Chapter 130 - Only Out of Self-Interests - Part 2

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In the Palace, Tuoba Yu came out from the hall and went to see his Concubine Mother, Virtuous Consort Zhang.

Virtuous Consort Zhang resided in Yi Ran Palace, located along the shore of Lake Bi Bo. Quiet and peaceful, the clear blue waters were indeed beautiful scenery. Since the last time when she was frightened, Virtuous Consort Zhang has been ill and bedridden, but her body has begun to recover after a summer. Tuoba Yu arrived at the courtyard and found Virtuous Consort Zhang sitting under a tree, playing Go by herself with her female attendants by her side.

Seeing Tuoba Yu had arrived, Virtuous Consort Zhang smiled: "Back already?"

"Yes, I've come to greet Concubine Mother." Tuoba Yu clasped his hands in salute, and Virtuous Consort Zhang immediately reached out to help him up.

Tuoba Yu glanced at the Go board where the white pieces were surrounded by the black pieces. He had a small smile: "Concubine Mother truly has the mind and energy, if you want to play a game of Go, why not find someone to play with you?"

Virtuous Consort Zhang smiled and glanced at her son before leisurely saying: "These days, everyone in the Palace is running to Consort Lian, His Majesty hasn't come by in months, let alone others."

Tuoba Yu looked at his mother. Above Virtuous Consort Zhang's red tinted cheeks were a pair of watchful eyes following him. He smiled bitterly: "I cannot hide anything from Concubine Mother."

Virtuous Consort Zhang sighed: "You sent Zhou Da Shou into the Palace and even gifted your Concubine Mother an opponent. Forget it. As long as it benefits you, what is losing a bit of favor worth?" After that, she carefully inspected the Go board and seemed to inadvertently ask, "I heard you do not want to marry a Princess Consort and even dismissed your uncle's words?"

"Indeed." Tuoba Yu's expression was that of indifference, as if he had expected his mother would ask this question long ago.

"Why?" Virtuous Consort Zhang turned to look at him, her eyes cold. Tuoba Yu inwardly sighed. It was inevitable: "The Imperial Court is in disorder, the matter of concubines can be postponed for a few years."

Virtuous Consort Zhang frowned, "How many years? How old are you to still have no heirs! What are you doing?! How could you still say postpone it!"

"Third Brother still hasn't married—"

"He's different! He doesn't have a noble background, nor a mother's support. Neither of high status nor lowly, do you think you're the same as him?" Virtuous Consort Zhang scolded him.

Tuoba Zhen actually had a marriage arrangement two years ago. The Emperor bestowed this marriage himself. It was with the eldest daughter of Duke Ying, but this Xiaojie had disappeared with the incense before she was married. Tuoba Zhen was "devastated", hence the matter of his marriage was delayed year after year. Only Tuoba Yu understood that if the Emperor did not personally bestow that marriage, Tuoba Zhen would not even look at the likes of Duke Ying. That Xiaojie of the Ying family was perfectly healthy and doing well, yet she suddenly became gravely ill and died. This certainly made others suspicious, but what use would it be to say these things to Virtuous Consort Zhang.

In the past two years, courtiers also advised him to establish a Princess Consort. He could disregard their words, but the person standing here is his birth mother. Even if he is unwilling, he could only stand there and earnestly listen to her teachings. Of course, it is one thing to listen, whether or not he will do so is another thing. He would never marry anyone else!

"Are you still thinking about that Li Wei Yang?" Virtuous Consort Zhang asked, blank-faced. A hint of a blush appeared on Tuoba Yu's cold, indifferent face. He coughed uncomfortably and slowly let out words that fell upon ears like a clap of thunder: "I already said that if Concubine Mother does not agree to let me marry her, I won't marry a Princess Consort at all!"

This was not simply a statement but an assertion. Virtuous Consort Zhang's expressionless face finally changed as she angrily said: "Have you truly been bewitched by that fox demon?!"

Tuoba Yu knelt on the ground and solemnly continued: "I've already said so; not only is she worthy of my love, she is also worthy of my respect. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be here today, nor would I be able to hold out against the Crown Prince and Tuoba Zhen! I will need her in the future as well, please Concubine Mother, I am asking for your permission!" He told Virtuous Consort Zhang countless times. Li Wei Yang was not only a Xiaojie in her boudoir, she was also a resourceful strategist, but Virtuous Consort Zhang refused to listen to his explanations.

