Tension Broken

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                  Catalina's POV

I inhaled softly as I forced a smile before I looked back up at him. "I am the daughter the beta of the Red Dawn pack. My father was the only one who was nice to me, both my brothers hated and blamed me for our mothers death. Everyone treated me terribly, but I put up with it thinking once I turned eighteen I would find my mate and everything would be better."
I smiled as Shane's hand covered mine as I spoke, I hadn't realized that my hands and arms seemed to be shaking slightly.

                  "Well my birthday was a couple month's ago, Bella and I were heading to the school after my brother paintballed not only my friends car but me as well... I ended up finding my mate who was friends with my brothers, he knew who I was to him and pulled me aside before rejecting me. He said I was not worthy of being his mate, that I was fat, ugly... I couldn't take another second being there so I called my aunt and asked if she would be able to house me and my friend. It wasn't long before I met Shane and found out that I was blessed with a second chance." I smiled as I looked over at Shane my face slightly red. "Greatest gift I've ever gotten."

I looked back to Haden still smiling, his face serious and stern. I began to think he really didn't like me when he smiled. The nerves I had up until this point disappeared, my shaking slowly stopped

               "Anyone stupid enough to reject someone like you doesn't deserve your tears or time." He said as Sara added more food to his plate.
I smiled as I nodded at him, as Shane's hand squeezed my hand slightly. I turned and looked at him, he was smiling at me before he brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed it.

                "I told you nothing to worry about." Shane released my hand before draping his arm around my shoulders.
The rest of the night was full of jokes and stories. The room was full of laughter, my fear slowly disappeared. After dinner everyone sat around talking, time passed quickly and before we knew it was time for me to return home.

I thanked Sara and Haden for having me for dinner before saying goodnight to everyone. Shane smiled as he lead me out the front door into the cool night air. His fingers laced in mine as we walked towards his truck, he stopped a few feet short of the truck before he turned and faced me. I looked up at him confused slightly as our eyes met I noticed that something was on his mind.

                 "What is it?" I tilted my head slightly as I looked at him. He gripped my hands as he stared at me, something told me I wasn't going to like his question.

                 "You've been through a lot... I know that, but I need to ask this to know for sure." He exhaled softly as he closed his eyes.

                   "Ask what? You can ask anything Shane." I smiled softly as I began to worry slightly with the look he was giving me.

                 "I know you care for me... A lot but what if this other guy comes back, what if he realized the huge mistake he made and tried to get you back. I don't know his reasons or his status... I need to know you'll be mine no matter what, I need you to tell me who he is..." Shane looked at him as his grip on my hands tightened almost to the point it hurt. I stared at him wide eyed, I was hurt that he would think that.

I tilted my head slightly as I felt Lily stir slightly, "How can you even think that! I told you how hurt, how broken I was before I met you. You yourself should know my feelings for you aren't that simple. Arent that shallow..." I could feel my anger growing, for him to doubt me like this.

I pulled my hands from his before I pushed passed him and his truck, before he could say another word I took off. My heels fell off as I ran, as soon as I entered the treeline I shifted ripping through the dress. My paws pounded against the dirt as I ran faster, knowing Shane he would try to catch me but I was not in the mood now. The fact he dared to ask me that, knowing I hadn't fully healed from the damage that was inflicted on me. I felt hurt, I felt betrayed, I didn't want to talk to him anymore tonight. I needed time to calm down, to think about what I needed to heal to be able to one day tell him...

I didn't stop until I made it home, my heart felt heavy as I shifted back slipping clothes on. I bit my lip as tears slipped down my face, I walked around the house to the opened window of my room. I climbed up the wall as quickly as possible, just as I made it in my window I heard Shane. I turned looking down at him.

             "We need to talk NOW!" Shane's eyes were black as he fought with his wolf as he used his alpha voice. His alpha voice had no affect on me because I wasn't a part of his pack yet.

            "No. Go home!" I shut my window with a thud before closing the curtains. I hurried to my door and locked it, I leaned against the door before sliding down the it. My phone buzzed multiple times as I sat there, my head rested on my knees as I trembled slightly. Tears rolled down my face like rain, how could he doubt me and the feelings I had for him... Maybe this was all a mistake....

Adam POV (Catalina's dad)

This was bad, really really bad, with every passing day the threat of attack grew. There have been multiple sightings of rogues near and around the boarders. Yeah the new alpha has be training the pack but it won't be good enough if they decide to attack... I picked up my phone before I called Catalina, to my surprise she didn't pick up.

                "Hey sweetie just calling to check in, just wanted to let you if you planned to visit anytime soon it wouldn't be a good idea. The rogues are becoming bold and I fear a war is coming... And we are not ready. Well I guess I've wasted enough of you space on your voicemail. I love you and hope to see you once this is settled."
I hung up the phone and hoped she would be safe and well taken care of. I wished no harm to come to her, maybe it was a good thing that she left this place...

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