Questioning the Captains

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It only been a few days since their win againsts Birmingham and now, everybody is questioning on whats up with their Captain and Co-Captain.

Inside Hypower FC Stadium's team media room, the buzz was all about their Captain and Co-Captain. Jada's question hung in the air, prompting everyone to chime in with their thoughts.

"Anybody catching on Uno and Denise?" Jada asked again, her eyes on Angelo.

Angelo shrugged. "I don't know, maybe they're just acting like best friends. I mean, just look at how Uno and Lance act. The two of them are like clowns when they get the same idea." He glanced at Lance, who was busy with his phone.

Lance looked up, grinning. "Hey, don't drag me into this. Uno and Denise? They're probably just close because of the team."

Matt leaned back in his chair. "Close? They seem inseparable. But then again, Denise is kind of like everyone's big sister."

Maury nodded. "Yeah, but remember that time Uno joked about liking her romantically?"

"Joked?" Lorenzo raised an eyebrow. "Maybe there's some truth to that. I mean, Uno's always been a bit of a mystery when it comes to his feelings."

Meric chimed in, "They do have a special bond, though. You can see it on and off the field."

"Special bond? More like a sibling vibe," Matthew countered. "They're always bickering and teasing each other."

"Exactly!" Tristan agreed. "Like siblings."

Vincent, Uno's cousin, smiled knowingly. "I don't think so. I know Uno pretty well, and there's something different about how he is with Denise."

"Yeah, but he's always been protective of her," Yani, Uno's other cousin, added. "Like a brother would be."

"Or a guy who's secretly in love," Jada teased, making everyone chuckle.

Zoey laughed. "Well, whatever it is, they make a great team. That's all that matters, right?"

Jea nodded. "True, but it's fun to speculate."

Kate and Dara exchanged glances. "Sibling relationship," Kate declared.

"Definitely sibling-like," Dara agreed.

Acel sighed. "Well, whether they're siblings at heart or something more, it's their business. Let's just support them."

Back at Denise's apartment, the atmosphere was cozy and relaxed. Top Gear was on, with Hammond, Clarkson, and May bickering on screen. Denise and Uno sat on the couch, their fingers intertwined as they watched the show. The comfort of their relationship was evident in the small gestures and glances they shared.

Uno nudged her playfully. "You know, I love watching Top Gear with you."

Denise laughed, leaning into him. "Me too. Their antics never get old."

Uno's eyes softened as he looked at her. "You know, I wasn't joking when I said I loved you."

Denise's breath hitched slightly, but her smile widened. "I know, Uno. And I'm glad you didn't. I love you too."

He leaned in closer, their faces inches apart. "You're not just my co-captain or my friend. You're my everything."

A blush spread across her cheeks as she looked into his eyes. "And you're mine, Uno."

The moment hung between them, filled with warmth and love. Denise's eyes sparkled with affection as she squeezed his hand. "But if you think you're getting out of cuddling during the next episode, you're wrong!"

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