Just A Snowy Picnic

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The next morning, the soft, golden light of winter streamed through the bedroom curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. The cozy warmth of last night’s festivities still lingered in the air, creating an atmosphere of serene contentment.

Denise was the first to stir, stretching lazily and turning to Uno with a sleepy smile. “Good morning,” she murmured.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Uno replied, his voice thick with sleep. He reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. “How did you sleep?”

“Wonderfully,” Denise said, snuggling closer. “It’s always better with you here.”

Uno grinned. “I couldn’t agree more. How about we go for a picnic in the snow today? We can pack some hot cocoa and snacks.”

Denise’s eyes sparkled. “That sounds magical. Let’s do it!”

They got out of bed, and Denise stretched, feeling the warmth of the room. "How about a shower first?" she suggested.

"Great idea," Uno said, with a playful glint in his eye.

They headed to the bathroom, shedding their pajamas and stepping into the shower together. The warm water cascaded over them, and Denise giggled as Uno playfully splashed her.

“Hey! That’s cold!” she exclaimed, laughing.

Uno grinned mischievously. “You started it!”

Denise grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some into her hand, then reached up to lather Uno’s hair. “Hold still,” she instructed with mock seriousness.

“Yes, ma’am,” Uno said, standing still but unable to suppress a smile.

After washing each other’s hair and playfully dodging more splashes, they rinsed off and stepped out of the shower, wrapping themselves in fluffy towels. Denise gave Uno a gentle shove. “Go get dressed while I dry my hair,” she said.

“I’ll get the picnic stuff ready too,” Uno replied, giving her a quick kiss before heading to the bedroom.

As they got dressed, they continued their light-hearted banter. “Do you think it’ll snow more today?” Denise asked, pulling on a cozy sweater.

“Hopefully just enough to make everything look magical,” Uno said, adjusting his scarf. “Not so much that we get snowed in.”

“Good point,” Denise agreed. “I’m looking forward to some hot cocoa in the snow.”

Once they were dressed and ready, they headed to the kitchen to pack their picnic basket. Uno started making sandwiches while Denise poured hot cocoa into a thermos.

“Remember to pack extra marshmallows,” Uno reminded her.

Denise rolled her eyes playfully. “Of course. What’s hot cocoa without marshmallows?”

They finished packing the basket with sandwiches, cookies, and the thermos of cocoa. Denise added a couple of blankets for good measure. “Ready?” she asked, looking at Uno.

“Ready,” he confirmed, grabbing the basket. “Let’s go.”

As they walked to the park, the fresh blanket of snow outside turned their usual route into a winter wonderland. They found a perfect spot under a large, snow-covered tree. Uno laid out a thick blanket, and they settled down, sipping hot cocoa and enjoying the serene beauty around them.

“This is perfect,” Denise said, leaning against Uno. “Just us, the snow, and our picnic.”

Uno wrapped an arm around her. “I’m glad you like it. It feels like our own little world.”

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