Truth or Deception?

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                     Shane's POV
I tightened my grip slightly as I tried to comprehend what she had just told me. My heart squeezed slightly as my wolf growled inside my head, she had another mate before me??? No that's not possible, there's no way she could have another... she is MINE... I looked down at her as I was about to say something when I noticed that she had gone pale and she was shaking slightly. Than I realized that she was holding her breathe.
           "Breath baby." I loosened my grip slightly as I remained silent for a moment before speaking, my whole body stiffened as I asked her the question on my mind. My wolf was raging in my head teling me that i needed to find that bastard and kill him. "What do you mean you were rejected before? Are you trying to tell me your not my mate but someone else's?"
                  "N-o... Well... I did have a mate before... In my old pack but he rejected me and I left... I was afraid you would do the same once you seen who I was..." She whispered not looking at me, I could feel her heart beating fast again her chest. I inhaled slowly as I closed my eyes. Her heart, her body, her mind, her soul were all connected to me. She was mine blessed to be mine by the Goddess herself, and I wouldn't give her up for anything.
Just knowing someone else had her and rejected her, pissed me off. I pulled her closer to me and held her there, I won't hand her over to anyone. I'll keep her by my side until the day I die, she doesn't seem to know yet how much of a hold she has on me. Moving one of my hands up to her face I made her look at me before I slowly lowered my head down towards hers...

                      Brian POV
I sat down on the couch in the pack living room, I rubbed my face as I shook my head. Mason had been working us like dogs, no pun intended. He wanted us to be more prepared before we asked for more help, but I think his true objective is my sister... He's been different since she left even though he rejected her and mated with the pack whore. Mason had something up his sleeve but I didn't know what and not only that but he's been acting very strange lately like something switched inside him.

I seen the difference and it bothered me so... I had a bad feeling about this, something was about to go down and I don't think it's going to have the outcome Mason is looking for.... I shook my head as I slowly stood and left the pack house, I hopped into my car driving home.
My mind drifted to Catalina, I know that I had no right but I hoped she was safe. They say you don't realize the value of something until its gone, well that's exactly how it went for us. She was still our baby sister and we drove her away... That she was ok and doing fine with all the pain she's been through...
          "Be safe Catalina." I whispered as I pulled into the driveway.

                    Catalina's POV
My eyes widened slightly as Shane leaned down towards me, his eyes closed as his lips were inches from mine. My breathe hitched as I could clearly see his face, even in the dark. How he had a small scar above his right eye, how his nose had small freckles, how his mouth seemed to stretch forever and draw me in. How the angles of his face made him look even more handsome, I shivered as I felt the sparks and tingles as he held me close to him.
I slowly closed my eyes as his lips gentle pressed against mine. My whole body reacted to him as my arms tightened around his neck, my wolf howled as she wooed slightly in my head. My hands gripped the back of his shirt as he slowly pulled away smiling softly. Lily had already started her I told you so speech and I tried to block her out but she kept forcing her way to the front of my mind.
                "Does that help you, do you realize now that I'm not going to let you go. No matter if you had another mate or not I'm your mate now and I won't hand you over to anyone." Shane smiled as he face was still inches from my face, goosebumps covered my arms as I panted slightly. The kiss only lasted a couple seconds but it felt like an eternity, my whole body was buzzing. Was this normal, was this normally how others felt around their mate?
I shivered as I nodded slightly, I blushed as I looked away my heart raced as I smiled softly, "y-eah."
                  "Say my name darling, tell me what I am to you." He smiled as if he liked seeing me embarrassed. I huffed and looked away from him. What's with men wanting us to say stuff like this out loud, I chewed on my bottom lip for a moment.
             "Your my mate Shane," I said quietly as I looked at him again, I giggled at his dissatisfaction that was clearly written on his face. "What didn't say it cute enough?"
I smiled as I reach up and touched his face softly as I looked into his eyes, I leaned in slightly as I licked my lips. My lips inches from his ear as I exhaled my hot breathe on his ear, I felt him shiver slightly as he loosened his grip some more.
I smiled as I giggled softly to myself, "sorry to disappoint." I quickly pulled away and out of his arms and rushed in the opposite direction.
I could hear him growl lowly and give chase, I laughed as I ran faster through the crowd. I held up the bottom of my dress as I moved, I could hear him getting closer. I took a sharp turn around the side of the building and hid in the corner waiting. I heard his foot steps before he came around the side of the house, I smiled as I made myself as small as I could. I could see him sniffing the air, I smiled as I jumped out of the shadows and on to his back. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck, I felt him stiffen before he relaxed. I couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion being here, having him be my mate. My mate...
              "Why you like minx!" He growled softly as he turned his head so he could see me smiling at him. I giggled as I nuzzled my face against his cheek, he smiled as he inhaled as my hair brushed against his nose. His scent filled my nose putting me at ease, everything I had feared washed away. Though deep down I could still feel something trying to warn me about something, something I didn't understand yet.
The sounds of the party covered up our interactions, the moon was high in the sky by now casting shadows on the ground. The moon was especially bright tonight, with not a cloud in the sky you could see the stars twinkling high in the night sky. A cool breeze blew sending leaves blowing across the ground, rustling the grass and bushes. Everything about this night was perfect. Everyone was having a good time despite the fact rogues had been found in the area, but that's to be expected seeing as Shane hadn't announced it. He didn't want to cause a panick while the other packs were here, could you imagine how that would look to the other packs. They got invited here to strengthen the alliance between the bonds they create here but of they found out rogues entered the territory with ease they'd likely try to call off the alliance. As alpha Shane has to keep that in mind, he has to make sure that he and everyone in the pack is on their best behavior as not to offend anyone from another pack. It was a lot of pressure to put on one person, and with him not having found his mate before now meant he really was handling all this by himself. It made my heart ache just thinking about it, but there's one thing I know for sure now. Now that I'm here he won't have to bare all the weight by himself anymore.

                  "Sorry not sorry lover boy!"

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