[05] - not your baby

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𖤐 ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 . ⋆ 𖤐

As someone who rather enjoys staying at home, my you'd think that having a reason, next door, not to leave the house, would be truly amazing.

Wrong. I like being able to make the decision of staying in my apartment, not being practically forced to it. All just so I don't have to bump into unwanted encounters.

Unfortunately, I can only stay hidden for a limited time, which has come to an end. So, accepting my fate, I quickly get dressed and grab something to eat.

Then, I make my way towards the door, where I fix my hair one last time, before peeking in the peephole and checking if the coast is clear.

Not seeing anyone and sighing in relief, I pull back and place my hand on the handle. I push the door open and grab my keys.

That's until I glance up and see a joyful- like always, no surprise there- Xander walking in the corridor. Eyes widening, I step back inside my apartment and storm the door closed.

Pressing my head against the wood, I groan. This has to be the universe playing some prank on me. What a damn coincidence, right when I'm about to leave for the first time in days, he has to show up.

"Getting nervous to see me, Red?" I can practically hear the amusement in his tone.

I roll my eyes, "Go away, Lane."

"Afraid you will fall to your knees if you say it face to face, angel?" he ignores my words and taunts.

"Keep your weird dreams inside your head." I shoot back, crossing my arms as I wait for him to go inside so I can leave.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I can't face Alexander Lane. I just know that if I do it will ruin my day, looking at him usually does. So I'm trying to prevent that from happening.

"Can you just go inside?" I insist.

He hums, "What's wrong, got a pimp on your face or some shit like that? Don't worry, you're still as pretty as ever"

"Charming" I deadpan, "Go already."

"Fine, fine, as you wish my lady" he muses and i rolls my eyes, again, at the newest nickname. He tends to like those a lot.

Finally, I hear the door close. Still I decide it's better to make sure and look into the peephole again. Once, twice and at the third time of seeing no movement I thank the gods.

Opening the door, I don't step outside just yet and instead peek my head to the right and check if he isn't hidden where the hole doesn't reach. All clear. Then I turn to my left,

"Boo!" Xander startles me, throwing his head back as uncontrolled laughter bursts from his mouth.

My brows narrow, "Lane!"

"Yeah, baby, scream my name" his voice drops to a low and deep one, arm resting on the wall as he towers me with his tall figure, "Practice for when I make you do it in other ways"

"First, gross" I hold up one finger, shuddering just at the thought, "Second, in your fucking dreams" one more digit raised until lastly, I say "Third, I'm not you baby."

"Not yet" he corrects.

"Not ever."

Still somehow that stupid and infuriating grin doesn't leave his lips. The amusement has only increased which tells me he's rather enjoying getting me pissed off. When doesn't he.

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