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My body moved on its own as I took off running, running as fast as I could. I had to get as much distance between the rogues and me as I can, that voice sent shivered down my spine. What did he mean that I was ripe? It was hard to think as I dashed through brush and darted between trees, the sound of heavy footsteps trailed behind me. Why of all days did this have to happen?

                   "Shane!" I tried to mindlink him as I ran, my body trembled with adrenaline as I pushed to move faster. What was happening, why does this have to happen to me? "Shane! God damn it all! Ray! Please someone anyone!"

                   "We're too far away for that to work Cat, just keep running! Don't stop, don't look back just keep moving forward!" Lily sounded strange... worried, she was never worried.

The tree branches swayed and creaked as the wind whipped through them, the forest was dark and had an eerie feel to it. This felt familiar but it also felt wrong, the wound on my arm was nearly healed though the blood was still slick. Branches and bush smacked against my skin as I pushed forward trying to get away, I don't really know how long I've been running now but I could tell that they were slowly gaining on me. I couldn't shift not until the wound on my arm was fully healed, there was no way that I was going to be able the outrun them in my human form.

                    "Shift Cat! Shift now! He's coming!" Lily's voice was full of panick just as she spoke I could feel the presence of something dark and full of malice. "Hurry! We don't have the time to waste!"

I didn't question her or waste a second longer to try and find a logical explanation for the things that were currently happening. My body leaned forward as my bones began to break and reform, as my body began to cover with fur. The next steps I took were on all fours, my paws dug into the ground as I sped up. Being in this form I could go much faster than if I was in my human form, though my legs were sore and I knew I couldn't keep running forever. My eyes darted as I turned sharply hoping to at least lose a few of my pursuers, but nearly ran into a dark mass.

Turning my body I barely avoided the set of fangs trying to dig their way into my side, how many are there? It was starting to feel impossible to escape this, I glanced around again realizing I'm going farther and farther into the woods. I also realized I had made a grave mistake running into these woods, these rogues have probably been out here for a while learning the area... while I've been sheltered to say the least, after mother died I wasn't allowed anywhere near the woods. The trees seemed to be thinning out a bit, maybe just maybe I might have gotten lucky and there'll be a house... I could hear them it sounded like dozens of paws charging through the brush after me, how long have I been running? The sun was lowering past the tree tops, if I didn't find away to shake these guys I might get trapped out here in the dark.

The trees parted leading into a large clearing, things just are not going my way today. This area was to large and open, I had to get to the other side before they catch up with me, without the cover of the trees I'm an easy target for those who faster then me. My paws dug into the soil as I pushed myself faster, my eyes trained on the treeline. I slid as I was forced to stop, more wolves came into the clearing. My head jerked as I searched for an exit, for away to get out of here but they had surrounded me and were slowly closing the distance between us. If I was going to do anything it had to be now, before they got close enough to do damage.

Tilting my head toward the sky I let out a loud howl, it echoed through the trees and it didn't seem to be something they wanted me to do. Three large black wolves charged at me from different directions, the smaller of the three made ot to me first trying to bite and claw my back legs. Spinning around I slammed my body into his causing him to roll before I leaped on to him ripping at his flesh, blood filled my mouth as the creature whimpered and whined before falling silent. I stood over the dead rogue as the other two finally made their way to me, they both lunged at me. Leaping into the air they collided with each other, I landed on one of them digging my claws into their back as they thrashed under me. Blood soaked into my white fur of my paws and snout, my eyes burned with rage. I was angry with what they were doing attacking innocent people and them coming after me... the third wolf took a couple steps back growling at me as I stepped from the now dying wolf. Lightning cracked across the sky as the wind tore through the clearing, my head tilted back once more letting out another howl but this one wasn't fearful or concerned. This howl was more guttural, more like a war cry. Lights flashed across the sky once more, unknowing to me, my eyes began to glow a faint blue. I growled loudly and it seemed the elements understood, bending to my will.

                 'Everything under the moon is yours to control, you are one of the moon goddesses chosen. Use your power to defend those who can't defend themselves.' A quiet voice spoke in the back of my mind, it felt familiar but it was a fleeting feeling that past as quickly as the voice had.

Before I had time to process what had been said or what it meant, the rogues all charged forward towards me. I just wanted this to end, to be over so that they couldn't harm anyone else. I just wanted to go home, to be with Shane, to talk with my father, joke with my brothers... there was so much I had yet to do, some much I had yet to say. I can't let them take me, I couldn't let them hurt anyone else. The ground rumbled under my feet as the fur on my back stood on end, I wanted to protect those I care about. I need to be stronger so I can prevent anyone from having to lose anyone ever again, I'll prove I deserve to stand beside them! With one last show of teeth I took off towards the nearest wolf, most of them were weaker than what I had thought but they had the numbers to wear me out. The lightning flashed again, crackling in the air, I could almost feel it against my skin.

                 "Rain down like fire and scorch my enemies until nothing remains but ash and dust. Oh mother of the moon grant me your power to purge the world of this evil, I seek to protect these lands from the evil that plagues them! Send me your blessing oh mother of the moon! Our moon goddess!" My eyes darted to the sky as the sound of thunder bombed before bolts of lightning flashed cracking down against the ground but it didn't stop with each flash another rogue was struck by more electricity than any human or supernatural being could survive.

The remaining wolves that witnessed the scene turned tail and ran away, my body was shaking and the adrenaline was started to wear off. It had seemed like I had won, that I had forced them back and thinned their numbers I was relieved up until I felt something sting me in my side. Turning my head I blinked unsure what had happened until I seen the dart sticking out of my side, what the hell? I looked around before I stood on weak and wobbly feet and took off, I needed to get as far way from here as possible before whatever this is starts...

My vision began to go fuzzy and the world seemed to tilt to the side as I ran, the trees past far to slowly as I moved. I could hear someone trying to talk to me but their voice was muffled so I couldn't make out what they were saying. I felt sick but there was no way I could stop, I pushed so hard to get to this point I had to keep running...

                       "Oh my dear little snowflake! What an amazingly ripe fruit you are! Mm how delicious you'll taste! And now your all mine."

A dark shape appeared in front of me as my body fell to the side, my vision darkened but I could hear he's laughter along with a loud threatening growl that came from my mouth. The world disappeared into a void of nothing, even as I slipped into it I heard a voice soft and sweet telling me that I was needed to fight... to not give up...

When I awoke again I was in what looked like a cell, it had a wooden plank attached to the wall with chains and bolts and metal toilet in the corner with small walls around it. The room was made of concrete and there were bars on the windows. Looking out into the area I could see outside the bars, there seemed to be a large bed with chains on the head board. I felt a large knot form in my throat, I tried to get up but try body wouldn't listen to me. I could hear soft sobs coming from beside me, turning my head I seen a little boy with pale colored hair though I couldn't quite tell seeing how dark it was over here. I also noticed that I was still in wolf form which was confusing because once you fall unconscious you normally revert back to your human form which could only mean one thing. Lily had refused to let me shift back once I had lost consciousness, glancing around once more I realized that I wasn't the only one here who had been...


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