Virtuous Consort Zhang stared intently at her son and recognized his stubbornness and refusal to concede and sighed to herself: "You still insist on it— I've already said that it doesn't matter who you truly love or if you have a respectable background. Make her a Side Consort if you must, but you insist on making her Princess Consort..." She sternly looked into Tuoba Yu's dark eyes and forced out the words: "Alright. Even though I admit that she is clever and will be useful to you, what about her reputation? She can be wronged, she can be fighting back, but she forced her eldest sister and maternal grandmother down a dead end, these are stains on her name that cannot be erased! You think I won't hear about the things outsiders say because I am in the Palace? Yu er, Concubine Mother always hopes that you can marry a Princess Consort who can help you, but it's different now. I only hope you can marry a Princess Consort who is a dignified, generous and ordinary Xiaojie. Li Wei Yang's hands are full of blood now, and everyone is talking about it. If she truly becomes your Princess Consort, do you truly only want to marry her in this life?"

No matter how it is defended, Li Wei Yang's lethal reputation has reached everyone's ears, and everyone is talking. Tuoba Yu pursed his lips and remained in a stone-faced silence. Virtuous Consort Zhang sighed. The sharp gleam in her eyes turned deadly: "Your Concubine Mother knows you like her, but Li Wei Yang cannot be your Princess Consort, nor become the Empress of Da Li, do you understand?! If you choose such a woman, you will be subject to endless critique. How can you fight for the throne? You're right, she is a powerful strategist, but she simply cannot be a gentle, virtuous wife! If you insist on marrying her, I will die here without closing my eyes!" These words were like arrowtips! Steeled and solemn down to the last word, each word burying itself into the heart.

Virtuous Consort Zhang's interrogation almost rendered Tuoba Yu speechless. "Concubine Mother!" Tuoba Yu couldn't help but take a step forward, but he looked at Virtuous Consort Zhang's slightly reddened temples—though it wasn't very obvious, but ever since that incident, Virtuous Consort Zhang seemed to have aged overnight. The retort he prepared suddenly got caught—

Virtuous Consort Zhang saw that her son hesitated and hammered the final point in: "I've said so much to make you understand that you are not only inheriting my hopes but the lives of countless people as well. If you lose your way, thousands of people who follow you will be hurt!"

Tuoba Yu could only remain silent, conflicted. Virtuous Consort Zhang quietly eyed him for a while before slowly saying: "Li Wei Yang isn't too young anymore. You are right. She is a good girl, clever and decisive, so she should not be lonely for the rest of her life. You have two cousins who haven't married yet, and now that she has also reached a marriageable age, why not—"

The cousins that Virtuous Consort Zhang were referring to obviously did not include Zhang Feng, the Ninth Princess's childhood friend, but rather his two handsome older brothers. Well-versed in the literary and martial arts, they were role models that young ladies in the Capital vied for. Virtuous Consort Zhang felt that Tuoba Yu's hopes will not be extinguished no matter who Li Wei Yang marries, but if she marries his cousin, it will be a completely matter. Even if Tuoba Yu liked her, he could not yearn for his cousin's wife. It was absolutely forbidden.

"Concubine Mother!" Tuoba Yu's heart felt cold all over. There seemed to be a bottomless hole in his heart, overflowing with bitterness: "Concubine Mother! She won't agree!"

Virtuous Consort Zhang scoffed: "How do you know she won't agree? You aren't her, so how can you decide this for her? Are you even certain that she likes you? You must know that she keeps saying she doesn't want to marry you!"

In the blink of an eye, Tuoba Yu stiffened as if someone had exposed the scar he always wanted to hide away. Virtuous Consort Zhang knew he was proud and arrogant, and these words were no different than a slap to the face, delivering a hot and throbbing pain.

That's right. Li Wei Yang never said she liked him, nor mentioned that she wanted to marry him. It was all his imagination, he was only deceiving himself, so he couldn't refute anything.

Virtuous Consort Zhang looked at him and eventually said: "You have to think carefully."

Tuoba Yu didn't say anything more and turned to leave.

Virtuous Consort Zhang turned back and faced a large tree off to the side as she said: "Come out, Anping Xianzhu."

Li Wei Yang came out from behind the tree. Virtuous Consort Zhang gave her a complicated look: "Xianzhu has heard everything. The reason why I called you here, Xianzhu, must be clear to you now." Li Wei Yang walked over to the Go board once again: "It is very clear, extremely clear, perhaps too clear."

Virtuous Consort Zhang looked at her with anticipation: "I hope you will advise my son to establish a Princess Consort as soon as possible and act, Xianzhu."

