[25] - fuck it

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"Everyone, please, gather around!"

My conversation with Rowan gets cut off by my sister's shouting. With an exchange of glances, we make our way to the restaurant's rooftop where Lydia stands next to Ben, smiling her face off.

Finally, the actual reason for this idiotic family get together is being outed. Truly, I wish I could say that I'm curious to whatever milestone my sister has reached this time, but the truth is that I can't wait to go home.

By that, I mean go back to New York, to my small apartment with my bed and all my things. Where I have no worries in the world, where life actually feels pretty good. Not here, never here.

So, once she's done with it, I'm out. Rowan and I agreed beforehand we'd want to leave earlier than everyone else. For most people is just another day, a couple more hours, for us is unwanted torture.

I'm tired and this is supposed to be my holidays. At least allow me to enjoy those, or the rest of it that I still have. Whoever says that spending time with other people doesn't get you exhausted too, was seriously wrong.

"Just to be clear, we're not done with our chat about you and my best friend" Ro wraps an arm around my shoulder, grinning to anyone glancing out way.

"There's nothing to discuss" I argue.

"I don't get why you're fighting it so much" he sighs, shaking his head as if I'm physically paining him for some reason.

An eye roll, "I'm not fighting anything."

"You're telling me you two weren't about to kiss when I accidentally interrupted?" my brother arches a knowing brow.

"I think you're seeing things." I press my lips together, wanting desperately to dodge away from this topic.

"Or I'm throwing the truth, that you so much want to avoid, in your face and you don't like it. I just don't get why are you so opposed to the idea" he peers into my eyes, but I look away before he gets to read through me.

"And I don't understand why you're so into it" I retort, letting out a humorless snort, "Most brothers would be pissed to the possibility of something happening between the sister and their best friend"

"Because most guy's best friends are douchebags. Xander isn't, even if you for some reason believe he is. I just think you'd work if you gave him a chance, the guy totally has the hots for you" he nudges my arm, clicking his tongue as suggesting the idea again.

"I can barely stand the guy most times, what in the world gives that delusional head of yours the certainty that it could work?!" I frown.

"For starters, he doesn't get fazed by your attitude and grumpiness" Rowan holds up fingers as he counts his defenses, "Two, you're on the same line of work, therefore he better than anyone else understands your strict rules with it"

"There's thousands of guys working in the modeling industry, I could go for any of them" I shrug.

"Yeah? Then why haven't you?" he asks.

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