[18] - take you out on dates and spoil you

978 48 55

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By next day's morning, I'm alone in my room.

At least I am, when I wake up to the rays of sunshine piercing through the glass windows. Lane's nowhere to be seen, but from what I remember from his routine he's probably on his morning run.

If you ask me, only a complete have-nothing-better-to-do-with-my-life idiot does that. Morning and running do not match well together. Early hours are supposed to be spent sleeping, no more and no less.

Nonetheless, I'm not complaining about his absence in any way. In fact, I'd thank him for it. A moment just for me is exactly what I need and I don't waste time spending it on a long bath.

From what I've seen of the other rooms, none have actual showers and instead they opted for bathtubs. To me it doesn't really make a difference, if anything, this gives it a more elegant vibe.

All I need more is the AirPods I plug in my ears and the playlist I press play. My body slides deeper into the tub, everything covered by the water and foam except for my hair and face.

The only thing that could make this better was having my laptop over here and putting on a show to binge watch. Anytime I have time for it, I do it at home cause I swear is one of the most relaxing things ever.

In the meantime, as I reach for my phone so I can skip to the next song, the bathroom's door is burst open. My gaze snaps to it, brows narrowing, as none other than Alexander Lane walks in.

"What the hell?!" I whisper-shout.

However it's pointless, as the guy has his back to me and didn't hear a thing I said with his AirPods also plugged in. Poor ears of his, that volume must be high.

Swaying to whatever music his listening to, Lane stays oblivious as slips off his running shoes and then starts to take his shirt off. My eyes widen in realization and I glance around, trying to find a way to get his attention.

My gaze lands on my slippers and an idea pops up. I reach to grab one and then aim it to his head, which clearly proves I was not made for archery since it actually lands on his back. Works too, though.

Unplugging one of his AirPods, Lane turns around with a frown as to say 'ouch?'. I return the harsh look, in disbelief as he's still standing there now that he knows I'm in here.

"What the fuck was that for?" he rubs his back.

"Uh, hello?! I'm naked over here, Lane, get out!" this man cannot be serious right now and he's still not moving.

"Relax, angel, you're good" his words leave his mouth before he can think twice, which causes my frown to deepen and that's when he adds, "Shit, I mean you're good as in all covered not- yeah, I should probably just go"

"Finally, you've said something right!" I huff, with a slight shake of my head "Did you not realize that the door was closed and the lights were turned on?!"

"Usually people lock the door" he points out.

I glare, "The lock is broke, there's a sign outside."

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