Sick Day (Uno, PT.1)

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One November morning, Uno's eyes fluttered open to the sight of Denise peacefully sleeping beside him, her face serene in the early morning light filtering through the curtains. He smiled, grateful for the warmth of her presence. However, a sudden wave of dizziness and a scratchy throat quickly reminded him that something wasn't quite right.

"Morning, love," he croaked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Denise stirred, her eyelashes fluttering as she slowly opened her eyes. "Hey there, sleepyhead," she murmured, a soft smile playing on her lips. "How are you feeling?"

Uno sighed, his throat feeling like sandpaper. "Like I got hit by a truck. But seeing your beautiful face makes it better."

Denise's cheeks flushed pink as she reached out to brush his hair away from his forehead. "You always know how to make me blush, even when you're sick."

He chuckled weakly, the sound turning into a cough. "Sorry, babe. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

She shook her head, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "Never uncomfortable with you, Uno. Now, let's get you feeling better."

As Denise got up to fetch a glass of water for Uno, he couldn't help but admire the way her hips swayed with each step. "You're too good to me, Denise," he said, his voice filled with affection.

She turned back to him, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Well, you know what they say, 'treat others as you want to be treated'."

Uno grinned, feeling a spark of energy despite his illness. "And how do you want to be treated, hmm?"

Denise laughed, a melodious sound that warmed Uno's heart. "Maybe I'll show you later, when you're feeling better," she said, winking playfully.

His cheeks flushed as he watched her approach with the glass of water. "Looking forward to it," he replied, his voice low and husky.

Denise handed him the water, her fingers brushing against his as he took the glass. "Drink up, love. It'll help soothe your throat."

As Uno sipped the water, Denise settled back onto the bed beside him, their legs tangling together beneath the sheets. "You know," she began, tracing circles on his palm with her fingertip, "even when you're sick, you're still the most handsome man in the world to me."

He turned to look at her, his heart swelling with love. "And you're the most beautiful woman, inside and out."

Their eyes locked, the intensity of their gazes speaking volumes more than words ever could. In that moment, despite the illness and the challenges they faced, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm.

By mid-afternoon, Uno felt a bit better, thanks to Denise's tender care. As she sat beside him, checking her phone for updates, he couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence.

"Any news from the team?" he asked, his voice stronger now.

Denise glanced up, a soft smile curving her lips. "Lance just messaged. They're having a strategy meeting tonight and want to video call us in. Think you're up for it?"

Uno nodded, determination shining in his eyes. "Absolutely. I want to be there with them, even if it's just through a screen."

Denise's smile widened. "That's the spirit, Uno. Let's get you ready, then."

With Denise's help, Uno sat up a bit straighter, feeling a surge of energy at the thought of reconnecting with their friends and teammates.

An hour later, they were both propped up in bed, the laptop open in front of them as they joined the video call with the Hypower Eleven. The familiar faces of their friends greeted them, each one filled with concern and warmth.

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