The Road Ahead.

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Soon everyone fell silent waiting, watching, Jessica stood near the center of the circle. Everyone gave us enough space that no one else should be in the lime of fire, I smiled as Shane nodded before he leaned down and kissed my cheek. I stepped around him and walked towards Jessica, she seemed to stiffen before she raised her arms readying herself. No amount of preparation would prepare her for what's to come, I stopped a few feet from her I could feel everyone's eyes on us. Jessica moved first, she lunged at me probably hoping to get me to the ground. I dodged her easily I nearly laughed as she stumbled and fell flat on her face, I turned as she slowly stood. Her eyes burned with rage as she faced me again, she didn't hesitate to lunge at me again but this time instead of just dodging I spun. My leg made contact with her side causing her to to hit the ground hard and roll through the dirt. As she struggled to stand one of her arms held her side, a growl left her lips as I seen her body shift slightly. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a couple people move slightly as if they were going to try and step in, but as I turned to look at them Shane had already stepped in stopping them. I shook my head though they had been total jackasses to me before my brothers were definitely trying their hardest to make it up to me, and even though they had already been informed of the rules of this match they still tried to intervene. I turned my attention back to Jessica, who had taken the opportunity to try attacking me while I was distracted. Her fist grazed my face as I moved my head to the left, my eyes narrowed as I balled my fist before landing a blow to her stomach. She doubled over gasping, but in an instant as her eyes moved to look into mine I knew things just got a lot more interesting. Her wolf had taken control now and her body began to morph, you could hear the cracking of her bones as her body changed. Her hands and feet turned into paws, her face became long and fur covered. She stood growling at me with her ash gray coat, she was an average sized wolf and her coat color was just as average. She began to circle me slowly as her eyes tried to burn holes into me, I knew this was going to happen that's why I had set the rules as I did. Jessica and her wolf Rhonda were two peas in a pod with their terrible attitudes, especially when it came to Mason. Though I don't want anything to do with him and I told them both so... it would seem that they didn't believe me. I sighed softly as Rhonda stalked me, how long was she going to waste time like this I don't have all day. Just as I turned slightly she lunged at me again, but this time she had her wolves speed I ducked rolling under her before I felt Lily begin to push her way to the surface.

                 "Let's wreck this bitch Cat! We need not hold back when she's the one who instigated this whole thing! Let's end this once and for all, show them we are not someone that they should mess with." Lily growled in my mind, I knew she wanted nothing more than to rip this bitch to shreds...

My hands were flat on the ground as I righted myself after the roll, my body seemed to shimmer once before I took off running towards her. Lunging at her I shifted middle air, my body slammed into hers hard. As we rolled she snapped her teeth at me, I dug my claws into her before I bit down on her shoulder. She whined as she trashed trying to get me off of her, I haven't shifted in front of or with many other people so I never realized how large my wolf was. I easily pinned Rhonda/Jessica just with my size, Rhonda stopped moving altogether as she whimpered. Taking that as a sign of surrender I lifted her with my mouth and tossed her toward Mason, who looked on in shock. Though he wasn't the only one staring at me with that surprised look, everyone who had come to watch looked at me that way. Now that I stood there in front of them all and got to see Jessica without having to fight her off I realized just how different our wolves were. I was just slightly smaller than Shane's wolf but it never clicked that he might be slightly on the larger side... I looked around the circle again before I moved towards my brothers and Shane, my brothers looked even more shocked then the rest of them. My coat shimmered in the sunlight almost giving my white coat a silver shine to it, Shane and Kyle made everyone move so that I could get through seeing as I tore my clothes when I shifted there was no way I was going to shift back to my human form. Before I'm even through the crowd I hear someone shouting at us, I didn't bother to turn around to check who it was because I already knew. I rolled my eyes as I continued towards to car, Shane stopped to intercept Mason as he forced his way towards us. There was no way I was going to spend the next couple hour bickering with that lowlife, I had more important things to worry about.

With the end of our duel it called the end of the training for the day too, I had made it to the car and could still hear the yelling as Shane and Kyle stopped Mason to 'talk'. Ashton opened the back of the car for me, I rolled my eyes at the commotion before I hopped into the back. Ashton stared at me for a couple more minutes before he shut the hatch, and I was left there to wait. Not long after Ashton shut the hatch Brain and Kyle hopped into the car, they didn't say anything as the car was started and we peeled out of the training grounds parking area. I looked back out the back window wondering why Shane hadn't came with them but the sight that welcomed me explained, Shane was still trying to calm Mason down so he wouldn't try following me... men... can't live with them but can't live without them either...

My father was already waiting outside when we pulled into the driveway, he had begin walking toward the car even before anyone got out. Kyle exited the car before he made his way around and opened the back hatch, I hopped out still in my wolf form. My father stopped in his tracks when his eyes landed on me and I knew exactly why, my white coat... my mother's wolf was also white... Brian moved towards our father, they whispered between themselves before my father nodded at me and headed back inside with Brian. Kyle and I shared a look before we headed inside too, Kyle went to check out some of the information my father had in his study while I went to my room. Shifting becomes less painful the more you do it, my joints still ached slightly as I shifted before I went to shower the dirt off of my body and get in some comfy clothes. The sun was still pretty high in the sky, it couldn't have been more than three o'clock though that didn't matter seeing as the events that just transpired. I sighed as I rubbed my hands over my arms softly, today did not go the way I had wanted but at least no one will doubt me anymore.

It wasn't long after that my father called up to me, telling me that dinner was done. I looked at the clock a little confused, it was a bit early for dinner but I guess after Ashton explained what had happened at the training grounds he felt that an early dinner was needed... To tell you the truth I could definitely go for some of father's cooking right now, hopping off the bed I headed downstairs. Upon entering the dinning room I found everyone staring at me, their mouths agape little fish. I looked around the group that had formed in the room, what were they staring at? I glanced behind me thinking maybe someone else was there but there wasnt...

                  "What is everyone's problem? Why are you all staring at me like that?" I folded my arms across my chest as I stared at them, it's not like I grew two heads or something. I heard the kitchen door open and shut before the clatter of dishes on the floor, my eyes traveled over to my father who had just walked in. His eyes were as wide as saucers, his hands seemed to be shaking... "What is it?"

                  "Have you not looked in a mirror pinwheel? Your hair...." Ashton pointed at it as he spoke, I tilted my head slightly confused before I turned and headed for the large mirror by the door... I stood there staring at my reflection... was that my reflection, it looked like me all besides the large silverish white streaks in my hair.

Just where does this road lead and why did my hair change? There are just more and more questions with less and less answers. All that's left is to face,

The Road Ahead...

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