[07] - i might think youre flirting with me

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Watching a movie starring five male friends with other four guys is... an experience to say the least.

Throughout the 102 minutes, there were moments when we all laughed at the obvious jokes. And then, there were those random scenes where the guys shitted their pants for a reason only god knows.

I've always defended that the male brain should be studied, not because it's impressive- far from that honestly- but because it holds so much nonsense. I've quit trying to understand it, a long time ago.

Anyway, with perfect timing, a few of our phones buzz with notification just as the movie ends. Realising mine is one of them, I reach for the table and see an email.

'Dear employees,
It's with much grace that we announce the merge of Elite and IMG agencies. A new path is to come.
Changes will be made and soon we will share with more details about that matter. Until then, enjoy the two week vacation we're providing. (...)'

"The vacation part I did not expect" Rina grins.

"They're not usually this considerate." Benji comments with suspicion filling his gaze.

I shrug at his words, "IMG was always generous in that department, Elite on the other hand..."

"You work with them, fancy boy, what's your thoughts on this?" Rina shifts the attention to Lane, whose finger rub his temple.

"Maybe it's IMG rubbing off on Elite, who knows, might as well just take it" his shoulders drop, phone back into his pocket.

Maybe I'm reaching, but that was so not...Xander? I mean, like it's a topic is not so found of talking about. Now that I think about it, he barely talks about his model agency.

Not that is a current topic for the rest of us, but it comes out here and then. While with Lane, he prefers to never comment on it. Maybe it's a weird policy they have.

"And this is exactly why i thank god I never enrolled myself on that industry" Devon shakes his head slightly as he points to my phone, "Who even receives emails at 11pm on a random Wednesday?!"

"Who receives emails, final" Rowan corrects and ironically enough, seconds later both their phones ring with notifications.

Dev holds his phone up, "See, now this the type of announcement you want to get. Halloween party this weekend, can't miss it"

"You've been here for less than a week and you're already getting party invites?" I frown, because that's cannot be normal.

"What can I say, Miks" he shrugs cockily, grinning like he's the king of the world who everyone should bow to, "People love me and I get the party going"

"All you get is more delusional everyday." Benji deadpans, ruining our friend's moment.

"I'm making it a life mission to get you to loosen up for once and just enjoy living in the moment" Rowan announces as he shoots Lee a wink.

Benji never looked so pained, "Please, don't."

"I wonder what you do for fun then" my brother doesn't let it go, causing his suffering to be even bigger.

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