Filming Project

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During one of their school assignments while being on the road was filming a movie based on the R.M.S Titanic.

Once they gotten the news from Coach Alfreds during their break from training for a match against Epping Forrest Academy, Uno and Lance jumped up in delight and began to present the storyboard that they along with Lorenzo had made when they were kids.

Uno and Lance were buzzing with excitement after hearing Coach Alfreds’ announcement about their upcoming school assignment: filming a movie based on the RMS Titanic. The news spread quickly among the Epping Forest Academy football team during their break from training, and the rest of the students were soon caught up in the thrill of the project.

In the midst of the excitement, Uno and Lance jumped up and began to unroll the storyboard they had created with Lorenzo years ago. The intricate drawings and detailed notes covered a large piece of parchment, outlining every major scene of their envisioned film.

"Alright, everyone, gather around!" Uno called out, waving his teammates over. "We've got roles to assign!"

The team crowded around the storyboard, eyes wide with anticipation.

"Let's start with the main characters," Lance said, glancing at Uno. "Uno, you go first."

"Okay," Uno began, pointing to specific names on the board. "I'll be playing Fifth Officer Harold Lowe, Titanic Designer Thomas Andrews, Chief Engineer Joseph Bell, and Senior Marconi Officer John Phillips."

Lance nodded, "And I'll take on the roles of Second Officer Charles Lightoller, Junior Marconi Officer Harold Bride, and Captain Arthur Rostron of the Carpathia."

Uno smiled as he scanned the group. "For Molly Brown, I think Denise would be perfect."

Denise blushed but smiled brightly, "I'd be honored."

Uno continued, "Angelo, you'll play Bruce Ismay. Lorenzo, you'll be Frederick Fleet, the lookout. Matt, you’ll be First Officer William Murdoch. Meric, you’re Captain Edward Smith. Vincent, you’re Quartermaster Robert Hichens."

The boys nodded in agreement as Uno and Lance continued assigning roles.

"Matthew, you'll be Thomas Andrews’ assistant, Edward Wilding. Tristan, you’re John Jacob Astor IV. Sherwin, you’ll be Benjamin Guggenheim. Maury, you'll be 3rd officer Herbert Pitman.  Yani, you'll play Maria Drew, one of the 2nd class passengers," Lance added, jotting down the roles.

"Jada, you’re Lady Duff-Gordon. Jea, you’ll be Madeleine Astor. Olivia, you'll play Violet Jessop, one of the Titanic’s nurses. Dara, you’re Dorothy Gibson, the actress on board," Uno said, pointing to each girl.

"Kate, you’re Ruth Becker, a young survivor. Zoey, you’ll be Margaret ‘Molly’ Brown’s friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Rothschild. Acel, you’re Hannah Abelson another survivor. And Avva, you'll be Kate Buss, the Titanic’s stewardess."

Everyone nodded enthusiastically as they received their roles. The excitement was palpable as the students started discussing their characters and how they would bring them to life on screen.

Later that day, in the costume department, Uno was adjusting his uniform for Harold Lowe. The navy-blue jacket and hat fit him perfectly, making him look every bit the young officer. He turned to Denise, who was already dressed in her elaborate Molly Brown costume.

"What do you think?" he asked, spinning around to give her a full view.

Denise’s eyes sparkled with admiration. "You look incredible, Uno! Like you were born to play this role."

Uno grinned, stepping closer to her. "And you look stunning as Molly Brown. I can't wait to see you in action."

Denise blushed, her cheeks matching the vibrant red of her dress. "Thanks, Uno. I’m really excited about this."

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