[37] - ask me nicely

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a/n: explicit sexual content ahead.
if you prefer not to read, skip to the next chapter!

𖤐 ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 . ⋆ 𖤐

"Fuck, I've missed this."

"I can tell," I retort with a smirk.

Not letting it last too long, I pull Lane back into the kiss and pull at his hair. He groans against my mouth making my back arch and my need for him to become even higher.

Until he suddenly pulls away, "Wait."

"What?" I frown, impatient.

"We we're supposed to be taking things slow, we shouldn't even knock boots before the third-" I cut him and his nonsense off.

"Shut up and fuck me already, Xander."

With my arms wrapped around his neck I stare at him expectantly, trying to decipher if the wide eyed brunette is going to keep fighting me on this.

His shoulders relax, "Ask me nicely."

"Are you on drugs?" I scrunch my nose.

"Was worth a shot," Lane sighs with a shrug, his head shaking as he pushes the door to his apartment open and guides me inside by the waist, "Tell me you're not going to regret this."

I stare at him in the eyes, "I won't."

With a short nod and a lazy smile, he leads me into his bedroom and cages my mouth with his lips in a hungry kiss. Hot, messy, world chattering.

I feel my back hit the wall as his hands travel all the way to my thighs. A soft gasp escapes my lips and all I see is his eyes visibly becoming more filled with lust.

Even in the dark, everything about him is so annoyingly perfect. The sharp edges of his body, fully defined face gifting him with angel appearances, his presence that consumes entirely.

Every touch, every moan, every kiss and every short moment of eye contact. They'd be powerful enough to build a song that would play in the background throughout our whole story.

Unlike most, I'd take a wild guess of saying ours begun with a pouring storm being allured by the flaming sun, until slowly it grew into something more. An in between. A perfect match in its own twisted way.

"Lay down for me, Red" Lane whisper in my ear.

I let myself fall willingly into the bed, my pants catching up to my breathing as I watch him take his shirt off first, then everything else. I follow right behind, stripping naked only for his eyes as well.

He stares at me for one wild second, admiring every inch he sees. Somehow creating this deadly illusion in my mind that the purest form of perfection is right in front of his eyes.

Then, our bodies meet, yet again after so much longing. A puzzle is finished as the last piece is set. Fireworks burst inside my stomach, such a teenager-like feeling while seeming so impossible to brush away.

We kiss like teenagers that can't get enough of each other. Our tongues battling for dominance until I eventually letting him win.

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