Another Sick Day (Denise, PT. 2)

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The next morning, Uno woke up to find Denise still nestled beside him, her breathing shallow and her forehead clammy to the touch. Concern flooded his chest as he gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

"Denise, love, are you feeling okay?" he whispered, his voice filled with worry.

She stirred, her eyelids fluttering open slowly. "Hey," she croaked, her voice barely audible. "I think I caught whatever you had."

Uno's heart sank as he reached for the thermometer on the bedside table. "Let me check your temperature," he said gently, pressing the device against her forehead.

Denise winced slightly as the thermometer beeped, indicating a fever. "I feel awful," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Uno's heart ached as he pulled her into his arms, holding her close. "I'm so sorry, Denise. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better."

She leaned into his embrace, seeking comfort in his warmth. "Just having you here with me helps," she murmured, her words muffled against his chest.

They lay together in silence, the weight of Denise's illness hanging heavy in the air. Despite his own lingering symptoms, Uno remained by her side, determined to provide her with the same care and comfort she had shown him.

As the day wore on, Uno did everything he could to ease Denise's discomfort, fetching her water, making her soup, and administering medication as needed. He held her hand, whispering words of encouragement and love, determined to see her through this rough patch.

By evening, Denise's fever had begun to subside, thanks to Uno's attentive care. She smiled weakly up at him, gratitude shining in her eyes.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Uno," she said softly, her voice still hoarse from illness.

He brushed a gentle kiss against her forehead. "Always, Denise. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

And as they drifted off to sleep once more, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that together, they could weather any storm that came their way, their love and devotion guiding them through even the darkest of nights.

As they lay together, Uno gently stroked Denise's hair, his heart heavy with concern. "You need to rest, Denise. I'll take care of everything."

Denise nodded weakly, snuggling closer to him. "Thank you, Uno. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his voice soft with affection. "You'll never have to find out. I'll always be right here."

Throughout the night, Uno stayed awake, keeping a vigilant eye on Denise as she slept fitfully beside him while making strategies for the team. He fetched cold compresses, adjusted the blankets, and whispered soothing words into her ear, his love for her unwavering despite the worry gnawing at his insides.

In the early hours of the morning, as the first light of dawn crept into the room, Denise stirred awake, her fever finally breaking. She blinked blearily up at Uno, a weak smile tugging at her lips.

"Hey," she murmured, her voice still hoarse but filled with gratitude. "I think I'm feeling a bit better."

Uno's face lit up with relief as he brushed her cheek with his thumb. "You had me worried there for a moment. But I'm glad you're starting to feel like yourself again."

Denise reached up to cup his face, her touch gentle but filled with warmth. "Thank you for taking care of me, Uno. You're my rock."

He leaned down to press a tender kiss to her lips, his heart swelling with love. "Always, Denise. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that together, they could overcome any obstacle that came their way, their love for each other a beacon of hope in even the darkest of times.

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