The Truth Is...

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It was dark the only light shining down from the moon, like the goddess herself was blessing us once more. We three walked to the barrier, West seemed to be admiring the bodies that lay died. On our arrival he turned his gaze to us, a large grin appeared on his face. He bowed slightly but made no attempt to move, oh how I wished he'd just take another step forward. His eyes locked with mine and his grin widened if that was possible.

"It would seem you didn't like my gift, I was just trying to be a generous guest. You all have shown me such hospitality, I was only trying to show some back. Maybe age does matter, maybe for my next gift I'll try for something younger. How about that dear baby brother of yours, oh or that cute little girl Hazel was it." West tapped his finger on his chin for a couple moments before he looked at the other girls, both sporting mating marks. "Oh this just won't do, won't do at all. You all were given a moment of freedom and thought you could do whatever you wanted huh? Your mine and mine alone, if you think other wise then your a fool. Though this things pretty fancy, when'd you all find out you could do this? Could you all along or was it only when you found eachother huh Catalina? It's pretty impressive I must say, I have a new deal one just for you Catalina my dear. I'll spare everyone here, let the other chosen go, if you come with me. It really is a fair deal my dear, think about it you can save everyone you've ever came to care about, well minus one, and all you have to do is come be mine. What do you say lovely?"

'You better fucking not Sparks, if he doesn't kill you I sure as hell will. Nothing that comes out of this man's mouth is truthful, he says he'll spare us, let us go even, yeah fucking right! He'll kill everyone one here and make you watch just because, he'll take us all back to that disgusting underground hideout and try to continue his plan. You make one move to go with this guy I'll cut you down, Moon Goddess be damned if I let you fall into that guy's hands." Gamma's voice ripped through my head like an angry freight train, I could feel she meant every word. I had no idea that she cared so much for my well being, we hadn't known eachother long but it was starting to feel like we've known eachother our whole lives.

'How do you think your brother would act if he knew we'd let you go off on a suicide mission like this, do you really think anyone here wants you to sacrifice yourself just to protect them. What would that make your brother's sacrifice worth, we stand together, we fight together, and if the moon goddess demands it, we die together too. We fight for not only our lives but for our future children's lives, the probability of our children being chosen is high just look at your mother. She had you and Luka which means the goddess favors your family, which includes us.'

'Damn it Fey she gets what your trying to say, how does things like this always turn into mile long books with you. All you needed to say was we wouldn't stand by and let her so anything foolish, that we're in this for life.' Gamma cut Fey off before trying to start a fight through the mindlink, I couldn't help feel overjoyed to have these two by my side. I knew with them here my six was covered, I had no reason to fear these man who like to push people around. I won't just stand here and listen to his threats.

"I think your a little confused here West, your going around acting like this is your territory. You act as if you own us but how I see it, we are property of no one. We're free to be, to love, to live the way we want and sadly for you, your not in it. Your words mean nothing to us, your actions are nothing more then fuel to stoke our fire, your claims of freedom are useless when we already are free." I took a step forward as I seen his facial expression change, a smile found its way onto my face. "You see you made one major miscalculation by coming here because your in my territory now bitch."

Electricity crackled in the air as the weather began to shift, the trees creaked as the wind picked up. My eyes glowed a bright blue as my body shifted partially, my fangs poked against my lips as my nails turned to claws. I was able to keep some control and not shift fully as of yet, howls could be heard in the distance causing West to glance back toward the treeline. The moment he stepped foot into our territory I've been setting traps, traps that would trigger once I seen him. The army of rogues he had so gracious brought with him were now being taken by the forest, I was going to show this prick that he chose the wrong person to make an enemy out of.

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