[47] - the glint in his eyes

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a few hours before

𖤐 ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 . ⋆ 𖤐

"Wish me luck."

"You got this man, just remember it's all over and the person in control is you" Rowan squeezes my shoulders in a reassuring way.

I appreciate him being here, especially when he's the only knowing the actual reason for my sudden nerves. I've waited for years for this moment, still doesn't feel real.

"You sound like my therapist," Devon comments.

"He's clearly not doing a good job, you've only gotten more delusional with time," my best friend retorts with a snort.

Dev tsks, "Half of the world is delusional, dude, don't be a hater nor a delusional-phobic."

"That's not even a word!"

"If I can pronounce it, than it's a word."

"Don't let any English teacher near you. Ever."

"You're right, they wouldn't resist me."

"And there he goes again."

Letting the two idiots continue their argument, I take a deep breath and grow the balls to step forward, knocking the office's door twice.

It's ironic, for half of my life I've stepped into this room every single day. There's not a single inch of it that I don't have memorize in my head, yet I've never been this nervous.

The truth is, I have no reason to be. The job's easy. Get in, submit my resignation letter, say thank you for the years I've worked here- cause I'm not rude- and get the hell out of here.

Like I said, easy.

Though it doesn't feel like that when the cold breeze brushes against my body and I hear the door close behind me. Alessandro is in the middle of a call, his gaze not even bothering to lift so he can acknowledge me.

I fidget with the rings in my hands, then shifting to the new band around my wrist. I don't remember exactly when did I steal it from Mika, but just the thought of her makes me smile.

My shoulders relax and I imagine here being by my side encouraging me to go forward. So that's exactly what I do. I place the letter on Alessandro's desk, right under his arms.

Finally giving me a second of attention, he stares at the papers. His brows narrow deep enough to form a crease between them as he slowly lifts his gaze to me.

"Give me a second, I will call you back." that's all he says to the person on the other side of the phone before ending the call, "What the hell is this?"

"My resignation letter. I quit."

"You can't."

"I can and I have."

Alessandro pinches the bridge of his nose, contemplating his following words carefully. I keep my posture straight and confident, I'm either getting out of here resigned or fired. Any works for me.

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