Giving The Contract

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The next morning, Jea and Kate decided to take some time for themselves. "We need a break from all the training and strategy talks," Jea said, stretching her arms.

Kate agreed. "Yeah, some R&R will do us good. Let's head out early and enjoy the day."

As the day went on, the team continued their intense training with Olivia fitting in seamlessly. Her skills and dedication were evident, and the team began to see the potential she brought to Hypower.

During the afternoon session, Uno called for a break and gathered everyone together. "Alright, team, it's time to integrate Olivia into our hissatsu combo moves. We're going to run some drills and see how she fits into our existing formations."

Denise took charge of the drills, demonstrating a complex pass sequence that culminated in a powerful shot. "Olivia, watch closely. This is our 'Thunderous Chain' move. It's all about timing and precision."

Olivia nodded, focused intently. "Got it, Denise."

As they started the drill, Olivia quickly picked up the rhythm, her movements fluid and precise. Tristan passed the ball to her, and she executed the combo move perfectly, her shot hitting the back of the net with a satisfying thud.

"Excellent, Olivia!" Uno called out. "Let's try the next one."

They moved on to a defensive hissatsu move called "Iron Wall," where Olivia had to coordinate with the defenders to block an incoming attack. Despite being new to the team, Olivia's natural athleticism and quick thinking made her an invaluable addition to the formation.

After several successful drills, Uno called for a huddle. "Great work, everyone. Olivia, you're fitting in perfectly. Let's keep this momentum going."

The team continued their intense practice, honing their skills and refining their strategies. By the end of the day, everyone was exhausted but satisfied with their progress.

Later that evening, the team returned to their accommodations after a long day of practice. They were surprised to find Jea asleep on the couch with the movie "Tetris" playing on the screen, while Kate was fast asleep at the dinner table, her head resting on her arms.

Uno took charge. "Hey, guys, let's get Jea and Kate to their rooms so they can sleep properly. Lance, Angelo, can you help me out?"

Lance and Angelo nodded, gently lifting Jea from the couch. "Careful, don't wake her," Lance whispered as they carried her to her room.

Angelo chuckled. "She must have had a really relaxing day."

Meanwhile, Uno and Matthew carefully moved Kate from the dinner table. "She looks so peaceful," Matthew remarked, trying not to laugh.

Once Jea and Kate were settled in their rooms, Uno and Denise gathered the team. "Alright, everyone, we have an important announcement," Uno said, glancing at Denise who smiled encouragingly.

Uno continued, "Olivia, you've shown great promise and dedication today. Denise and I have talked, and we'd like to officially offer you a spot on Hypower."

Denise handed Olivia a contract. "Welcome to the team, Olivia. We can't use the number 7 because Dara's got it, and number 17 is reserved for Uno. But we'd like to offer you the number 80 jersey."

Olivia's face lit up with excitement as she took the contract. "Thank you so much! I won't let you down. Number 80 is perfect."

The team cheered, welcoming Olivia with high fives and pats on the back. "Congrats, Olivia! You're officially one of us now," Tristan said with a grin.

As the team began to wind down for the night, Uno and Denise stayed up a bit longer, discussing strategies for their upcoming match.

"Olivia's going to be a great asset," Denise said, leaning over the table where their playbooks were spread out. "We just need to figure out the best way to integrate her into our existing formations."

Uno nodded. "Agreed. I think we should start with some basic drills tomorrow and see how she meshes with our midfield. Also, we need to work on our defensive transitions."

Denise took notes, her brow furrowing in concentration. "Right. And we can't forget about our new hissatsu move. It's almost ready, but we need to perfect it."

After a while, Denise looked at Uno with a playful glint in her eyes. "Enough strategy talk. It's time for bed."

Uno smiled, feeling the weight of the day lifting. "Yeah, you're right."

As Denise got ready for bed, she playfully threw her jogging pants, shirt, and jacket at Uno. "Catch!" she giggled as he caught her jacket and shirt, missing the pants which fell to the floor.

Uno laughed. "Nice throw. Here, let me help." He handed her the pajama bottoms and then draped his Hypower jacket over her shoulders.

Denise traced the name "Winter" embroidered on the jacket with her fingers. "I love this jacket. It always makes me feel close to you."

Uno smiled, pulling her into a hug. "And I love seeing you wear it. It suits you."

Denise leaned up and kissed him softly, her lips lingering on his. "You're the best, Uno. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Uno held her close, their foreheads touching. "And I feel the same way about you, Denise. You're my rock."

They flirted playfully, exchanging light-hearted banter and tender kisses. Denise ran her fingers through Uno's hair, pulling him closer for a deeper kiss.

Uno responded, his hands gently tracing her back. "You know, Denise, every moment with you feels like a dream."

Denise smiled, her eyes sparkling. "And I never want to wake up from this dream."

As they finally settled into bed, Denise snuggled close to Uno, her head resting on his chest. "Goodnight, Uno," she whispered, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

"Goodnight, Denise," Uno replied, kissing her forehead. "Sweet dreams."

Denise sighed contentedly, her fingers intertwining with Uno's. "I love you, Uno."

"I love you too, Denise," Uno whispered back, his voice full of sincerity.

With that, they drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever challenges the next day would bring.

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