I'm Sorry Brother

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Shane loosened his grip on me, though he released me he's hands came up to cup my face, he's eyes searched my face as he smiled at me. I could tell even without him saying anything that he knew I'd come back, that he had been waiting for me. When he finally released me completely he didn't leave my side, my wounds hadn't ached since exiting the water. Whatever had been blocking our mindlink was no more and my head filled with the voices of many who were speaking out, but one stood out amount the rest and it just wasn't because he was using our mindlink.

                       "You had me scared to death my love, I feared I had lost you..." Shane was facing me he's mouth drawn in a hard line, no sweet smile now. "We searched and searched these woods looking for you but didn't find anything... anything but this field."

It seemed there was more to this place much more but before I could answer him or even form the words to begin my apology a loud scream echoed and the reality come crashing down on me again. My head snapped around just as a howl pierced the air, chaos ensued around us. It didn't take us long to realize just what was happening, how could we have forgotten... We had been running for our life's and lead them straight here, as I looked around I noticed that the wolves that had been chasing us had surrounded to clearing. The scream we heard came for a girl not much older than me, she had been not far from the edge of the treeline. She was now flat on her ass, eyes wide as she moved farther into the clearing away from the glowing yellow eyes and snarling teeth. The strange thing was none of the wolves had made a move to enter the field, I could hear mother and father whispering to one another. Luka clung to the blanket that was wrapped around me, it seems that he's grown attached to me. Which is no surprise seeing as we spent the last fifteen days together with him thinking I was mother, and I was he's older sister. Shane seemed only now to notice the little boy clinging to me, he gave me a questionable look before I shrugged telling I'd explain later. Finally taking in my surroundings I realized that there were more than a few people in the field of flowers, there were more than thirty people here. Some of them were from my old pack but most of them were from the Crimson Blood pack, our pack members, I looked over at Shane who was now conveniently looking away. He must have summoned them here after I disappeared, I caught sight of my brothers. Aston was on one side of the field with a group of members of the Red Dawn pack, it looked like he was giving orders to them. While one the other side Brian was doing the same, the pack member seemed to be listening intensely. For some reason I felt no fear, not like I had before and I couldn't understand why. We were surrounded by blood thirsty rogues that only want one thing, us... They were willing to kill anything and everything to follow their masters command, I took a small step forward and Luka's grip tightened on the blanket. His eyes were glued to one spot, I followed his gaze and made direct eye contact with West. He stood just outside the clearing staring at me, he's face held no emotion as he just stood there.

                     "Your safe here only those with my blessing may enter, those who follow that man no longer walk with my protection. My children are protected here, walk the path guided by moonlight and darkness can not harm you. Keep the balance to protect those you love, to keep the innocent safe. Be blessed and show them the true power you process." The voice faded as quickly as it had appeared, I knelt down taking Luka's hands in mine. He's eyes locked with mine and I smiled at him, I was going to protect those I loved, I was going to protect him so he could grow and live a normal life with his family.

                "There's no need to fear little brother, I'll protect you with everything that's in me. That man won't touch you again, if he trys I'll break every bone in his hand." Luka looked over at West again before looking back at me. "Do you believe me Luka? Do you believe in me?"

                  "Y-es" He was silent for a couple seconds before he answered, nodding his head as he did. His voice was soft and slightly cracked from the lack of nutrition and proper care, I lifted one of my hands and ruffled his hair. "J-ust don't get h-urt again because of m-e."

This silly little boy, he was seriously worried about that? I took him into my arms and lifted him up as I stood, I looked back at mother and father who looked like they were having a heated conversation. Though father also looked like he was half suffocating mother as he held her close to his chest, it didn't matter... I looked back at Luka with a large smile on my face, it didn't matter if Luka was father's child or not because he was my brother either way and I was going to care for him as such.

                 "I can't promise you that Luka because if you were in danger I'd do some crazy things for you just like I'd do for anyone I loved." I smiled more as he buried his face into my neck, wet tears trickled down my neck as he tried to hide his tears from me. I looked over at Shane again, he was watching me now and his face said everything. "We can't stay here even of we're protected, we'll have to leave eventually."

Before Shane could respond to me I heard a cry, I turned quickly someone was being pulled from the safety of the Moon Goddesses garden. Soon true choas broke out, as soon as that man was pulled out others shifted and went on the attack. I was frozen as everything moved like one of those slow motion action scenes you see I movies, I could hear growling and whimpering mixed together but couldn't tell whose was whose. I looked around the garden as the number of members inside decreased, where were Ashton and Brian... Where were my brothers? Everything else was drought out as I scanned the area again only to meet West's gaze again and this time he was smiling, the pit of my stomach knotted. He pointed to the left slowly, my gaze followed as my heart thumped in my chest. I don't know how but I had passed Luka to Shane, who looked confused before he's eyes followed my gaze. My eyes laid on one of my brother's wolf form, he was outside the barrier facing one of the rogues. He's back was to me and his focus on his target so he didn't see what I could see, a large wolf lunged at him tackling him to the ground ripping into him.

                     "NO!" My body moved on its own, the blanket dropped from my body as I shifted. Landing on all fours I took off in that direction, out of the corner of my eyes I could see two other wolves running along side of me. Fur as white as snow just like mine, the scent of blood filled the air.

                    "We're with you, let take this bastard down a couple notches." Gamma spoke nodding her head at me as we ran, Fey seemed to be grinning even in her wolf form. Having them by my side filled me with a sense of ease, knowing that even though we just met they were willing to have my back...

                   "Gamma head to the Eastside of the field help who you can, Fey the Southside if either of you need help call out. Oh and fuck these guys up." They both nodded before heading the directions I told them too, my eyes went back to my brother. The large wolf was still on top of him, but he wasn't moving I couldn't see him moving... My blood turned sour, the sight instilled a fear in me that nearly made me stop before the rage took over.

The air began to crackle as my paws thumped against the ground, the clear sky began to cloud over. My eyes glowed a pale blue as I bared my fangs, how dare they do that to my brother. To my family, to someone I care about, to my brother who I... I haven't told... A loud crack rang out across the sky before light flashed across a large area, when the light faded the corpses of wolves laid smoking. Another crackle before more lightning flashed, crashing down on a number of wolves but only the rogues. None of the member from the Red Dawn or Crismon Blood packs were hit. I made it to my brother the wolf that had been attacking laid on the ground next to him smoking and charred, I nuzzled him with my snout softly. He didn't move as I nudged him, his wounds were deep and bleeding. I grabbed him with my jaws carefully before I pulled him back into the garden, when I looked around most of the rogues were either dead or fleeing. West was nowhere to be seen, my brother had shifted back and my throat tightened as black dots danced in my vision. There on the ground as my Ashton, my big brother naked and blooded. Wounds deep and fleshy, his white skin painted red. His eyes were closed as laid there unmoving, I took a step back horrorified. I was too late... I was to late to save him, after what I said to Luka... I failed to protect him, even with all this power I failed to save him. I took another step back shaking my head this can't be right, my whole body was trembling as others began to come around. I lifted my head seeing mother's face, fathers face, my eyes landed on Brian his face was twisted in pain... He too was wounded but seeing his twin like this... My legs were unable to hold my weight now as I toppled over as I began to black out, a scream echoed in my ears as I drifted off.

I'm Sorry Brother

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