Li Wei Yang smiled vaguely and said, "May I ask niang niang what you wish me to advise? Simply because His Seventh Highness likes me? Niang niang, don't you think this is ironic?"

She couldn't control her own son, so she wants Li Wei Yang to help her? Moreover, she was not asking, it was an order, but on what basis? Did she think Li Wei Yang was a soft persimmon? Why didn't she put her ability for bullying young girls to good use and fight the Empress and help her son onto the throne as soon as possible? Just now, behind the tree, she heard everything the two of them said and better understood Virtuous Consort Zhang's intentions, but what did that have to do with her? Whether Tuoba Yu refused to marry a Princess Consort or in regards to his feelings towards her, it had nothing to do with her. Why should she be held accountable for his decisions? This was the greatest laughing matter under the skies.

They had a working relationship, but Virtuous Consort Zhang had the impression she was responsible for Tuoba Yu and reached out to her. Could it be that she hurt her head?

Li Wei Yang was someone who was downright selfish, coldhearted and selfish to the extremes. Why would she do something if it wouldn't benefit her? It was a shame that throughout the ordeal, Virtuous Consort Zhang was convinced that Li Wei Yang was clinging to her son and didn't think that she wasn't interested in the great and mighty Seventh Highness.

"Niang niang, I will make it clear to His Seventh Highness, but as for what His Seventh Highness does, I have no way to stop him."

"Then marry Zhang Bo of Duke Luo's residence. He is already the Vice Minister of Rites at a young age and also among the best of the best. Countless girls want to marry him!"

"Niang niang, His Majesty has not even mentioned my marriage. What right do you have to command me to do so?" Li Wei Yang could face her with a better attitude, perhaps even lie to Virtuous Consort Zhang to let this matter pass, but she tolerated this woman for a long time.

From the moment she entered the Palace today, that woman aggressively demanded she marry into Duke Luo's residence. She didn't even hesitate to use Tan Shi and Li Min Chi to threaten her. This Virtuous Consort Zhang has lived too comfortably and can't wait to seek out trouble! Li Wei Yang felt that there are some people who want to advance another step after gaining an inch. If you let her have her way, who knows if she will take more provocative actions instead. That being said, Li Wei Yang doesn't have to be polite!

Virtuous Consort Zhang looked at her in surprise. Her face became even uglier: "You dare talk to me that way?!"

"Niang niang, you are of the second rank. I am also of the second rank. In terms of Palace rules, I don't need to stand on ceremony, yet I still respectfully salute you. This is because I respect you as an elder, but this doesn't mean you can involve yourself in my personal life on a whim! If you really want me to marry into Duke Luo's residence, then go to His Majesty and see if he will agree!" Li Wei Yang said coldly.

Of course Virtuous Consort Zhang mentioned it, more than once even, but every time, she was interrupted by the new, beloved Consort Lian! Upon hearing Li Wei Yang's words, Virtuous Consort Zhang's eyes darkened with hatred. She pointed at Li Wei Yang, almost at a loss for words.

"Niang niang, I am helping your son approach the throne step by step. I'm not doing this out of obligation. You are too anxious. What good does it do you? If I am truly angered, I may turn the other way and not help Tuoba Yu. What should I do? I suggest that you drink tea, admire flowers and raise birds when you are free. Don't mix up things that should not be mixed up, don't control things you can't control, otherwise, if you don't—" The cold gleam in Li Wei Yang's eyes displayed no respect for Virtuous Consort Zhang. It was clearly a look of impatience.

Virtuous Consort Zhang's eyes reached a point where they couldn't get any wider. She had been honored her entire life, and no one had ever dared to talk to her like this, and Li Wei Yang even warned her that there was a possibility she could help someone else instead? How could this be?! She thought that although Li Wei Yang outwardly refused, she still loved him in her heart, why else would she help him? The essence of the problem was that Virtuous Consort Zhang could not let her be Princess Consort, which hurt Li Wei Yang's self-esteem. Virtuous Consort Zhang originally thought that as long as she intimidated her, even if Li Wei Yang felt wronged, she would certainly marry into Duke Luo's residence for Tuoba Yu's own good. Not to mention, water in irrigation channels would not flow to faraway fields. Her wisdom and strategies would still belong to them. But now, with her strong and unwavering attitude, Virtuous Consort Zhang suddenly realized she had misjudged this little girl all this time!

Li Wei Yang forced her to take a few steps backwards until she finally sat down onto the chair, but she couldn't even say a thing and only trembled in fury.

