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The silver powder fell like snow onto our bodies, even with the sheet covering me I could still feel the burning though it was faint or not a bad as I thought it would be. Once out the door we rushed onto the thick trees, glancing behind I couldn't see the entrance we had just left. All that was there was thick forest and greenery, even though I couldn't tell where we came from I knew it would foolish to stop. These people turned their backs on the moon goddess, turned to the use of dark forbidden magic. This was just another one of their tricks, tricks to keep us from being found. That explain why I could sense my pack members but they couldn't find me, find us. My paws thumped heavily on the ground as we pushed faster, trying to put as much distance between us and they we could before they left their base. Mother untied and threw the sheet away as soon as we exited, the silver that remained on the sheet left silver dots floating in the air. My ears perked up as I tried to hear if anyone was near by, just yesterday I could have sworn I sensed someone... though now it seemed that they had moved on. The father away we got the more I began to feel drawn in a certain direction, my feet wanted to lead me there... something was pulling at my senses telling me I needed to go that way, that it was our only chance at freedom... at safety. I could tell I wasn't the only one who felt it, I glanced once more behind me and instantly regretted it. There were more than twenty wolves following us, their yellow eyes bright against the evening light. I turned slightly heading in the direction that my feet had wished to carry me, we needed to figure something out and quickly or we might not even make it to where we're going.

                    "Stay close! Don't get separated that'll only make us an easier target, if we stay together and push forward I know we'll make it!" I ducked slightly was something came flying over my head, my eyes widened slightly before leaping over the flaming bag of gun powder. "Run faster if that thing blows up and we're too close it'll impale us with high doses of silver, though I doubt it'll be enough to kill us it will be enough to lay us out."

I didn't get a response but I didn't need one, seeing as Fey and Gamma picked up their pace. Now we all we're running full speed and it seemed like our pursuers were having a hard time keeping up, the farther we traveled east the more I began to be filled with a sense of... peace? Was that strange, with everything that's happened and with nearly an army of wolves chasing us I should feel panic. I should feel fear but I didn't, something was calling us in this direction and surprisingly we were answering. The scenery began to change bit by bit, the trees began to thin in numbers but grew in size, the lush thick bushes that smacked us as we run thinned and were replaced with long tall grass. A soft cool breeze blew swaying the grass, the scent of water and something else reached our noses. Lily, who hadn't shut up since we escaped, was now silent and remained as still as stone. Large rocks were scattered around the area too, symbols carved into them but we had no time to stop and examine them. The sound of paws against the ground kept us moving, my lungs burned, legs shook, wounds throbbed, but still I pushed forward. Soon the trees parted and I felt an overwhelming sense of dread, at first all I seen was a blinding light and a wide open space. The sun had long gone down and now the only thing that shown in the sky was the moon, as full as a mother's heart with love for her children.

I had thought I had just lead them to our doom, without cover we were sitting ducks and I knew from experience if we got caught out in a clearing we would end up back where we were. Locked up in a cell being punished for trying to escape, being degraded and subjected to the horrors that awaited us down there. My vision cleared as we pushed through the trees, I nearly stopped dead in my tracks. The clearing was large but it wasn't empty like the other one I had stumbled on, this place had fields of white glowing flowers. The moonlight shined down on the flowers making them glow a pale blue, but that wasn't the only thing that occupied this clearing. A voice rang out in my head so quiet at first I didn't hear it, my feet pushed my body faster. My paws brushed against the flowers but did not land on any of them, they were moving out of the path of our feet. Pale blue spores floated off the flowers onto and around us, my eyes glued to the other side of the clearing as we run. Standing there like a dream within a dream was him, the one I had longed to see since the day I disappeared. My heart, my soul, my love for all my life, the man the moon goddess blessed me to be my mate. Even with his back to me I knew it was him the instant my eyes landed on him, he was talking to someone though from this distance I couldn't tell who it was...

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