Secret life

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Once winter morning, at 1 AM to be excact, we see Uno wearing his iconic navy suit and tie, getting ready with a suitcase. Inside the suitcase were pistols, ammo, an assault rifle and a sniper rifle.

"Imagine that this next assignment would have me sabotage my parents' buisness." He said to himself as he readied to head out.

As he exited his apartment he went into his car and began driving off to his employer's HQ. Once he arrived he scanned his id and entered. As he was inside he went into his office awaiting his assignment.

"Agent Blizzard, we got an assignment for you, this assignment is best suited for you since you are one of our youngest spies, this will have you pretend like a kid who is lost and in a bad position since you can't locate your parents. Enter the building and extract info while you can, we instruct you to use your teleportation, super speed, telepathy, and invisibility powers for the job. If anybody interferes, take care of them. That is all Agent Blizzard, take care." The high raking officer said before closing the holographic call.

Uno adjusted his tie as he exited his office, the briefing still fresh in his mind. The mission was dangerous, but danger was a regular part of his life. He made his way to the garage, his footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.

"Just a routine assignment," he muttered to himself, the weight of his arsenal heavy in the suitcase.

The car ride to the target location was swift, thanks to his skillful driving and the car's state-of-the-art engine. The target was a high-security corporate building in the city center, a front for an underground operation that dealt in illegal arms and information trafficking.

Uno parked a few blocks away, opting to approach on foot. He activated his invisibility, blending seamlessly into the night as he made his way towards the building. He reached the perimeter, noting the guards patrolling with military precision.

"Time to play lost and found," he said, a smirk playing on his lips. He deactivated his invisibility and switched to his child disguise—ripped clothes, dirt-smudged face, and a scared, innocent look.

Approaching the building, he intentionally stumbled into the path of a guard.

"Help! I can't find my parents!" he cried, his voice trembling.

The guard looked confused but sympathetic. "Hey kid, what are you doing here? This is no place for you."

Uno allowed himself to be led inside, all the while scanning the layout and memorizing patrol patterns. As they entered, he saw rows of high-tech computers and armed personnel.

"Stay here, kid. I'll get someone to help you," the guard said, guiding Uno to a corner.

As soon as the guard turned his back, Uno slipped into invisibility, leaving the guard talking to thin air. He navigated through the building with ease, using his telepathy to sense the minds of those around him and avoid detection.

He reached the main server room and began planting a series of small, sophisticated bugs. "Let’s see what secrets you're hiding," he whispered, his fingers flying over the keyboard.

The door behind him creaked open. Uno froze, then slowly turned invisible, moving silently to the side.

Two guards entered, chatting casually. "Did you hear about that shipment coming in tomorrow? Big deal, they say."

"Yeah, all the high-ups are on edge. We gotta be on high alert."

Uno waited for them to leave before reappearing. "Shipment, huh? Interesting." He finished planting the bugs and moved to the next phase of his mission.

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