"Niang niang, I have been in the Palace for too long, so I should bid farewell." Li Wei Yang swept a hand over her skirt, brushing off non-existent dust. "It's windy outside, please take care."

Li Wei Yang came out of Virtuous Consort Zhang's palace and saw Tuoba Yu waiting for her by the door. His face didn't look good.

"You heard everything?" Tuoba Yu stared intently at her.

In contrast to his vaguely eager expression, Li Wei Yang remained terrifyingly calm.

"I already said that Princess Consort would only be you." Tuoba Yu put emphasis on every word.

Li Wei Yang suddenly laughed. What she said next made Tuoba Yu feel like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on him. He immediately fell silent, rendered speechless.

She stared into his eyes and only said one thing: "What about the Secondary Consort?"

Tuoba Yu sighed the moment he heard it and immediately understood what she meant. However, it was impossible for him to only marry just Princess Consort. This has never happened in the 100 years since the founding of the Da Li dynasty. His identity and status already decided the fact that there cannot be only one woman by his side.

Li Wei Yang smiled. She already knew his answer and said: "Your Seventh Highness, I hope we will treat this as if it never happened and cooperate at ease, what do you think, Your Highness?"

Tuoba Yu looked into her clear but cold eyes and could hardly say a word. Furthermore, Li Wei Yang was the most clear-headed one. If she knew it could not be guaranteed, it would be best to let go of it from the start. To her, he was simply foolish.

Over the past few months, many things happened. He had been openly fighting with the Crown Prince and Tuoba Zhen, countless dangers everywhere in Southern Xinjiang. Many things piled up making him extremely busy, with no energy to be distracted by anything else. For the time being, he could rest assured and take advantage of Li Wei Yang's assistance from behind. She was meticulous and made careful arrangements, making him think otherwise, almost thinking that Li Wei Yang loved him, like he loved her. However, that thought was only a thought. In truth, he knew in his heart that she had no feelings for him and was only working with him. He smiled bitterly. So when faced with his Concubine Mother's interrogation, and now faced with her flat rejection, he could not refute.

He should really think about what he should do now.

"Earlier in the main hall, did you do as I said?" This was what Li Wei Yang cared about most!

Tuoba Yu's face slightly fell: "Imperial Father ordered Duke Jiang to return to the Capital to explain everything."

Li Wei Yang's smile slowly faded: "You didn't do as I said?!" She gave him so many opportunities, and everytime he always made a decision that disappointed her! It seems she could no longer have such high hopes for Tuoba Yu. This person lacked the kind of mercilessness that an Emperor needed to possess, and what is frustrating is that it is Tuoba Zhen who always has this mercilessness! Li Wei Yang felt she needed to visit Consort Rou niang niang...

Tuoba Yu was about to explain the real reason to her when he was suddenly interrupted.

"Greetings, Your Seventh Highness." The sharp of an eunuch suddenly interrupted his thoughts. It was a servant who came from the palace gates and greeted Tuoba Yu. Tuoba Yu broke out of his contemplative daze and nodded.

Li Wei Yang glanced at him and said nothing more. She saluted him, then turned and left.

Tuoba Yu was completely dumbstruck. Li Wei Yang had always looked at him with anticipation and encouragement, but just now, there was clearly disappointment and coldness in her eyes as if she was looking at a useless thing. Did he disappoint her? Because he was too soft-hearted and let his enemy go?!

An unfamiliar chill invaded Tuoba Yu's body. He—would she completely abandon him too?! No, this is absolutely impossible!

The Third Prince's Residence

In the study of the Third Prince's residence, Tuoba Zhen's desk was covered with paintings of beautiful women. Tuoba Zhen was sitting in a chair. There was only a single candle in the room, illuminating his solemn face and flickering. His eyes weren't on the paintings of the beauties but closed, thinking about something.

The spy reported: "Virtuous Consort Zhang niang niang summoned Anping Xianzhu into the Palace today to talk. Anping Xianzhu encountered the Seventh Prince at the palace gates."

"What did they talk about?" Tuoba Zhen suddenly opened his eyes.

The spy broke out in a cold sweat and stuttered: "This... I didn't hear clearly."

"Hmph! Useless!" Tuoba Zhen lowered his eyes and coldly scoffed.

The spy prostrated on the ground. Sneaking a glance at his master's solemn face, he tentatively asked, "Does this servant need to go to the Seventh Prince's residence and investigate?" There was still a spy there.

