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My anger spiked as more and more reports came in about the rogues, more sightings and more fear of being attacked. I slammed my fist against my desk as Brian stood there looking at me, waiting for the orders of what to do. I gritted my teeth as I looked up at him, I nodded softly as I sat back down.

              "It's time, go get ahold of your aunt or uncle and see if the alpha would be willing to help us. If they are I'll start on the paperwork, now get out of my sight!" I growled before I sat there and watched him leave, finally she'll have to come back and she'll be mine!

Once Catalina came back I wouldn't let her go again, even if I had to tie her to my bed for the rest of her worthless life I would. If she thought just by leaving she would rid herself of me she had another thing coming. Jessica was my Luna and I had mated with her but Catalina would be the one to bare my children and be my slave to use and abuse as I pleased.

I gritted my teeth before I stood, I needed to relieve some stress before I bit someone's head off. I went to find Jessica, who to no surprise was already in my room on my bed, in nothing but her birthday suit. I growled in a approval as I removed my clothes...
                   Catalina POV

I didn't remember anything after the fall, but that feeling I knew all to well. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes as the beeping of the hospital machine echoed in my ears. I blinked a few times before I looked around, the room was pretty empty besides my aunt who was currently talking on her phone to who I could only guess was my uncle but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I tried to moved a bit only to have pain shoot through me making me gasp and drawing my aunt's attention.

              "Sorry sweetie I've got to go, yeah I'll have Charles walk it by the alpha.. uh huh yep love you too talk to you soon." Mandy hung up the phone and hurried over to me, "Catalina honey how do you feel?"

I swallowed hard, "Thirsty and like I was hit by a ten ton truck." I sighed as Mandy got me some water, I drunk it greedily before I seen her looking at me.

                "What happened to cause you to fall down the stairs! Your so lucky that all you got was a few bruises and not broken bones." She said as she pointed at me, she was more worried about me than mad.

               "I-I was on my way to tell you or uncle Charles about a voicemail I got from Dad, when on my way down the stairs I began to feel this unbearable pain that spread all over my body. I lost my balance and fell, the cause of the pain was from the mate bond it only happens when one mate or the other cheats and sleeps with someone else."

I heard her gasp before she growled, "alpha or not I'm going to make sure Shane pays for hurting you! I can't believe he would go and cheat on you! After everything you've been through I thought he was better than that!"

I shook my head and I looked at her, "it wasn't Shane auntie, even though Mason rejected me I never got the chance to accept it and reject him, so the mate bond is still there even though it's weaker than before. I almost forgot about him being with Shane, slowly our bond began to get stronger than the one which barely had time to form. But if I want to be completely free from him I'll need to reject him and cut all contact..." I looked down taking a chance to look at myself, my arms were wrapped in bandages and so was my chest and stomach to help with the healing.

               "He came by the house earlier just so you know," Mandy said as she looked at me, "I figured you weren't ready to talk to him yet so I sent him away, that was before this happened. And I haven't told anyone besides our little family, but I had never seen the alpha look so bad in all the years I've been here... You should call him at least."

I sighed but known she was right, I nodded softly as I looked up at the ceiling before I looked back at her. "Dad called at left a message saying that they are in trouble with rogues... That he feared that a war would be coming...." Mandy looked at me as if she had already known.

                 "Your brother called and said the same thing, but he was also asking for help from us... I should go let your uncle know your okay and awake now..." She stood and headed for the door before she turned to me again, "You really should call him, Shane I mean, he's probably going out of his mind... Just think about it ok?"

I nodded as she smiled and walked out of the room to call my uncle, I sighed as I looked over at the stand by my bed. My phone laid on top of it, I bit my lip before I picked it up, thankful it didn't break when I fell. I sighed softly again before I dialed his number, my heart once again began to pound against my chest as it began to ring. I closed my eyes waiting, I inhaled sharply and my heart nearly stopped as I heard him pick up the phone. His voice came through the phone quiet and sounded like he had been crying.

"Catalina? is that you?"

I inhaled slowly knowing just how he was going to respond to what I had to tell him before I opened my eyes again, "yeah it's me, look... I'm sorry for how I acted last night... I know it's not your fault about what happened before, but I'm not ready to talk about everything that happened and who he is yet... But I know that I need you apart of my life and I couldn't live without you in it... And before you say anything I think it would be best if we talk more in person. Now would be perfect seeing as I cant move to much... I'm in the hospital room 295 if you want to... You know to talk this through."
I waited for a moment before it clicked with him.

               "What! Your in the hospital!?!?! Now! I'll be there soon!" With that the line went dead...

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