Captain's Birthday

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One afternoon over in Surrey, we see Uno and Denise in their apartment, It's only been a year since they began dating and moved in together, the two were making their snacks for their training for the national team. When out of the blue Denise remembered something.

"Hey, Uno. Isn't today the 7th of April?"

"Well, Yeah. Why'd you ask. Please don't tell me you forgot." Uno said rather sadly, thinking his girlfriend forgot an important day.

"No, No, No. I-I haven't forgot. I just forgot what day it is.? Denise said. Uno perked up, he began moving closer to Denise, when he got really close, he held her chin and kissed her.

"Then, thank you, my dear. Uno said rather flitry, this warrented a warm blush from Denise.

"Say, Den, Do you want to prank the others when we arrive?"

"What's the prank about? Is it about your birthday?"

Uno began to grin like an evil, cheeky idiot.

"Yes. We are going to prank them. Well, mainly not the Hypower gang but... The ones who forgot about my birthday, then yes." Denise sweatdropped but began to understand why her boyfriend wanted to pull the prank off.

We fast forward to the training camp where we see Uno and Denise walking to the pitch seeing everybody training hard.

"Everybody, Gather round at once!" Uno called out. Everybody jogged to Uno and Denise.

"You all are doing magnificently on training, but, you all forgot what day it is, and I am truly dissapointed that you all forgot." Uno said solemnly. Everybody except Denise was baffled.

"Denise, Let's train our hissatsus alone, please." Uno asked, Denise looked at him lovingly and nodded, she turn to look at the rest and gave them a glare. After that they walked to one of the goals and began training.

"Shit, We forgot!" Matt exclaimed, Lance and Lorenzo just stood there with a stone face and began walking to Uno and Denise.

"Are you two just going to walk away and not help?!" Isabelle yelled. The two looked at Isabelle with a menacing glare with Isabelle trembling in fear.

"We know about Uno's day everyday since He is our brother. If his parents don't bother with attending his birthday, then it's always going to be us and Denise to celebrate it with him. Thanks alot for making him feel Unwanted again." The two said coldly and continues walking to Uno. To their surprise, Uno was curled up and crying at the back of the bench. Denise was trying to console him but was unsucessfull.

"Denise, Was this all suppose to be a prank for them to remember?" Lance asked.

"Well, yeah. But since they actually forgot, he got unwelcomed again..." Denise said sadly. Lorenzo and Lance decided to try and comfort their brother, they gave him the presents they got him and even brought out his suit so that he can feel whole. While this ordeal was happening everybody was being frantic, they left for the mall to buy him gifts, a cake, some birthday decorations and food for them to celebrate his birthday. Matt, Angelo and Maury managed to catch on to Lorenzo and Lance's thoughts about Uno's birthday. They texted each other on the progress of the others.

As the day wore on, Uno, Denise, Lance and Lorenzo just trained just to keep Uno's mind in check. Suddenly a ringtone shot through the air. Denise ran to her phone and picked up Jada who was calling.

"Hey, The locker room is ready for a party." Jada said through the phone.

"Alright be there in a bit." Denise responded, she hung the call up and gathered the three boys. After she called them up they began walking to the locker room.

"Surprise!" Everybody cheered, Uno stood there, baffled and overjoyed, he began tearing up.

"Y-you all remembered!" Uno exclaimed with tears overflowing from his eyes.

"Of course we did. How can we forget our Captain's special day." Patricia said.

"How about we begin the festivities now, ey Kyousuke-kun?" Denise asked.

Uno looked at everybody, then gave Denise a loving smile that signaled her that the festivities were now under way.

Fast forward to the end of the night, we see Uno and Denise in their apartment cuddling in their bed and watching a movie.

"Hey, Denise. Today was amazing, you gave me one of the best birthdays ever!"
Uno said with sparkles in his eyes, Denise looked at him lovingly and began cupping his cheeks.

"Anything to have you know that you are cherished. I love you Uno."

"I love you Denise." Uno said as he pulled her into his arms. They slowly fell asleep, with Uno falling asleep with a grin, knowing that he had a more wonderful birthday party, all thanks to his loving girlfriend.

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