"...No need." Tuoba Zhen tiredly closed his eyes and gestured for him to withdraw.

The spy held his breath and quickly yet respectfully retreated. Tuoba Zhen frowned, his eyes fixated on the paintings of the beauties on the table. All these women were prestigious ladies of large, influential families, chosen by his courtiers. Regardless of their appearance, they would be useful to him. Marrying any one of them would greatly enhance his strength.

In the past, he would definitely find and choose the most useful person and marry without the slightest hesitation—even if she was an ugly monster! He only needed to take advantage of the power in his hands to ascend to the throne and rule the world! But now, he looked at these unfamiliar faces and became even more upset. He suddenly flung his arm out and swept everything to the ground with a "shua." The scroll paintings flew everywhere and got dirty at once.

Among all the scrolls, there was a portrait that he personally painted. At this moment, it finally turned up. He was stunned to discover that the woman he subconsciously drew looked a lot like Anping Xianzhu, Li Wei Yang. He looked at the lovely beauty in the painting and couldn't help but reach out. His fingertips gently traced the light ink lines on paper, deep in thought.

At this moment, a clap of thunder interrupted his thoughts. It was going to rain soon. Tuoba Zhen walked to the window. His dark, solemn eyes looked up at the sky and dark clouds, the silence was like the calm before the storm.

Returning to the desk once more, he made up his mind. He picked up the scroll painting and suddenly tore it in half before sneering: "Li Wei Yang, you want to marry Tuoba Yu? It won't be that easy! If I can't have it, no one will be able to either!"

At the Li Residence, the autumn wind came, and the room seemed a bit chilly. Li Wei Yang could even hear the billowing wind outside as well as the thunder above in the clouds. The candlelight slightly flickered, casting her slender shadow on the plain wall, making others feel unspeakably cold.

Li Wei Yang put down the book in her hand and stared at her shadow for a while. Bai Zhi said: "Xiaojie, do you want to rest?"

Li Wei Yang shook her head and said, "I'm not sleepy yet."

At that moment, Li Min De leapt in from the window—as if he'd done this many times, this action had been well-practiced. Li Wei Yang blinked and said, "Your body hasn't recovered yet, and you've already run wild, I won't look after you if you get sick again!"

Li Min De smiled slightly and said, "How could I get sick? My body has fully recovered."

Strange indeed, who is the person that dies every night and comes back to life the next morning, only to act like it was nothing! Li Wei Yang glanced at him: "What are you doing here?"

"I bought some small dishes from Mo Li Pavillion. Let's eat together!" He said with a grin. The food container held in his hand was still steaming hot. It seems like it was just bought. The corner of Li Wei Yang's mouth lifted, then immediately fell: "Such a cold day and you're still running outside—" Mid-speech, he casually opened the box and put a piece into her mouth.

With a mouthful of the aromatic snack, alright, she admitted, the Mo Li Pavillion chef indeed made more refined foods than her small kitchen. There was no way to refuse. Afterwards, Li Min De walked over behind her and smiled warmly: "What book are you reading?"

"Not exactly a book—" Li Wei Yang flipped to the cover.

"Jiang Hua's writings?" Li Min De was slightly surprised. Li Wei Yang smiled and said: "By understanding one another, a hundred battles can be won. While he is despicable, the military records are decently written, do you want to take a look?"

Li Min De made a disgusted face. Li Wei Yang smiled and said: "If you're not interested, then forget it."

Li Min De smiled and said: "Reading his military records can't be compared to close surveillance." He pulled a list out from his sleeve, "This is everything he has done in the army in the past ten years, recorded in detail and perhaps more useful than military records."

It's much more useful to monitor his actions than to read his so-called writings. A hint of surprise appeared in Li Wei Yang's eyes as she accepted it: "How did you get this?"

Li Min De sighed and said: "Of course, it took quite a bit of effort, but as long as it's useful, it's all good."

Li Wei Yang looked at him and smiled: "Don't show off." As she flipped through the records in hand, there was amusement in her eyes: "You definitely shouldn't be having someone secretly watch Tuoba Yu either."

She apparently knew that he had sent someone to keep a close eye on the Seventh Prince. Underneath the candlelight, Li Min De's light amber eyes were exceptionally clear and bright. The corners of his eyes curved up. He smiled in a cheerful, warm manner: "He has such a cold, indifferent face and couldn't be more useless; you're really not going to reconsider and pick someone else?"

-----------------------*****------------------------Translator: ChauEditor: Chau

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