Valentines Mixup

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As Valentines day came, a few members of Hypower decided to have a date with their significant one.

Uno and Denise had already done their date and are currently relaxing in their office at the Stadium's locker room where they just cuddled and did their Captain and Co-Captain duties.

As Uno and Denise were lounging in their shared office at the stadium's locker room, a comfortable silence wrapping around them as they basked in each other's presence. The soft hum of the air conditioner and the occasional distant cheer from the field outside filled the room. Uno absentmindedly twirled a lock of Denise's hair around his finger, his thoughts drifting.

"That was a great date," Denise said softly, breaking the silence.

Uno smiled, his blue eyes lighting up. "Yeah, it was perfect."

Before they could get too lost in their tranquility, there was a knock on the door. It swung open to reveal Angelo, Matt, and Lance, all looking rather perturbed.

"Uno, we need to talk," Angelo said, his tone serious.

Uno sighed, reluctantly untangling himself from Denise. "Alright, what's up?"

The three boys crowded into the office, each taking a seat. Denise stood up, stretching her arms. "I'll leave you guys to it. See you later, Uno."

"See you, Denise," Uno replied, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before she left the room.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Lance wasted no time. "Uno, we need your help."

Uno raised an eyebrow. "Help with what?"

"Keeping our girlfriends happy," Matt said, frustration evident in his voice. "Jada, Avva, and Olivia are all mad at us."

"Yeah," Angelo added. "They said we're untidy and forgetful. You've never had that issue with Denise. How do you do it?"

Uno leaned back in his chair, considering his response. "I've always made it a priority to be attentive and organized. Denise means a lot to me, so I naturally want to show her that I care in every way possible."

Lance groaned. "Olivia’s been on my case all day about forgetting our anniversary."

"Jada’s upset because I didn't clean up my stuff from the common area," Angelo admitted.

"And Avva... well, she’s mad because I forgot to pick her up after her appointment," Matt said sheepishly.

Uno shook his head, amused. "Guys, it’s all about showing you care. Pay attention to what they say, and make an effort to remember important dates and details. It goes a long way."

Meanwhile, Denise had wandered into the lounge area where Jada, Avva, and Olivia were sitting, each of them looking equally disgruntled.

"Hey, Denise," Olivia said, giving her a tired smile.

"Hey, guys. Rough day?" Denise asked, sitting down beside them.

Jada sighed. "You could say that. Angelo’s driving me up the wall. He’s so untidy!"

"Matt’s forgetfulness is killing me," Avva added, her frustration clear.

"And Lance... I love him, but sometimes he’s just so... clueless," Olivia said, shaking her head.

Denise listened, nodding sympathetically. "I can see why you're frustrated. Uno’s always been really attentive and organized, but that’s just how he’s always been."

"How do you deal with it when he does make a mistake?" Avva asked, looking curious.

Denise smiled. "Honestly, he doesn’t make mistakes often, but when he does, we talk about it. Communication is key. We both make an effort to understand each other’s perspectives."

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