Let's Talk!

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                   Catalina's POV

My eyes widened slightly and I began to choke on the bite of the grilled cheese he had given me. I hadn't expected him to ask me that, I covered my mouth as I felt his hand patted my back softly. I coughed a few more time before I set my sandwich down and looked at him.

                "What?" He opened his mouth to speak before I raised my hand and silenced him,"I've accepted that we're mates, that you care for me and won't hurt me the way I had been hurt before, but I'm only eighteen! I have about half a year of school left I can't move in with you!"

I seen the hurt in his eyes as I looked at him, I could only imagine what was going on in his head. He probably thought I was just rejecting the idea because I didn't want to be close to him. I shook my head as I rested my hand on his as I smiled softly.

              "It's not that I don't want too, being close to you sends every fiber of my being tingling, I want to spend every moment of every day with you but my exams are coming up and do you really think I'll get any studying done living with you sweetheart?"

I smiled as I seen his eyes widen before he nodded slightly now understanding why I had said what I did. I squeezed his hand softly before I turned back to my food, I slowly began eating again. I smiled as I began to hear music, Shane had turned on the radio. We sat there and ate in silence, I seen Shane finish his food way faster than I finished mine but he sat there not wanting to let go of my hand just yet. I giggled as I finished my sandwich before I turned and looked at him, he smiled as he pulled me up and lead my to the living room. The living room was huge with a giant couch that wrapped around the room a small coffee table, and a giant tv.

          "Dance with me love," he smiled as he pulled me towards him. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck as we began to sway back and forth with the music, "so mate let's make a deal, I'll wait until you graduate before you move in and after your living here I'll officially induct you into the pack as my Luna. After that we can see what we want to do, I'm just glad your mine and I have you here in my arms."

I smiled as I laid my head against his chest, I had no problem moving in after I finish school because that's what mates are for that's why we are here. Having a mate close to ones self makes us stronger, the longer one goes without seeing, talking, or even touching their mate the weaker they get, that makes them easy targets for attack. As it seems there is a chance, a slight chance, that if your mate rejects you, you'll have a second chance at love. There is another way, I read that if your mate rejects you or you reject them you can still settle down, mark and mate another. Then they would bear your mark, that's what Mason had done to me, even before I was even out of the county. He rejected me and I should have accepted his rejection, because that would have ended any and all connections with him, now the only way for that connection to be broken is to go reject him or be marked by another.

Shane nipped my ear drawing me out of my daze, I smiled at him as he had stopped dancing and was just holding me in his arms. He had a worried expression on his face, as he looked down at me.

              "You ok? You were spaced out there for a moment darling." He smiled as he kissed my forehead, his voice was soft and sweet. I couldn't help but wonder what I did to deserve a mate as wonderful as Shane.

               "I am, I was just thinking how amazing it was that I got you. Your the best thing about being here, well besides my aunt and cousin's." I smiled as I bit my lip softly not really wanting to tell him what I was actually thinking about. It would only make him worry or angry, I just want to spend time with him,"oh and I'll sleep out here on the couch tonight ok."

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