I Think I Might Have Started The Fire.

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                    "I haven't been yours since before I left, you rejected me remember? You didn't even give it a second thought until I left am I right? You didn't care if I became a rogue but now that I've come back happier and with someone else now you want to try and claim what isn't yours. Well I'm sorry to say that you missed your chance, the day you told me I wasn't worth it and cast me aside for your weak slut. The only thing I have left to say to you is this. I, Catalina Rose Summers, accept your rejection, Mason Lee Falls, alpha of the Red Dawn pack." I watched him shift slightly as he took a step back like I had just slapped him, there was hurt in his eyes but I knew it wasn't his. It was his wolf's pain not his, he's wolf must have been annoying him about what he did since I left. "Oh and just so you don't get the idea there's a chance we'll ever be a thing. I, Catalina Rose Summers, reject you, Mason Lee Falls, as my mate."

It felt like a weight was lifted off me just by saying those words, being set free from the invisible chains that had me shackled until now. I felt a surge of emotion filled my chest, it was like fixing a kink in a hose. Mason's connection had been drawing down on Shane's, I could feel Shane's bond when he touched me but it hadn't been as strong as it should have been. But now I could feel him, I could pick up his scent even though he was miles away deep within the trees. I went to take a step, wanting this to be over but was stopped almost mindblown.
                 "I don't accept it, I won't accept it, your mine no matter what you think." Mason snarled as he moved closer to me, I outright laughed in his face he must really not know a damn thing.
                    "You don't have too, you already accepted the terms when you rejected me first. I don't need your acceptance because the bond has already been broken, plus just like you I've already moved on and to tell you the truth I'm grateful for your rejection because my mate is far better than you ever could be." I smiled as I looked him dead in the eye as I spoke, the truth must have sunk in by now. Why I smelled like Shane, why he leaned in to whisper in my ear, why I smiled the most at him, because Mason stepped forward hand stretched out as he prepared to hit me. I hoped he would than I had every right to whoop his ass and not get punished for it, but just as he moved to strike me a hand grabbed his wrist.
                 "What the hell do you think your doing Alpha Mason?" It was Kyle, his eyes glowed slightly as he fought to keep control of his wolf. I hadn't noticed he had returned, does that mean Shane's back as well? "I asked you what the hell you were about to do Alpha Mason?"

I watched the two stare at eachother it was a silent battle between the two, I touched Kyle's arm slightly I knew why he was acting this way and I appreciated it but if anything were to go down he would be the one to get in trouble not Mason. We were here to help them and Mason should really consider the consequences of his actions, if he were to hit me Shane would no doubt try to not only kill him but we all would end up leaving. Kyle looked at me realizing I wasn't injured he released Mason's wrist, Kyle turned glaring at Mason.
                    "If I catch you raising your hand at our Luna again your wrist will be the least of your problems." Kyle turned around and lead me back on the training grounds, where most of the trainees were either hunched over or laying on the ground but Shane hadn't returned yet. "That was him wasn't it..."
                "Yeah but there's nothing to worry about, things are over and done between us no matter what he says but thanks for stepping in... I really didn't want a fight to break out once Shane found out..." I smiled at him as we made it back to where most of the warriors were. "How'd they do?"

They gave me a brief explanation of what had went down with the trainees that were here, a few of them managed to made it back without so much of a scratch on the them but they did have to run like hell. Though most of them were picked off and failed the exercise, I looked back towards the woods seeing Mason stalking out heading towards us. I scanned the treeline again and seen Shane heading our way too, I looked at Kyle for a moment and he had the same look I had on my face... we both knew that shit was about to hit the fan, Shane had made it to us first. He was smiling as he leaned down to whisper in my ear again, he really had no threat detection did he?
                       "Can I have my reward now?" He pulled back a little his eyes gleaming, I couldn't help but to laugh some before leaning up and gently placing a kiss on his lips. There was no real reason to hide it now, I heard Jessica snort some kind of comment from her place in the crowd. I had a bad feeling growing in my gut and just as I pulled away Shane was ripped away from me.

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