Only You Can

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Mom's words echoed in my head as I stood there frozen, did I hear her correctly? Was she really saying that they were willing to leave this pack and follow us to the Crimson Blood pack? I was unsure if that was the right thing to do, this was our family home... All our memories were here. My dad stepped forward putting his arm around mom, only moments ago they were on a heated discussion but now it was like it never happened.

            "It's safer to be together, to have all of the chosen close together. That's why they kept us separated, they didn't know what we could do or how we could use our powers against them." My eyes widened slightly as I was drawn back into the 'vision' I had had about my brothers death, it was like our powers were amplified just by being close to eachother. "Ah I can tell by the look on your face, you know it too don't you? We still know very little about our gifts and the blessings bestowed upon us by the Goddess herself. It's safe to say that she had intended us to work together, if not she wouldn't have made it so that we grew stronger the more connected we are... wait that sounded worse than I intended it to..."

              "Mom... mom.... MOM!! I get it you don't have to explain anymore in detail..." Mom's face was red as she looked away from us, my dad was holding back his laughter at moms embarrassment. I felt Luka's arms tighten around my neck as if he was clinging on for dear life, I patted his back softly he must have been really scared. I didn't even have to look at Shane to know exactly what he was thinking, he wanted to know what the hell had happened. I inhaled as I lowered myself down onto the steps, my body feeling the strain of everything that just happened. "Someone was able to infiltrate the house, to more precise into my room. It seems Luka noticed it first and processed to... well bite the shit out of him... He looked just like you, Shane, even his scent was the same but it felt wrong. Felt too dark not only that you've never called me snowflake."

Something dawned on me than, during that whole fight, if you could call it that, I never once used my gift. I was able to take him down with just my strength alone, I felt even more powerful than what I had when I was in that clearing. I closed my hand into a fist a couple times, was it really all because we all were under the same house now? My mind wondered back to when we were escaping that hellish underground hideout, even though I was injured I felt powerful and was able to escape with everyone. Maybe I was getting use to this power, either that or it was growing. Luka's arms loosened their grip and I realized that he had fallen asleep, my mom smiled at us before nudging my dad indicating for him to take Luka to bed.

                "What do you mean he looked like me and had my scent?" There was an underlining question in his words, he wanted to know how I figured out it wasn't him. He wanted to know if that man had done anything to me, in the way of how a mate would. I met his gaze as he looked down at me sharply, the emotions in his eyes weren't directed at me but I could still feel the hate behind them.

                "It's just like I said, he smelt like you and looked like you but when he touched me it felt wrong. And before you go all alpha wolf and try to go on a rampage it's not like it sounds, that man didn't have the chance to do anything he planned before I sent him skidding across the room." I paused before I looked down at Shane's hands, in them were a bunch of papers now crushed in his hand. This would only speed up his plans to get out of here, we had thought that it would be safe here at least for a while but it seemed we were wrong. If it was that easy to get not only into this packs territory but also make it into the beta's house without setting off any alarms, there was no way for us to stay here. I hadn't expected my mom to agree so quickly to come with us but I guess it wasn't that hard of a decision especially with the connection we share with the Moon Goddess. "Are those our departure papers? Are you sure you should be clutching then like that?"

I was trying to defuse the situation, the last thing we needed was Shane to lose control right now. We have enough to worry about with packing, though we didn't bring much with us that wasn't the case for my parents and family. I guess we could just leave everything here and come back when it's safe but... that feels wrong, like we're saying goodbye to the memories. Dad lifted Luka out of my arms and carried him up the stairs to their room, I slowly stood my legs wobbling slightly. Mom watched me for a few moments before she came to my side, her arm wrapped around me assisting me down the rest of the stairs. Her warmth spread through me, a sense of calm waved over me like the sea on the sand. I found my eyes closing momentarily, she lead me to the couch and sat me down. One of her hands brushed the hair from my face, as I opened my eyes Shane was kneeling in front of me all the anger was gone only love remained.

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