[16] - a single touch erupts a thousand feelings

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𖤐 ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 . ⋆ 𖤐

Surprisingly the following day is nowhere near as chaotic as the former. Mom, dad and my went back to get food and other essentials along with grandma and grandpa, while Lydia and Ben decided to explore our surroundings.

If you ask me, I never really thought of my sister as someone who enjoys being a tourist, but if it makes her stay away than I will goddamn take it.

That leaves only a few people in the house, which lead my aunt Diane to suggest that we make a little snack for later today. As a chef, she's always loved to cook and at every family gathering is basically the only peaceful moment.

In every family there's the people you basically see once a year and, if you weren't on the same family, you'd probably never see their faces. Then, there's those you're friendly with and their presence doesn't really bothered you, but it doesn't make a difference as well.

Lastly, there's those you actually anticipate to see. Usually, from my experience, it's always either a cousin or an uncle/aunt. They make it more bearable, getting you through the moments where everything feels like it's about to explode.

So many people in one house only is asking for it though. At this point Uncle Sam is the smartest one around, booking a room in the nearest hotel instead of staying here.

"I'm ready to help!" my thoughts fade away as my gaze snaps to my brother, who's wearing a way-too-tiny apron around his bare torso.

"Where the hell did you find that atrocity at?" I hold back the snort that threatens to escape from me.

"You're just jealous I'm totally rocking this look" he bobs his finger while pouring to himself, confident that it doesn't look that bad. It does.

"What gave you the confidence? Delusion?" I quirk a mocking brow.

"See, that's what happens when you waste your time exchanging stupid tiktoks with Devon" my brother shakes his head disapprovingly.

"Says the one who spends his days playing Deduct non-stop with Lane" i retort.

The room gets heavier, "Called, angel?"

My gaze shifts to a messy hair, dark sweatpants only, shockingly tanned for this time of the year version of Alexander Lane. Of course he had to look like a goddamn model even when he's not supposed to.

Yeah, yeah, I know that's literally his job but still. Should be a literal crime to wake up like that, it's not fair for everyone else. I wake up looking a damn rat and this dickhead-

"Take a picture it will last longer, Red." he flashes me a full teeth grin, amused by having caught me staring.

My tone is dry, "I might, only to burn it afterwards"

"Always such a sharp mouth that of yours" he tsks with a shake of his head, still grinning "One of these days I might just have to do something about it."

"Try it and I kill you in your sleep" I remark.

"I'd let you do anything to me, angel" he winks.

"Control your dog, Ro" I sigh.

Xander smirks, "Woof woof."

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