun tossing the petals everywhere but just as she came to the end of the benches right were our parents sat, a large ploom of white covered the floor and everyone in the area. Guests coughed waving their hands to try and disperse the power, I covered my mouth to suppress my laughter. I straightened when I saw Shane looking at me, is eyebrow arched as if asking if this was my doing. Hazel giggled as she hopped down onto the bench next to Sara, both of them coated in flour.

When we reached Shane I kissed my dad on the cheek before he turned and made his way to his seat, Shane took my hands in his. With everyone we cared about there we got married, Shane held my hands gently in his as the preacher spoke, his eyes never once leaving mine. It was so easy to get lost in those blue eyes, to be pulled in and swept away. It wasn't until Shane began saying his vows that I realized I hadn't been paying attention to the preacher.

                   "I never thought I'd find you, though the years I waited only for the hole in my heart to grow wider. I didn't think that anything or anyone could fill a hole that big, that is until I met you. My life was rapidly flipped upside down and turned inside out just by your presence in my life, the moment I met you I knew I'd spend the rest of my life with you... Raise a family with you." His eyes trailed downwards towards my bulging belly before his eyes met mine again. "Though the highs and the lows I'll be by your side to love and honor you, I'll be yours forever more."

I couldn't hold it back anymore the tears seemed to overflow like water over a cliff, I smiled through the tears to share this moment with our friend and family felt so surreal. Being mated for life is a most joyous thing, having someone there who would remain by your side without fail...

                    "I've never felt as lucky as I do when I'm with you, to have been give the chance to meet you. I had all but given up hope of ever finding such peace and happiness, though out of fear I pushed you away but you didn't give up on me. I'd walk through fire to stay by your side, through thick and thin, no matter what happens all be your only one. To spend the rest of my life with you, watch our children grow and have children of their own. Forever and always I'll be yours." His hand came up to my face wiping the tears from my cheeks before the preacher announced us husband and wife, his lips found mine then the room erupted with shouts and cheers. Shane slowly pulled away from me, his face still just inches from mine.

                    "You really are a troublemaker aren't you? What ever am I going to do with you?" He smiled as he kissed me once more, one of his hands gently resting on my baby bump. To say I was shocked to find out I was pregnant was an understatement, but I guess it was inevitable. "Man maybe you'll be to much to handle..."

I smirked as I grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him closer to me, our lips almost touching. I could feel his heartbeat under my other hand, I locked eyes with him. "Then there's only one thing for you to do...

Reject Me Alpha I Dare You."

I wanted to thank everyone who's read Reject Me Alpha I Dare You, I know it's been a long time in the making but finally we made it. This is the end of the story, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Without you I don't think the book would have made it this far! Though this story is over please keep your eyes peeled for Lost But Not Forgotten sequel to Reject Me Alpha I Dare You coming in 2025. If you want to read more by me I do have another up and coming book called When Roses Wither, please feel free to check it out! Thanks for all your support!

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