Sleepy Before Stimuli

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As the match againsts Carnforth had concluded, Uno, Lance and Angelo had walked to the bus in their usual suits extreamly sleepy. Their girlfriends helped them into their seats.

Matt saw this and decided to tease the three. "Geez, what happened to you three? Busy doing it with your girls?" He said, Denise, Olivia and Jada blushed heavily, while Avva punched Matt in the arm.

"Uno, you alright? Do you need medication?" Denise asked worringly. Uno just smiled weakly. "I'm fine, Lance and Angelo are fine, it's just that we are tired. The fucking aura took a toll on us." Uno said with Angelo and Lance replying the same point. "Yeah, all we need are some water and soup." Angelo said. "Except Uno. He needs his usual coffee and chips." Lance said jokingly with a glare from his Captain. "Uno, don't worry he is only joking." Olivia said as she protected her boyfriend. "Olivia, I don't think that Uno can actually land a punch right now considering he is tired." Jada said, with Uno nodding slightly before falling asleep on Denise's lap. Denise blushed hard, earning a laugh from Olivia, Avva, Jada and Matt.

As they were laughing, the bus began moving to their accomodation. While they are in transit, Zoey was playing a intense game on her handheld. As the game instensifies, Zoey began emmiting an aura, a similar one from Uno, Lance, Angelo and Denise.

"Uhhh, Zoey? Are you alright?" Jea asked, as if it were lightning, Zoey began glowing in a dark purple. The bus began glowing purple with everybody confused. "Alright, who's is emitting aura right now!?" Coach Alfreds asked in a surprised worried tone. Everybody didn't make a sound.

The team had settled into their rooms, with the exhaustion of the day finally catching up to them. Denise gently helped Uno onto the bed, his light blue hair with the green tuft falling over his forehead as he lay back, already half asleep.

"Denise, I'm fine," Uno murmured, his eyes barely open. "You should rest too."

Denise smiled, brushing a strand of hair from his face. "I'll rest soon. You just relax for now."

Uno gave a weak smile before drifting off to sleep. Denise sat beside him, watching his peaceful face. She leaned down and stole a gentle kiss from his lips, whispering, "I love you, Uno. You did so well today."

Uno stirred slightly but didn't wake. Denise continued to whisper, "You always push yourself so hard for the team. I'm so proud of you." She kissed him again, this time on his forehead.

As she sat back, her fingers lightly traced the new green tuft in his hair. "This color suits you, you know," she said softly, even though he couldn't hear her. "Just like you suit me."

Denise lay down next to him, their fingers intertwined. "I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "We'll face it together, like we always do."

She snuggled closer, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. "Sweet dreams, my love," she murmured, pressing one last kiss to his cheek before finally closing her eyes.

In the quiet room, their steady breathing was the only sound, a testament to the bond they shared. The challenges of tomorrow would come, but for now, they were wrapped in the comfort of each other's presence, their love a soothing balm after a long and tiring day.


Hours later, the room was bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. Denise lay awake next to Uno, an idea forming in her mind. She leaned in close, her breath warm against his ear. "Uno," she whispered seductively, "if you wake up, I might just have my way with you."

Uno stirred, his eyelids fluttering open. He groaned slightly, still half-asleep. "Denise, what are you doing?"

Denise giggled softly, tracing her fingers down his chest. "I was thinking... if you don't wake up, you might miss out on something fun. But if you do wake up," she said, her voice turning playful, "maybe I'll let you be in charge."

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