After Birmingham

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Just a few weeks after their match against Birmingham, the Hypower Eleven were training at their home ground, refining their skills for the next challenge.

"Alright, everybody! Gather round!" Uno yelled, catching everyone's attention. To nobody's surprise, Denise ran up to Uno and latched onto his arm. The others paid no mind, focused on their upcoming match against High Point.

"First of all, fantastic job on the last match. I'm truly proud of what you guys did," Uno said, addressing the team.

"So, why'd you stop us from training apart from complimenting us?" Dara asked. Uno and Denise exchanged a glance, deciding it was time to share their news.

"Apart from compliments and strategy updates, I would like to announce that Denise and I are now officially dating," Uno said. The girls looked baffled while the boys just exchanged knowing looks.

Denise blushed madly, cuddling closer to Uno's arm. She tried to speak, her voice shaky with excitement.

"S-so, any questions? Girls?" Denise asked, looking at the group of girls whose jaws were on the floor, except Jea.

"I have one," Jada said. "When and how?"

"A few weeks ago, actually. And as for how, well, ask the Snow God himself," Denise said, looking at Uno.

"I began to fall for her ever since the Southampton match. And now, I'm glad she's mine," Uno said, tightening his embrace on Denise, making her blush even more.

The girls started giving the couple a bunch of 'awws,' making Denise more embarrassed while Uno remained nonchalant.

"So, Captain. About the whole dating thing, are the two of you going to do 'it' soon?" Angelo asked. Matt raised an eyebrow, confused.

"What do you mean, 'it'?" Matt asked innocently. Everyone began panicking.

"What Angelo means by 'it' is sex," Uno said, making Denise blush even more. Matt blinked twice and asked another question.

"What is sex?" Matt asked. Lance spoke up.

"We are not telling you. You will learn about it soon enough," Lance said.

Matt blinked twice and ran off to find some drinks. As he ran, the girls continued fangirling, making Uno and Denise sweatdrop. Uno signaled to the boys to block the girls' view of them. Once the boys built a human wall, Uno and Denise ran to the exit.

Once outside the pitch, Denise suddenly had an idea.

"Uno, want to have a date right now? Since we ran out, we can go to the ice cream parlor. What do you say?" Denise asked. Uno looked at her, pondering her offer before deciding.

"Sure, I'd love to have a date right now," he replied with a smile.

As they walked to the ice cream parlor, a small kid approached them. "Excuse me, but are you Uno Winter by any chance?" the boy asked. Uno looked at the boy with a warm smile and answered, "Why yes, I am Uno Winter. What can I do for you?"

"OMG, I'm so happy it's you! Can I get your autograph?" the boy said, pulling out a pen and a Hypower hat. Uno signed the hat and returned it to the boy.

"Take care of that hat. You might wear it when you join Hypower someday," Uno said cheerfully. The boy nodded, smiled, and thanked him before walking away, leaving Denise and Uno alone again.

"I'm genuinely surprised at how kindly you dealt with that kid. Usually, you say you hate children," Denise said with a slight giggle.

"Denise, I often joke about hating children because I barely had time to be one. My parents were always too busy for me," Uno said sadly. Denise noticed his tone and knew he didn't want to delve further into the topic.

"Uno, if you ever have anything to tell me, just know that I'm here for you. And don't worry, as your girlfriend, I'm going to make you the happiest man on earth. I'll help you forget the bad memories and make happier ones, I promise," Denise said warmly. Uno gripped her hands tighter, showing he accepted her offer.

When they reached the ice cream parlor, they ordered their usual and sat down in their reserved spot. Being the best team after years of poor seasons had its perks, like reserved spots and requests for autographs and pictures.

"Hey Denise, since we've been together for a while, may I ask, whose apartment are we going to live at?" Uno asked.

"I guess at your place, Uno. Since it's the captain's suite, it's bigger and comfier. Can you help me move my stuff later?" Denise replied.

"Of course, Denise. I'll help you move your stuff whenever you're ready," Uno said with a warm smile. As they enjoyed their ice cream together, they discussed their plans for the future-both on and off the football field.

"Uno, I have to say, being with you feels like a dream. I never thought I'd find someone who understands me so well," Denise said, her eyes sparkling.

"Well, I think we make a pretty good team, both on the pitch and off," Uno replied, leaning in a little closer. "By the way, you look even cuter when you're blushing."

Denise's face turned a deeper shade of red. "Oh, stop it! You're going to make me melt more than this ice cream!"

"That's the plan," Uno said with a wink.

As they finished their ice cream, Uno and Denise walked hand in hand back to the Hypower Eleven's training ground, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead-together.

With the finals approaching, Uno and Denise knew they needed to stay focused and determined. But they also made a promise to each other to cherish every moment they had together, both on the pitch and off.

As they returned to the training ground, they were greeted by the cheers and applause of their teammates, who had been eagerly awaiting their return. With smiles on their faces and love in their hearts, Uno and Denise knew they were exactly where they were meant to be-together, as a team, and as partners in life.

And as they joined their teammates for another round of training, they knew that no matter what challenges might come their way, they would face them head-on-with courage, determination, and the unwavering support of each other.

For Uno and Denise, the future was bright, and together, they were ready to take on the world.

As the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Woking landscape, Uno and Denise knew their journey was just beginning-and they couldn't wait to see where it would take them.

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