Third Time With Twins

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As the days went by, life in the household continued to be filled with joyful chaos. Denise's pregnancy progressed, bringing with it the usual bouts of morning sickness, and the family prepared eagerly for the arrival of their new twins.

One evening, Denise was in the nursery, carefully packing the hospital bag. She double-checked each item, making sure they had everything they needed for the big day: baby clothes, diapers, blankets, toiletries, and her own essentials. As she bent over to add another item, a wave of nausea hit her.

“Uno!” she called, taking deep breaths to steady herself.

Uno appeared in the doorway almost immediately. “You okay, love?”

Denise nodded, though she looked a bit pale. “Just feeling a bit sick again. But I’m almost done with the bag.”

“Why don’t you sit down for a bit? I can finish up,” Uno suggested, guiding her to a nearby chair.

“Thanks,” Denise said, gratefully sitting down. She watched as Uno expertly packed the remaining items. “You’re getting really good at this, you know.”

Uno chuckled. “Practice makes perfect. Plus, we’ve done this a few times now.”

Denise smiled, despite the nausea. “True. And we’re about to do it again.”

As Uno zipped up the bag, he glanced over at a small duffel bag on the dresser. “Speaking of which, I’ve got our disguises ready too. Can’t have the paparazzi spotting us at the hospital.”

Denise laughed softly. “The joys of being famous footballers. What did you pack?”

Uno opened the duffel bag, revealing a collection of hats, sunglasses, and even a couple of wigs. “I’ve got everything we need to blend in. No one will recognize us.”

Denise looked amused. “You’ve thought of everything. Let’s hope these work.”

Uno grinned, pulling out a large pair of sunglasses. “We’ll be unrecognizable. Plus, I think I look pretty good in these.”

Denise giggled, despite another wave of nausea. “You look ridiculous, but I love it.”

Uno’s smile faded as he noticed Denise’s discomfort. “You sure you’re alright? Maybe you should lie down for a bit.”

She nodded, standing slowly. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”

Uno helped her to their bedroom, where she lay down on the bed. He sat beside her, stroking her hair gently. “We’re almost there, Denise. Just a little longer.”

Denise sighed, closing her eyes. “I know. I’m just ready for this part to be over.”

Uno leaned down, kissing her forehead. “You’re doing great, love. And soon, we’ll have two more little ones to add to our family.”

Denise smiled faintly. “I can’t wait to meet them.”

As she rested, Uno finished up the last of their preparations, making sure everything was in place for their rush to the hospital. He moved quietly around the house, checking on the kids, who were playing in the living room.

Later that night, as they sat together on the couch, Denise leaned against Uno, her hand on her belly. “You know, it still amazes me how we’ve always managed to have twins.”

Uno smiled, wrapping his arm around her. “We must be pretty special.”

Denise laughed softly. “Or just really lucky.”

“Either way, I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Uno said, kissing her gently.

Denise’s face suddenly turned pale again, and she bolted up from the couch, rushing to the bathroom. Uno followed quickly, concerned.

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